Ji Ming: ...

There was a silence, Ji Ming wanted to say, don't look at me, I know a little bit earlier than you!

"I don't know this, I also came to eat with friends and knew about this restaurant."

"The owner seems to know my friend, I'll come back and ask you."

Hu Hou heard that Ji Ming was also unclear, and he was suddenly a little disappointed, but then he saw that he could know the owner of the hotel, and it was also possible.

"Then trouble you, by the way, you brought the contract, there is no problem, then sign it."


The people on Ji Ming's company were still listening to the two bosses talking about the restaurant chef one second, and the next second, the topic turned to the contract.

Although the two sides have met many times, the details have been discussed almost, and the contract has been drawn up, but is the speed of signing too fast?

The strange is not that it is rumored in the circle to cooperate with Liu Hou, you must eat well, as long as you eat well, the chance of cooperation negotiation is greater.

Ji Ming had expected the other party's cheerfulness.

For this cooperation, he was already very confident, the cooperation chat is almost the same, now there is a signing step left, the dinner is to promote the signing, the meal is delicious, as soon as I am happy, I will sign it immediately.

I'm not happy, it's just that the signing steps are slower and grind more time.

Ji Ming smiled and stretched out his hand like an assistant.

The assistant was also very discerning in handing over the contract.

Hu Hou took a simple look and handed it to the person in the company's legal department, and the two sides were confirming the terms one by one, making sure that there was no problem, and began to sign.

"Nice to work with."

"Nice to work with."

Until the signing was completed, Assistant Ji Ming was still a little in a trance.

Is it that easy to reach a cooperation?

When talking about cooperation before, even if the details were determined, but when it came to the step of signing the contract, it was always a disaster, either the other party wanted to bargain or deliberately dragged out time, etc., in short, it would not be as smooth as it is now, eat a meal, and sign directly.

After coming out of the hotel and sending Hu Hou a group of people away, Ji Ming had time to look at his mobile phone.

Dozens of messages have been swiped in a small group.

After a brief look, Ji Ming transferred a big red envelope to Gao Huamao.

Gao Huamao received 20,000 yuan in transfer red envelopes, and everyone was stupid.

I'm dripping obediently, why did Brother Ji suddenly transfer money?

It won't be sugar-coated shells, right?

He just ate with the subordinates at noon and sent photos to Brother Ji, and in the evening, Brother Ji went to Brother Jiang's to eat by himself, and also learned them to send photos to show off in the group!

He saw that the photo had begun to feel weak.

This will Ji Ming send a big red envelope over, how terrifying it is!

Frightened, Gao Huamao immediately knocked on the phone.

"Brother Ji, why did you suddenly transfer money to me, did something happen?"

Ji Ming listened to his voice and knew that this person was weak in heart, and the corners of his mouth smiled and hooked an arc.

"Invite the customer to dinner today, go to the good and come to the restaurant, the customer is very satisfied, signed a big order, and sent you a red envelope."

Hearing the reason, Gao Huamao was happy, Ji Ming's red envelope was just right.

But he filled the membership card of Jiangyan Hotel with all his pocket money this month.

I am worried that I have no money in my hand, do I want to go home to pit money, and the rain will come in time!

"Hahahaha, I ordered it at the restaurant, and the dishes made by Brother Jiang are delicious."

"I tell you, in the future, if you invite customers to dinner, you will go to Jiang Ge to ensure that the customers are satisfied."

Ji Ming raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and he knew in his heart.

But he also pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Brother Jiang? "

"Brother Jiang is the owner of the restaurant, and the dishes are also made by him."

"Would it be convenient for me to introduce me?" Mr. Hu, the other company, was very interested in the chef who made the dishes and wanted to get to know him. "

"Then I'll help you ask Brother Jiang."

Gao Huamao thought of Jiang Yan's current hotel situation, as well as the debts he owed, if he could realize that some rich bosses, they had a lot of meals, they all had to spend money to eat, why couldn't they all come to Brother Jiang to eat.

And the entire East City can't find a better place to cook than Brother Jiang.

"Okay, wait for your news."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Huamao couldn't wait to send a series of messages to Jiang Yan, crackling and describing the matter.

After waiting for the meeting, seeing that Jiang Yan did not reply to the news, he knew that the store must still be busy.

Just tell Ji Ming and tell him when there is news.


Inside the hotel, it was nine o'clock, and there were three tables of guests eating.

Jiang Yan looked at the time and felt that no one would come to eat, so he began to clean up the kitchen.

The dishes and chopsticks in the pool have not yet been washed.

He really had to wash the dishes after cooking.

There are many people tonight, and when he is busy, he cooks and takes time to wash the casserole.

The eggplant pot has to use a casserole, and the local chicken soup also has to use a casserole.

There are not many casseroles stored in the store, and the withdrawn casseroles have to be recycled, so you need to free your hands to clean them.

Now that there are more and more customers, if he wants to completely free his hands to cook, he needs a lot of manpower.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yan sighed again.

To put it bluntly, there is a lack of money for two!

If he is not short of money, he has to hire two cooks, and the dishwasher must also be arranged.

The cashier has to recruit one separately, and An Feibai can't be busy alone when the waiter is busy, and at least two people are enough.


The more I think about it, the more worried I get....

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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