The two female college students at the next table looked at Guo Hao's happy face, and they didn't use chopsticks in the back, and directly held their hooves and nibbled on them.

Crazy saliva for the two to see.

Their sauerkraut fish has not yet arrived, and they can only watch others eat it.

After a while, the short-haired girl couldn't help it and poked the long-haired roommate next to her.

"Yuanyuan, you see that elbow is not big, just two, is it suitable for the two of us to eat?"

She said as she spoke, her mouth still swallowing, her eyes full of longing.

The aroma of gold and silver hooves is really spit out, and it can stand out in the sour and spicy appetizing sauerkraut fish and the rich and fragrant local chicken soup, which is not inferior, which shows how rich the aroma is.

In addition to Guo Hao's eating appearance, he held his elbow and gnawed like that, giving others a lot of gluttony.

"It makes sense, let's have a luxury today, eat up today's and tomorrow's food expenses, and just lose weight."

The long-haired girl couldn't resist the temptation, and directly beckoned the waiter to add dishes after speaking.

Not far away, the old Jin couple saw them adding gold and silver hooves, and they couldn't resist asking for one.

The two of them have already ordered a sauerkraut fish and eggplant pot, and neither dish can be eaten.

But now their dishes are not yet served, and they can only see Guo Hao's sweet food, which is not good.

"It's a big deal to order a dish, can't finish eating, take the bag back to eat at night, and just happen to come at night."

Since the two of them ate the dishes that came to the restaurant again, they didn't cook at home at noon, and they went to the restaurant every day.

The son's marriage house was bought at an early age, the car is also available, the son himself works in the field, the salary is also considerable, there is no girlfriend at present, and there is no need to worry about marriage.

In addition to saving his son's salary for marriage, the rest can be spent on it.

Although he has not reached the age of retirement, he has worked for most of his life, and the money for eating at the restaurant is still taken out.

"Just don't waste it."

Neither husband nor wife is reluctant to spend money.

After a while, this batch of gold and silver hooves was served together.

A bucket of gold and silver hooves in the kitchen is in place, directly into a casserole, heated until tumbling and bubbling state can be served.

At the same time, orders delivered outside can also be delivered.

The riders were all waiting at the front desk for a while.

This kind of work in the body, so far has not eaten food, smells the pervasive aroma in the air, is simply inhuman torture.

It was not the first time that Ding Jianchen came to the restaurant to pick up food.

They don't have as many riders as the takeaway platform in the same city, and they basically deliver orders for self-operated merchants, and the order volume is not so large, and there are not so many riders.

For some businesses or addresses, remember it after a few more trips.

It was an accident to come to the hotel again, and he was shocked the first time he came.

Because when you open the glass door to take food, you can smell the mouth-watering fragrance, but the time of the meal is the time of his work, and there is no time to sit down and eat a good meal.

I can only endure the dark waves and continue to work.

No, it's so fragrant!

The pain of watching others eat and deliver food to others is really unbearable.

Ding Jianchen decided to finish this order and come over to eat when he came back, and he couldn't send a few fewer orders today.

I have to eat this delicious food!

When An Feibai came out with several meals, he looked apologetic, "I'm sorry to wait for a long time, today's delivery order is a little too much, before I eat." "

"It's okay, brother help me reserve a place, I'll come back to eat after delivery, and I will ask for a new dish from your store and a sauerkraut fish!"

Ding Jianchen saw that now, there were the most people ordering these two dishes, and they looked very delicious, and he couldn't wait to send them away, so he sat down to eat directly.

An Feibai was rarely stunned, and the hand carrying a series of bags was hesitant.

"Huh? Oh, okay, I'll keep your order and wait for you to come and serve you. "

After reacting, An Feibai immediately dealt with it.

Look at how beautiful these words were, didn't you see that Ding Jianchen's eyes lit up.

"That's great, I'll be back right after delivering my meal!"

He didn't delay, and immediately rushed out with a few bags.

An Feibai didn't have time to sigh twice, and immediately rushed back to serve the dishes at the bell from the kitchen.

"Here it comes~"


Compared to the noon traffic of the previous days.

After a few days of business, today's noon traffic is comparable to the peak evening traffic.

Jiang Yan was in the kitchen, it was a bench, a stove, and even a change.

The order issuer is still counterfeiting.

Looking at the black fish in the tank, you can't kill it!

At this moment, in less than a minute, Jiang Yan had already killed a fish with a knife, clean and clean, and did not drip blood.

There were too many fish killed, and he had no mood swings.

This craft can compete with the chefs who kill fish professionally in the vegetable market.

"Boss, boss, the guest asked if there is any saltwater duck miscellaneous?"

Jiang Yan generally makes saltwater duck first, and only after the saltwater duck is done will he make saltwater duck miscellaneous.

Because the duck miscellaneous portions are not much, there is no recipe at all, and only regular customers find this hidden menu.

When Jiang Yan heard An Feibai's words, he took the time to look at the duck miscellaneous in the iron bucket, and the fire had not yet arrived, so it was not tasteful.

"No, it's going to take another hour for the duck miscellaneous."


An Feibai got the answer and ran to communicate it to the guests.

As soon as he heard that there was no duck miscellaneous, the familiar customer sighed in disappointment, he didn't like to eat saltwater duck so much, just that mouthful of duck miscellaneous, duck miscellaneous with wine, the more you drink, the more you have.

He looked at the extra dishes on the blackboard and hesitantly ordered a clear soup with noodles.

I was shy in my pocket and wanted to eat food, so I could only save some food.

"Okay, Uncle Wang, you do it first, I'll go and place an order for you."

Uncle Wang is also a resident of the nearby community, and when he is old, he lives alone, he can't cook, and he basically eats every meal.

Although a pair of daughters are not around, each has their own family work, but one person will give him a thousand living expenses every month.

Two thousand yuan a month before it was not spent.

But since eating a good meal at the restaurant, I feel that the money is not enough.

Three meals a day to buy food outside, plus the price of coming to the restaurant is not cheap, but you are not shy.

But Uncle Wang feels that he has reached this age, and he doesn't know how many years he has to live, so he can't eat what he wants?

This little appetite can not be satisfied, so what is the point of living.

After a while, An Feibai brought a large bowl of clear soup to Uncle Wang with hand-rolled noodles.

In the crystal clear soup, white noodles nest together, an egg covers it, and green onions dot it.

The aroma of lard and pepper is particularly pronounced, which makes people can't help but work up an appetite.

Under the influence of a crowd of sauerkraut fish, local chicken soup, gold and silver hooves and other vegetables, this bowl of noodles can be said to be a clear soup and little water, but the refreshing aroma is not inferior.

"Big fish and meat every day, come to this bowl of clear soup hand-rolled noodles, but don't change it, how can young people know how to eat!"

Although Uncle Wang did not order, this bowl of noodles was also delicious and happy.

The chewy noodles have a taste, but they are not hard, but they are very digestible to eat, which is very suitable for his old man's appetite.

A mouthful of clear soup and noodles, hand-rolled noodles cooked out did not have the sticky feeling of flour, but was refreshing and refreshing, and it was cooked with a lot of effort.

This lard is also fragrant, no need to guess, you know that it is boiled with pure lard oil, and it is very fragrant.

The unique meat aroma of lard is a must-have ingredient for eating clear noodle soup.

A mouthful of soup, the effect of pepper, warms the whole stomach.

Especially Uncle Wang's good wine, three meals a day, eating steamed buns must be accompanied by wine, the wine drunk in the morning, by noon has not woken up, but was sobered up by this bowl of clear soup noodles, comfortable no.

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