Feeling the changes in his body, Jiang Yan didn't want to save money.

Hiring! Must recruit!

Can't you do it all over again, and suddenly die at a young age in order to pay off the debt, right?

He is now a systematic person, who has not yet achieved financial freedom, and has reached the peak of his life, where he is willing to die.

Jiang Yan got up and packed up and came to the store.

On the way, I also picked up the blackboard and brought it to the store.

The eldest piece, moved back into the store, tired and panting.

Whenever this time I hate those post stations, since there are post stations, the express has never been delivered to my home, and I have to go to the post station to get it.

Even if the small piece is fine, the large piece is really hurtful, and I don't consider whether I can move it or not.

The blackboard is custom-made according to the size of the wall.

Jiang Yan nailed the wall and hung it.

Then, in the corner of the large blackboard, write the recipes in order.

Rice/2 yuan

Rice / 5 yuan

Egg fried rice / 18 yuan

Sauerkraut fish (small portion 86 RMB / medium portion 128 RMB / large portion 168 RMB).

Saltwater duck (whole 198 yuan / half 99 yuan).

Eggplant pot with fish aroma / 48 yuan

Yes, the recipe you got at today's check-in is a fish-scented eggplant pot.

With yesterday's egg fried rice in front, Jiang Yan was very satisfied.

In a small corner, I wrote several lines of recipes, and it looked much more formal than the recipes written on paper.

After a while, the ingredients purchased in the morning were also delivered.

"Boss Jiang, the dishes have been delivered~"

The delivery master moved boxes of exquisite ingredients to the door, Jiang Yan answered, sorted out the packaging garbage on the blackboard on the floor, threw it into the garbage bin outside the door, and then moved the ingredients back to the kitchen.

A box of long tender purple eggplants, hanging with water droplets, as if they had just been plucked from the ground.

One pound each of green onion, ginger and garlic, are all necessary seasoning dishes for cooking.

There are also 20 authentic farmhouse lake ducks, bought less before, Jiang Yan can kill alone, this time I bought more and chose the option of slaughtering and leaving duck miscellaneous.

Jiang Yan sometimes feels that this system is like an app, you can buy many things such as ingredients, recipes, skills, etc., and live animals can also selectively help with slaughter, which is very convenient.

If it were cheaper, it would be even better.

If the fish is in the back kitchen, there is a water tank, buy live fish to raise, and kill it when you use it, the taste will be better.

It doesn't matter if the duck is there, the saltwater duck has to be made in advance, and it has to be processed when it is delivered, and there is no need to buy live ducks.

Buy the processed one, he also saves a little trouble.

After all the ingredients were moved back to the kitchen, the saltwater duck was still made first.

Then prepare the dishes.

When it was ten o'clock, the dishes were almost ready, and Jiang Yan also felt hungry.

Without hesitation, he also planned to eat egg fried rice.

The rice I use today is overnight rice.

After boiling the oil, scoop a spoonful of white lard into the middle of the pan, and after a while the lard melts at high temperature.

Knock a local egg and stir clockwise with a drop of lost cooking wine.

When the white smoke burns by the side of the pot, it falls down all at once.

The moment the egg liquid was poured into the oil pan, it suddenly made a "prick" sound.

The egg liquid bulges up quickly, swelling into bubbles.

After stir-frying the aroma, pour in the rice, add some green onion and salt to stir-fry, and then the heat is ready, the egg aroma, green onion aroma, rice aroma fused together, you can come out of the pot and eat.

It's still a bowl of flavorful egg fried rice.

Scooping up a large mouthful of steaming air and sending it into his mouth, Jiang Yan was immediately stunned.

Although it was burned to the point of being part of it.

But the deliciousness in your mouth is also really fascinating.

The first time I ate a simple egg fried rice, I had a warm feeling.

The loose rice is delicious with the aroma of eggs and chives.

The egg is a piece of golden and red color, tender and fragrant in the mouth, it is the kind of burnt aroma that is fried dry, it really can't be described.

Eaten with rice in the mouth, it is chewy and has a taste that is perfect.

When the taste of rice and eggs is extreme, egg fried rice is the protagonist, not a side dish.

When people eat it, they can't think of rice and eggs, and there is a more perfect match for egg fried rice.

Just one word, fragrant!

After a while, a large bowl full of egg fried rice was wiped out by Jiang Yan.

A delicious pairing is always a classic.

Egg fried rice is a classic rice dish paired with eggs.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Yan didn't want to move comfortably, leaned on the recliner behind the cash register, and shook his legs happily.

Job postings posted at the door also play its part.

This kind of recruitment of waiters, two thousand eight a month, the work of packing meals, does not need to be recruited on the app.

Because the people who use the app to find a job are basically young people, and the elderly people can't use it, how can young people look at the waiter job of 2,000 eight a month?

So just post a job posting at the door.

People who have ideas and need the job will come into the store and apply.

He is not a big hotel, he needs a façade, just recruit middle-aged female waiters, stable and diligent.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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