The students were slightly confused by Gin Dojima's speech, but they still listened carefully.

They were surprised to hear that almost half of the students were eliminated in this residential training. They nodded secretly when they heard the qualifications required of the chef.

Now listening to Gin Dojima's words, they thought of what happened in the past few days and the test. Perhaps this was the test given to them by Totsuki Academy.

At this moment, the students listened to Gin Dojima's speech with full concentration.

Gin Dojima continued,"The more you pursue perfection, the more confused your steps will be, and the destination will become more and more distant. There may be some people who will find themselves stopped at the top of the mountain when they look back, or even lost their way home."

Listening to Gin Dojima's words, Fang Lin's eyes moved slightly. These words may be about Gin Dojima in the past, or they may also be told to him, or even to those students who are at the top of the first grade, because if you walk too fast and too far, you will think that you have reached the top of the mountain, and then you may stop moving forward.

"But, Senior Dojima, how do you know? I already have the most accurate guiding light." Fang Lin smiled faintly.

Yes, Fang Lin's culinary data display allows him to know the growth of his strength at any time. Fang Lin knows that he is still far away. Not to mention that he still has many intermediate abilities that have not been improved, even if he is at the top level, he only has one kind of knife skills, and he has not even reached the god-level ability.

In this regard, talent is ahead, but talent will not be directly displayed in a certain aspect, such as Fang Lin's god-level cooking heart.

"But this time, it's the God-level God's Hand." Fang Lin pondered, this God-level talent might be more direct, and the ability to target the hand is very useful.

"Let's wait and see." Fang Lin looked at Dojima Gin on the stage,"Perhaps, Senior Dojima, we can meet soon."

"However, I hope you don’t forget that in Totsuki, there is a group of companions who have left their footprints in the same wilderness as you, and this fact will encourage you who will soon embark on a journey alone."Dojima Gin took a deep breath and said,"Then I sincerely hope that you will have good luck in martial arts. Then, let's start the last stage of this training."

Hearing this, the students came back to their senses. It was finally time for the test of hell. At this moment, all the students felt like they were going to collapse.

The five days of residential training had already stretched their spirits to an extreme. Now they were holding on with their last breath, and now this last breath seemed to be about to collapse.

But suddenly, a door in the hall slowly opened.

The service supervisor and many waiters who had been seen before stood at the door and nodded to the students.


This sudden situation made the students a little stunned. What happened? What was going on.

And Dojima Gin's next words explained the matter very well,"To all the 610 surviving students in the channel, congratulations on passing all the subjects of the training. The last part is a small banquet to celebrate the end of the training. Please enjoy it."

"It's like this

"Great, it's finally over, ahhh……"

Dojima Gin's words instantly ignited the passion of the students. They didn't expect the truth to be so pleasing. They passed the test of this training camp.

Yes, we passed. This is the most real thought in the hearts of all the students present.

They can continue to stay in Totsuki Academy, continue to learn, and move forward towards their goal of becoming a chef.

"Okay, everyone, please take your seats."Dojima Gin looked at these crazy students and smiled slightly. He also thought of his student life in the past. Perhaps at that time, he was also like these students, feeling the joy of passing the test.

"Next, please enjoy the full feast composed of dishes prepared by the graduates."Dojima Gin waved his hand and pointed to the banquet hall next to him.

This made the more than 600 students go crazy. The dishes cooked by the Totsuki graduates were something that ordinary people could not enjoy.

Because these graduates were independent, they all had their own restaurants and their own chefs. It was unimaginable for them to come together to cook together.

"I am so touched. Perhaps we are the only ones in the world who can eat such food."Marui Zenji said excitedly, and then his soul left his body in an instant,"It is so great to be alive."

"Marui has ascended to heaven." Yoshino Yuki expressed her surprise, and asked if Marui Zenji could not be so exaggerated every time.

Yoshino Yuki would sometimes think that Marui Zenji would really die in the end.

"Everyone, come on." Fang Lin smiled at his friends who were playing around and walked into the banquet hall.

They sat together according to how they knew each other.

"However."Fang Lin looked at the two people beside him,"Alice, come over here, I don't think it's a big deal, Erina, why did you come over here?"

Now Fang Lin's table is full of familiar faces, Fang Lin, Alice, Erina, Tadokoro Megumi, Mito Yumei and others, while Yukihira Soma, Marui Zenji, and Ibusaki Shun have already gone to another table.

But before they left, they looked at Fang Lin with an apologetic look.

Honestly, Alice and Erina made them leave helplessly, so Fang Lin should just bear it all silently.

"What?"Erina Nakiri said calmly,"I just saw that the food at this table is more delicious."

Well, after hearing this answer, what else can Fang Lin say? The dishes on each table should be the same, right?

"Lin Jun, how is your arm now?"Nakiri Alice looked at Fang Lin's bandaged arm.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine after a few days of rest. Fang Lin said with a nonchalant smile.

"Fang Lin, if you have any questions, you can come to me."Mito Yumei interrupted

""Lin Jun, these things are delicious." Tian Suohui's face was full of happiness.

Fang Lin looked at the girls around him and smiled. Just as he was about to put the food in his mouth with a knife and fork, a pair of white jade arms wrapped around his neck.

"Ah la."

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