Leicester City defeated strong opponents in the English Championship one after another, including Wigan, Blackburn, Blackpool and other strong teams, and the entire English Championship was terrified!

Some English Championship media even exclaimed:"I'm afraid only Premier League teams can stop them!"

Lin Mo's ability to create 2 goals per game has almost become a nightmare for all coaches of English Championship teams!

They sent scouts to investigate Lin Mo frantically.

In addition to fans and reporters outside the training base, almost all scouts from other teams came to inquire about the news.

And the coaching staff of each team is working day and night to study the confrontation strategy.

Leicester City has become the public enemy of the entire English Championship.

Everyone is studying Leicester City and Lin Mo!

Because he is the core of Leicester City's rise this season!

The original Fox City was an 80-point team. Lin Mo's magical performance instantly raised the team to 110, directly crushing all other teams.

According to Lin Mo's scout analysis report, he does not have an advantage in physical confrontation, running speed, physical fitness, etc.

Lin Mo's main advantage lies in: top ball protection ability. Generally, the ball is at your feet and it is difficult to be snatched away except for fouls. As long as you dare to stretch your feet to steal the ball, you can form a breakthrough.

Master-level ability to create opportunities. He may perform mediocrely most of the time, but he will suddenly make a fatal pass and create threats.

Top defensive ability in the Championship. At first, Lin Mo was just fierce and accurate in tackling, but later even his defensive positioning became top-notch.

So much so that after the 5th round, Leicester City conceded 0 goals!

3:0 Wigan, 2:0 Blackburn, 3:0 Blackpool, 2:0 Barnsley, 2:0 Yeovil, 1:0 Doncaster! In the games where Lin Mo was on the field, 0 goals were conceded!

Indirectly helped goalkeeper Schmeichel create a record of 566 consecutive minutes without conceding a goal in the Championship!

It was not until the 12th round of the Championship, when Leicester City played away against Huddersfield, that their record of not conceding a goal was broken.

In the end, Leicester City defeated Huddersfield 3:1 at home.

In the first half, Leicester City led the opponent 2:0.

Lin Mo scored a long shot outside the penalty area and scored his 7th league goal, temporarily ranking second in the Championship scorer list.

In addition to assists, the team is also gradually developing his scoring ability!

Then he planned an attack and indirectly helped the team to lead by 2 goals.

However, in the 60th minute, Lin Mo was fouled by the opponent continuously. For the purpose of protection, the head coach replaced him.

As a result, Huddersfield scored a goal and ended Schmeichel's clean sheet record.

Whether it is fans or coaches, they can clearly feel that after Lin Mo left the field, the team was like two different teams.

The originally solid midfield barrier began to loosen, and the offensive end was also a bit headless and disorganized... Everything went back to last season.

This game seems to have given some inspiration to other Championship teams. In addition, the research results of the Derby County coach before have gradually been known to other teams and have almost become an open secret of the entire Championship.

They began to frequently create tactics targeting Lin Mo's weak links.

If the confrontation is insufficient, the confrontation will be crazy strengthened. Even if there is no ball, there will be someone who stays with him and keeps entangled with Lin Mo to consume his physical energy.

And they will arrange fast players to mark Lin Mo, even if he passes, they will quickly stick to him.

Try to avoid Lin Mo's defensive range when attacking, use more passes to coordinate Lin Mo's position, and seek deadly threats...

But this is difficult for the Championship team, they are not good at passing and controlling.

The most excessive one is the foul tactic, or the"logging tactic".

This is a dirty trick used in European football against a core player.

Every time Lin Mo gets the ball, he will be fouled at the first time.

In leagues such as La Liga and Bundesliga, doing this may be easy to get a yellow card, but this is the Championship, and rough fouls are commonplace.

Many yellow card actions in the top leagues were not even expressed by the referee, which also led to more and more bold defensive players.

With Leicester City completing 12 consecutive victories, the Championship team is getting worse and worse!

