The students who drew the numbers came to the corresponding cooking table according to the numbers in their hands.

In this way, they would know who they were teamed with.

This test not only tested luck but also the ability to work in a team. However, if anyone could work with the top masters in the first year of high school, then their chances of winning would be very high. In this case, teamwork would have nothing to do with them.

Of course, for most ordinary students, this is still important.

The ability of one person to handle food ingredients is certainly not better than that of two people. However, how can two people who have never worked together before work together sincerely? This is also a difficult point.

"Number 9." Fang Lin came to the cooking table according to his number, but to his surprise, there was already someone there.

"Alice, you are also number 9. Fang Lin smiled and said

"Yes." Alice Nakiri smiled awkwardly,"Lin Jun, as for breakfast, I will make it for you next time. It will definitely be a dish full of love."

"I thought you forgot that you were hiding on the bus just now. Fang Lin smiled.

Just now on the bus, Alice Nakiri huddled in a corner, as if she was afraid that Fang Lin would notice her presence. However, it was useless for such a big person to hide, as she would definitely be seen.

""Hehe." Nakiri Alice laughed to cover up her guilty conscience. She was really embarrassed this morning because she tossed and turned until very late yesterday and woke up the next day.

As for Fang Lin's breakfast, there was no chance to make it.

"Just remember it, but have you thought about what snacks you need to make?" Fang Lin suddenly said

""No." Alice Nakiri shook her head quickly. She did have many desserts in her mind, and these desserts should be able to pass this test. After all, Alice's molecular cuisine is also very powerful.

Now that she is teamed up with Fang Lin, Alice can't make a decision casually. Alice knows that Fang Lin's cooking skills are much better than hers, so Fang Lin will make the decision this time.

"Is that so?" Fang Lin smiled slightly,"Then Alice, come and help me to make this new dish, the dessert I recently developed."

"What kind of snack is that?" Alice asked curiously.

"Yokan." Fang Lin said calmly.

""Yokan?" Alice Nakiri was slightly puzzled. She certainly knew what yokan was.

The earliest yokan was a soup made from mutton, which was cooled into jelly and served as a side dish. Later, it was introduced to Japan with Zen Buddhism. Since monks did not eat meat, they mixed red beans with flour or kudzu powder and steamed them. Therefore, yokan in Japan gradually evolved into a jelly-like food made from beans. Later, with the development of tea ceremony, yokan gradually became a famous tea snack.

Alice knew that the yokan that Fang Lin was talking about was not the kind of mutton soup, but the yokan that was finally formed into a snack. After all, the theme of this time was snacks, not a meat dish.

"You should follow my instructions step by step. My left hand is injured now. Fang Lin said, looking at his bandaged left hand.

"OK, got it."Alice Nakiri nodded. She wanted to see what kind of yokan that Fang Lin was developing.

Fang Lin looked at the groups of other people. To his surprise, several familiar people were grouped together. Megumi Tadokoro and Erina Nakiri were together, and Soma Yukihira and Takumi were together. This combination did look a bit strange. Takumi wanted to deal with Soma Yukihira all the time, but now they have become partners.

And the timid Megumi Tadokoro actually stayed with the tsundere queen-type Erina Nakiri. It was difficult for Megumi Tadokoro.

Because Megumi Tadokoro is still in a nervous state.

At this moment, Roland Chaper continued,"Now that everyone knows who their companions are, let's start within three hours. If you complete the snacks that satisfy me, then they will be able to pass this test."

"The ingredients you need are in the food storage behind you. You can choose them at will and make your own dishes according to your choice."Roland Chaper looked at the students below,"Then let's start cooking."

As soon as Roland Chaper finished speaking, these students came to the food storage and looked at the ingredients here.

Many snacks and desserts are available here, but most students have a headache about how to match a dish that will satisfy Teacher Roland Chaper according to the ingredients here.

They dare not go and take the ingredients to cook a dish casually.

In this way, if Teacher Roland Chaper is not satisfied, they may not have time to continue to make other snacks.

So it seems that this time is still long, but if you really do it, you will not have time to try the second snack.

When others were having a headache choosing, Fang Lin looked at the ingredients in front of him and smiled. The ingredients for his yokan are all here, which is a very good thing. Otherwise, without those ingredients, Fang Lin would not be able to complete that dish out of thin air.

"Okay, Alice, let's go get some of the ingredients I just mentioned." Fang Lin said

""Okay." Nakiri Alice nodded and ran to the food store lively, picking out the ingredients Fang Lin needed.

Soon, the two of them finished selecting the ingredients. They returned to the cooking table and planned to start making this dish.

""Erina-san, what kind of snacks are we going to make?" Tanadore Megumi said nervously. To be honest, it was mainly because of the state Erina usually showed that she would make Tanadore Megumi nervous.

""Tadokoro-san, let's make a cake." Erina Nakiri watched Fang Lin and Alice choose the ingredients and said slowly.

""Okay." Tanaka Hui nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

"Then let's go pick out the ingredients." Erina Nakiri took a step and turned to look at Megumi Tadokoro,"Also, Megumi Tadokoro, you are quite capable, just don't hold me back."

""Erina-san, I understand." Tadokoro Megumi also cheered up.

Yes, this time it was Erina who was working with her on the dim sum.

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