Then the aroma of egg fried rice covers the taste of fish-scented eggplant, and the two flavors do not conflict or be compatible, but their respective aromas are very prominent.

The deliciousness of egg fried rice completely subverts An Feibai's cognition of egg fried rice.

The rice alone, the main ingredient, is amazingly delicious.

Loose rice, grain by grain, eggs are also piece by piece, not fused together, but each delicious food, mixed and eaten in the afternoon, chewing, taste and taste double stimulation, people can't help but fall in love with eating.

One bite after another, several large mouthfuls in a row, before the delicacy of the egg fried rice was suppressed and the hunger was solved.

Feel a little satisfying feeling.

Then in the bite of eggplant.

The eggplant that was left for a while was not as hot as just now, and the lubricating taste of the eggplant strips was more obvious.

With a sip and a suck, you can easily suck out most of the soup, and then chew a little, slippery tomato skin, stewed to soft and rotten eggplant, grainy minced pork belly, and minced soft pepper gradually mixed together, but with a clear sense of layering, without reducing the aroma of any ingredient itself.

An Feibai's eyes became brighter and brighter, full of satisfaction.

Jiang Yan fish fragrant eggplant is not fried, to achieve this soft and rotten taste, all by the few minutes poured into the casserole stew.

It makes the eggplant meat soft and rotten, but also absorbs the taste of the soup and the freshness of the pork belly, which is delicious and surprising.

After eating, I use soup to mix rice and eat it with eggplant, and then add a touch of rice and egg aroma to the original salty aroma, and the double delicious blessing, one bite at a time can not stop.

After eating a plate of dishes and a bowl of egg fried rice that were wiped out, An Feibai came back to his senses.

This feeling of being fully engaged in eating is really something I have never experienced before.

There was not a trace of distraction.

Unlike eating with a girlfriend, everything delicious is given to the girlfriend first, and there are distractions during the meal, and diners pay attention to the girlfriend's situation.

See if she likes to eat, whether she has taboos, whether she wants to drink water, and so on.

As a result, on every date, he couldn't eat enough and waited to get home and continue to eat instant noodles.

Speaking of which, how long had it been since he had eaten a meal so seriously and satisfied?

For the first time in the two days since the breakup, he felt that breaking up did not seem to be a difficult thing to accept.

In an instant, An Feibai heard the movement of guests coming outside, and he didn't think about it, and quickly put the finished dishes and chopsticks on the sink, wiped his mouth and went out to work.

At this time, the store also began to fill the store.

There are not only dine-in customers, but also takeaway orders from creditors.

After Gao Huamao opened the precedent of food delivery, creditors seemed to open the door to a new world.

Every day when it comes to dinner, I start ordering.

"Okay, a fish-flavored eggplant pot and a rice bowl."

Wan Siqi nodded and found a place to sit.

Since the last time she came to eat once, she has been in love with the food she came to the restaurant again.

Finally, today it was her turn to rest, so she went out and ran to eat.

I can't wait to call my girlfriends together in the evening.

While waiting for the food, she looked around.

Unconsciously looked at An Feibai's gaze, smiled awkwardly, and lowered his head to play with his mobile phone.

By the way, show off with your girlfriends that you are having lunch at the Hao Zai restaurant.

Usually a worker, how can he eat in a restaurant every day.

So after the last time the three girlfriends finished eating, they haven't come to eat.

Until today, Wan Siqi came to cook first.

"There is a new dish today, I ordered a fish-flavored eggplant pot, and I will tell you if it is delicious after tasting it."

After 11 o'clock, Xiaomei and Xiaoyu have not left work yet.

Wan Siqi was already waiting to eat.

This move is full of hatred.

Immediately got the crusade of his girlfriends.

"Well, you actually carried us behind our backs to eat delicious, it's simply not human!"

"Hand over the food and don't kill!"

"Oh my God, I don't know what takeaway to eat at noon, I also want to eat the good and come back dish, that sauerkraut fish simply makes me fall in love."

Wan Siqi saw that her girlfriends were crying wolves, and she was a little embarrassed.

Later, under the pity of his girlfriends, he promised to send them food after eating.

Wan Siqi looked at the price on the blackboard and hissed distressedly.

But I still ordered a fish-fragrant eggplant pot and rice for my girlfriends.

An Feibai made a good order here, and the order was spit out in the kitchen.

Jiang Yan took the time to look at it and did it together.

After it was done, Wan Siqi's portion was served first.

Jiang Yan is packing the two orders packaged.

Then put it on the pick-up table and ring the bell.

An Feibai walked over to fetch the food and delivered it to the guests' table.

Jiang Yan continued to cook.

There will be more people who will eat, and An Feibai will also run back and forth.

Shuttling between the tables with dishes, seeing customers enter the restaurant, and warmly saying a warm welcome.

Although he didn't work as a waiter, he must have eaten out, and he didn't see a waiter.

This will adapt very well and integrate perfectly into the new profession.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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