100,000 yuan, after paying off this month's online loans, credit cards and other arrears, there are only less than 10,000 left.

Jiang Yan instantly had a clear understanding of the money he currently had to repay every month.

Even if he takes out a loan to maintain the loan, he has to repay at least about 50,000 a month.

With so much money, who can stand it!

Fifty thousand a month, he didn't dare to think about it.

His monthly income in this hotel has exceeded 10,000, and it is now a problem.

In addition to meeting such a nobleman as Gao Huamao.

Forget it, it's useless to think too much.

Jiang Yan completely lay flat in the face of so many debts.

Because it was beyond his understanding.

He plans to seriously find a way to earn money to pay off debts now, if he really can't pay it, he will be overdue, and what else can he do, and he can't die.

The bridge to the bow of the boat is naturally straight, there is no way to go, there is always a way.

Jiang Yan believes that there is a system, and the dishes he makes are so delicious, and the business of the restaurant will definitely get better and better.

I hope to earn money to pay off my debt every month.


Seeing that it was time to leave work, An Feibai took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his girlfriend, asking her to have dinner together in the evening.

Just go to the restaurant he found last night.

So delicious sauerkraut fish, although the price is a little expensive for him, but it is still very good to take his girlfriend to a date to eat.

So after work, An Feibai went to pick up his girlfriend from work and go to the restaurant to eat.

At the same time, Wan Siqi also made an appointment with two girlfriends, and met at the restaurant again for dinner.

Then there was the scene that Jiang Yan was happy to see.

In the hotel, together with the creditors who came for dinner, there were many tables of people.

The saltwater duck he made was swept away, and the guests ate cold vegetables first, waiting for the freshly made sauerkraut fish to be served.

"I didn't expect that Jiang Yan not only made sauerkraut fish deliciously, but also saltwater duck, which is more fragrant than the taste of a brine restaurant."

The creditors ate saltwater duck while drinking wine and discussed enthusiastically.

"Where does the saltwater duck in the brine restaurant have this fragrance."

"It's better than the local saltwater duck I went to Nanjing to eat, which is famous for making ducks there."

"Good, good, very drinking."

A few hours have passed, compared to the saltwater duck that has just come out of the pot in the afternoon, it has cooled down at this moment, and the meat texture has changed, which is an authentic cold dish.

At the beginning of the summer dinner, drinking beer with saltwater duck, which man can resist.

Women can't refuse either.

Good saltwater duck, tearing the duck skin, is the perfect diet meal.

Wan Siqi beckoned the two girlfriends to eat quickly, and did not forget to stuff duck nuggets into her mouth.

"It's delicious!"

"I haven't eaten sauerkraut fish yet, I actually think today's meal is worth it."

The little fish was surprised to eat the saltwater duck.

As a local, when did Dongshi have such an authentic and delicious restaurant? How did she not know?

Xiaomei is the one who is the most shocked.

The first time she had eaten such delicious food, it was no less shocking than the feeling of seeing the sea for the first time.

"How? Is it tasty? "

Wan Siqi looked at Xiaomei who did not speak and asked.

She is very excited at the moment, there is a kind of she found the treasure herself, and then recommended it to her girlfriends, and the girlfriends also liked it very much, and she was really happy!

Xiaomei nodded in agreement, looking very excited.

"I haven't eaten such a delicious saltwater duck, so tender, how can it not smell fishy at all, I remember I drank old duck soup once before, and then it was fishy, a smell of earthy, and I didn't even eat the duck in the back, I found it very difficult to eat, woody and fishy, but this saltwater duck is really amazing, the tender bite has juice spraying out, and it is full of fresh aroma, no fishy smell at all, delicious crying!"

Xiaomei gushed endlessly, enough to express her shock.

"The chef cooks well, the ingredients are estimated to be good, the duck is very fresh, the taste itself is obvious, the saltwater duck is not heavily seasoned, and there is a light feeling when eating, highlighting the umami of the ingredients themselves, not good ingredients do not have such a fresh taste."

Xiaoyu loves to eat, has eaten a lot of delicious restaurants, and usually posts his own shop visit on social accounts, explaining a set of things.

The three ordered half a saltwater duck and shared a duck with An Feibai and his girlfriend next door.

Compared with the dinner of his girlfriends, the atmosphere at An Feibai's dinner table with his girlfriend was not very pleasant.

Only An Feibai was chattering alone during the whole process, and his girlfriend was eating while playing with her mobile phone with her head down.

"Such a delicious saltwater duck can't block your mouth, and you still have time to talk."

The girlfriend was annoyed by the nagging, and said in a very angry tone with a frown.

It hit An Feibai all at once.

An Feibai closed his mouth awkwardly, and his expression was not as bright as just now, but he was still very happy to see his girlfriend eating saltwater duck one after another, seeing that she loved to eat.

"Then I won't talk to disturb you to eat, you can eat more if you like."

Saying that, he also pushed the saltwater duck to his girlfriend reluctantly, closer to her, and it was convenient to eat.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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