In a cooking building.

Fang Lin and Mito Yumei's beef rice bowl slowly came to an end.

Nakiri Erina naturally saw the whole operation of the two people, and slowly said,"Hisako, who do you think will win the final victory in this competition?"

"This."Xinhu Hisako looked at the two of them and guessed,"It should be Lin Jun. His cooking skills are really amazing. Although Mito is an expert in meat dishes, Lin Jun will not be weak in this area."

"Hisako, do you know what supports Mito's meat cooking path?"Erina Nakiri said

"It's the control of the meat." said Niito Hisako

"That's a little bit correct." Nakiri Erina shook her head."Mito Yumei's greatest skill is her slenderness. Lips are the most sensitive part of the human body to heat, but even so, only she can tell the correct temperature through her lips. You also give her hands, and her calm kindness to the flesh, just like a pianist playing a smooth piece of music.""

"I see." Niito Hisako nodded.

"Although Mito is very proficient in this area, that bastard is even more terrifying."Erina Nakiri's expression changed slightly,"You can see that the bastard processed the ingredients very quickly."

"Yes." Feishazi nodded.

"This is the precise grasp of the ingredients by that bastard, which is a combination of experience, talent, and technology."Erina Nakiri said unwillingly,"Even if it's me, I can't do this, but that bastard can do this."

How could Erina Nakiri have thought that Fang Lin had this virtual kitchen, which could continuously increase her practice of her cooking skills and continuously improve herself?

"That means Mito-san." Niito Hisako hesitated.

"That's right, Mito's so-called slenderness is like a newborn baby in front of Fang Lin's strength, and she has no strength to resist at all."Said Erina Nakiri.

While Erina Nakiri and Hisako were commenting on the two's skills, Fang Lin and Mito Yumei also finished their own dishes.

"I'm done." Mito Yumei took out a dish of her own and placed it on the table. The beef on this dish was blooming like a flower, and it was very impactful.

"This is my A5 Wagyu beef rice bowl." Mito Yumei said

"I've also finished, ordinary beef rice." Fang Lin also served his own rice bowl, with a whole piece of beef on top, as if it had not been processed at all.

"This is your rice bowl dish, it's just ordinary beef rice bowl."Mito Yumei said as she looked at Fang Lin's dish.

"Erina, try these two rice bowls and see which one is better. Fang Lin said with a smile

"Please, Miss Erina."Mito Yumei said

"Let me take a look."Erina Nakiri first came to the dish of Mito Yumei. She was afraid that if she ate the dish of the scoundrel, she would not have the slightest interest in Mito Yumei's dishes.

Although the dish of the scoundrel looked ordinary, Erina Nakiri, who had watched the whole process, would not think that it was just that.

"As the top grade A5 beef, you didn't damage its taste during cooking. You also paid attention to the angle of the fire when grilling the meat, so that the gravy inside was more evenly distributed. The rice fried with butter and cream is also very good."Erina Nakiri picked up a piece of beef and put it in her mouth, and then commented.

Miss Erina's praise made Mito Yumei confident. After all, she is very good at cooking meat dishes.

"Then try the dish"Stinky Rogue"."Erina Nakiri looked at the dish in front of her,"Is the secret of this dish in the meat?"

Taking a deep breath, Erina Nakiri gently picked up the meat along the grain. The piece of beef melted like water, countless gravy flowed out, and white hot steam came out.

"This smell." Nakiri Erina held the cooking table with one hand. The dish made by this bastard was the same as before, which made Nakiri Erina unconsciously show shame.

"The entire gravy was locked in the whole piece of beef, and the aroma of the gravy was completely transformed at this moment."Erina Nakiri put down her chopsticks and gently scooped a little into her mouth with a spoon.

"What."Erina Nakiri opened her eyes wide.

At this moment, the fresh aroma of the gravy completely burst out in her mouth. The tender beef melted in her mouth, just like eating ice cream, meat ice cream.

A large amount of gravy splashed in her taste buds, and the soup overflowed. This warm gravy flowed directly into her mouth and into her stomach. A warm feeling of satisfaction rose from her stomach.

"This is rice."Erina Nakiri continued to scoop a spoonful and put it into her mouth. She just chewed it a little, and the whole piece of meat wrapped in the rice turned into gravy. The aroma of the gravy directly changed the diners' neural cognition.

It will make people mistakenly think that the beef rice in their mouth is like drinking top-quality beef dishes.

They can't stop at all.

Every grain of rice is also wrapped in the aroma and mellowness of the beef gravy. This is not rice, this is beef. At this moment, the beef and rice are like one. Erina Nakiri ate this dish, and she felt a great sense of satisfaction in her mind and stomach.

This is a double enjoyment of the body and the mind.

The taste is as if Erina Nakiri came to the kingdom of beef. She lay freely on the ground formed by the beef. This is the taste of happiness.

There is no doubt that this is a perfect beef rice.

""Hoo-hoo." Nakiri Erina's face flushed. This dish made her lose her composure again. But why is this stinky hooligan's food so delicious?

"Although I have admitted that the scoundrel is very powerful,……"Nakiri Erina looked at the smiling Fang Lin and said,"Why do you always bring something new every time?"

"Is this your belief in becoming a king?" Nakiri Erina's expression flickered with reluctance.

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