Even the head coach had to replace Lin Mo, which shows how dirty Huddersfield played.

They also paid the price of 7 yellow cards and 1 red card.

At the post-match press conference, Leicester City coach Nigel Pearson cursed in front of the media.

"They are simply a bunch of butchers! They should all be sent off! The referee was too lenient in enforcing the law today, and he turned a blind eye to many fouls!"

"Lin is just an 18-year-old young man, he is just a child, is he necessary to be so cruel?"

"Why has the technology in the English Championship been unable to improve? It is because there are too many meaningless rough fouls, which makes it impossible for technical players to survive!"

"You will ruin this genius by doing this!"

Leicester City fans were also very excited. In anger, they rushed to Huddersfield's official Twitter account, causing their Twitter account to directly shut down comments.

There were even unknown hackers who hacked into Huddersfield's official website and left words such as"barbarian","butcher" and"can't afford to lose" on the website.

Huddersfield was in the wrong in this matter, and their fans' stubborn rebuttals basically triggered siege.

The English Football Association also imposed a three-match ban on Oliver Norwood, the red-card player who committed the worst foul, and finally calmed the controversy.

Because from the slow-motion replay, Oliver Norwood made a tackle After knocking Lin Mo down, he even wanted to kick him in the ankle!

Lin Mo dodged in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Huddersfield's logging tactics gave other teams a solution. In the 13th round of the Championship, Bournemouth, who played at home, took the initiative to give up possession of the ball and the rhythm of the midfield.

Their entire team learned from Atletico Madrid and adopted the mad dog tactics, not going for the ball, but specifically going for the people!

In just the first 20 minutes, the game was interrupted nearly 10 times, and people were almost falling down at any time, and the scene was fragmented!

The referee's standards were also out of control, and a total of 13 yellow cards were issued throughout the game!

Leicester City later He also got carried away and started to retaliate.

Even the good-tempered water-drinking guy received a yellow card for his elbow.

Because the opponent was too much, Lin Mo's blood boiled, and he tackled Bournemouth midfielder Mark Hugh to the ground with a chariot tackle.

Lin Mo handled it very well. It was just a hard injury and would not cause any substantial injury.

Mark Hugh rolled on the ground in pain, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Lin Mo changed.

Lin Mo received a yellow card, and

Bournemouth's foul tactics also calmed down a little.

However, due to the frequent confrontations between the players of both sides, Leicester City's offense could not be launched, and

Lin Mo's physical strength was also greatly consumed.

He not only had to use the chariot Tackle, all-round interception and defense. He also needs to expend physical energy to make all-round passes and plan attacks, and physical confrontation and running without the ball consume too much of his physical energy, so that after 70 minutes, Lin Mo was on the verge of his physical limit!

Before he left the court, he almost used up all his strength to send a super long pass of 70 meters in the backcourt.

Vardy received the ball and scored a goal, and

Leicester City led 1:0!

Unfortunately, after Lin Mo was substituted, Leicester City's drinking brother was sent off for a defensive foul and received the second yellow card. In the 82nd minute of the game, Bournemouth completed a header from a free kick in the frontcourt and tied the score at 1:1.

In the end, the two sides shook hands and made peace.

Leicester City's 12-game winning streak came to an end, and the 13-game unbeaten streak continued.

In the post-match interview, Lin Mo said:

"Winning streak is a kind of pressure for the whole team. Everyone only focuses on the winning streak and ignores the football itself, which leads to the deformation of skills and makes it easy to get carried away."

"The opponent took advantage of this and frequently used fouls to irritate us."

"I think it's normal. It's a good thing for young players to have blood. In the next game, they should be able to concentrate on football itself."

"Because the next game is against Watford! We were eliminated by them last season, it's time for revenge!"

"We, the Foxes, are invincible!"

As soon as Lin Mo said this, the entire English football world went wild again!

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