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In a room in an office building of Totsuki Academy.

Many lecturers of Totsuki Academy gathered here, and Roland Chapelle was one of them.

He was known as the lecturer who never laughed in the academy.

The first class Fang Lin took after entering the academy was Roland Chapelle's class, but at the end, Roland Chapelle was deeply impressed by Fang Lin's cooking.

"Today has finally come to this moment." One of the lecturers said

"Let's inform the students." Roland Chapelle said calmly.

"The notification will be completed today." One of the lecturers said.

Hearing this, Roland Chapelle nodded, walked to the window, slightly opened the blinds, and let in a few rays of sunlight.

"This is the initial point of difference between the up-and-coming newcomers and the laggards."Roland Chapelle said to himself.

At the same time, he thought of that student, the transfer student who was now famous in the academy.

"Fang Lin, I am looking forward to your wonderful performance in the test."


Early morning.

Room 301, Pole Star Dormitory

"Lin Jun, Lin Jun, I want to ask you to do me a favor."Ise Hui's voice echoed in the room.

"Help." Fang Lin yawned, wiped his sleepy eyes, and saw the alarm clock next to him. He was speechless,"I say, Senior Isshiki, today is a day off, what are you doing getting up so early?"

"So it's because it's a day off."A grid was directly removed above Fang Lin's ceiling, and the head of the familiar senior Yi Se appeared.

"Please, Lin Jun."Isise Hui said gently

"Okay, but Senior Isshiki, please don't suddenly appear from the ceiling next time, okay?" Fang Lin was speechless.

Was this Isshiki Hui's instinct or habit? Could it be that he was indeed a pervert?

"The main reason is that the ceiling is closer to Lin Jun."Ise Hui said gently, and then left.

"That's true." Fang Lin was stunned,"I remember that Senior Isshiki lived on the second floor, but I live on the third floor. It's really hard to understand the perverted world."

However, after being woken up, Fang Lin didn't continue to sleep. He got up, dressed and washed up.

"Lin Jun, have you been called up too?" Yoshino Yuuki hurriedly greeted

"Oh, it's Yuuki and Soma-kun. Looking at the two people in front of him, he smiled and said,"You were also called up by Isshiki-senpai."

"Yes, Senior Isshiki asked us to harvest vegetables in the fields in front of us."Yoshino Yuuki nodded.

"Then Lin Jun, let's go to the back together."Yoshino Yuuki said

""Okay, let's go straight over." Fang Lin nodded.

"However, Isshiki-senpai actually grows his own food, which is amazing."Soma Yukihira said as he walked.

"There are many people like this in Polaris Dormitory. Ryoko is good at cooking with salt koji and has a special studio near the dormitory. Ibusaki makes his own wood for smoking. I also want to breed a breed like Polaris chicken like the French Breskey, so I raise broilers."Yoshino Yuuki said, stretching out her hands,"And here, the center run by Senior Isshiki, has a vegetable garden with more than a dozen kinds of vegetables."

Fang Lin looked at the vegetable garden and sniffed it gently. He could feel that the ingredients here were well grown. It seemed that Isshiki Hui had taken good care of this place.

"Yeah." Fang Lin looked at the fields not far away, and a figure holding a hoe loomed in the distance, and the familiar outfit.

Naked, wearing only pants, a white Hui

"Good morning, Yoshino-kun, Soma-kun, Lin-kun. Morning activities can keep your body and mind active and healthy. Let's sweat together."Isshiki Hui stood in the field, and the breeze blew, blowing Isshiki Hui's crotch.

At this moment, Fang Lin, Soma, and Yoshino were like messy in the wind. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible to easily accept Isshiki's performance.

"Hello everyone, look at me, I have harvested so many vegetables."Tadokoro Megumi, dressed in simple clothes, appeared in front of everyone. She already had many vegetables in her basket.

"Everyone, come with me over here." Isshiki Hui led everyone to the other side of the field, where they would deal with the situation.

"Everyone knows that as a chef, one must have a certain understanding of the growth of ingredients, because this is an important part of cooking learning."Isshiki Hui introduced,"Come, Lin Jun, Soshin Jun, try this."

Isshiki Hui gave two tomatoes to Fang Lin and the others.

Fang Lin took a light bite, and the juicy and sweet tomato spread in his mouth. Then he smiled and said,"Senior Isshiki, your tomato is better than the tomatoes sold on the market. It is simply the best tomato."

"Oh, actually, I've been focusing on this and haven't been attending classes lately." Isshiki Hui said awkwardly

"I think with Senior Isshiki's ability, there are very few lecturers in Totsuki who can help you." Fang Lin said while eating a delicious tomato

"That's not necessarily true, Linjun, the scope of being a chef is too broad, maybe there are things I don't know about it." Isshiki Hui smiled gently,"And even someone as capable as Linjun is constantly working hard to learn, isn't he?"

"Really?"Fang Lin smiled.

His goal is the world, not just Yuanyue Academy. Yuanyue Academy is just a stepping stone for Fang Lin.

"Okay, let's all come and help."Isshiki Hui said loudly.

Then Fang Lin, Yoshino Yuki, Yukihira Soma, Tadokoro and others began to pick the ripe vegetables of Isshiki Hui, and later, Ibuzaki Shun, Sakaki Ryoko and others also came together and happily did farm work together.

"Everyone, it's time for lunch." Tadokoro said while holding the lunch box.

"Then we won't be polite." Fang Lin and the others opened the lunch box, which contained the rice balls specially made by Tansho Hui. They picked up the rice balls and ate them happily.

""Huh." After drinking a bowl of tea, several people felt the peace.

Tanaka Hui's cooking has such power. ps: (The devil will continue to prepare for the liver tomorrow, please support me)_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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