Chapter 214 I promise you that I will take the Champions League trophy back!!

Etihad Stadium.

The £150 million stadium, the fifth largest stadium in the UK, is the home of Manchester City.

The stadium can accommodate 55,097 people watching the game at the same time, which is not too big

After all, Barca’s Camp Nou Stadium can accommodate 100,000 people, and the Etihad Stadium does seem much smaller in comparison.

Although small, what makes the entire Premier League laugh the most is that the stadium is often not full.

It was ridiculed by the entire Premier League as the most empty home.

But today it is overcrowded.

55,097 seats are packed.

There were more than 20,000 people gathered outside the Etihad Stadium, and they were not able to grab tickets to enter the stadium, so they could only watch Su Chen’s joining signing ceremony and debut ceremony here.

At this moment, on the big screen outside the stadium and inside the stadium, the signing ceremony has begun.

The player signed today is not only Su Chen.

Several other signings will join us.

First started Real Madrid’s transfer of defender Cantona. Take the form of signing and then raise your jersey to take a photo.

Everything is proceeding steadily.

Su Chen was ranked last.

After the B seat finished the ceremony, Su Chen stood up and walked onto the signing stage.

Club CEO Mubarak Guardiola got up to greet and shake hands with Su Chen.

Especially Guardiola.

This bald man is happy at the moment like a milk egg.

The smile on his face has never been closed.

“Sue, I promise you will never regret your decision!”

Guardiola swore with conviction.

With the financial resources of Manchester City’s big boss, Guardiola completed the shot in the summer window completely according to his own team-building ideas.

The idea of team building that he talked about when chatting with Su Chen before, the skeleton has been built.

His next job was to quickly put the whole team together.

With the 990s, he led the team to the Premier League championship and the Champions League.

“Welcome Sue! His Royal Highness the Prince couldn’t come in person for some reason, and he asked me to tell you that he welcomed you and felt that you would definitely be able to have a good time here, enjoy football, and no one would disturb you here! ”

Mubarak brought the words of the big boss.

The meaning expressed by the big boss is very simple.

Here, Su Chen will definitely not have the troubles of where Barcelona is.

“Thank you! Tell His Royal Highness the Prince for me that my arrival will also make him happy! ”

Su Chen replied confidently.

Mubarak was visibly stunned.

Obviously, it was the first time that Su Chen answered so confidently.

But then he started laughing.

To be honest, he liked Su Chen’s personality, and he liked Su Chen’s self-confidence even more.

Moreover, Su Chen did have this strength.

Both parties sat down and began to sign the contract.

This signing is actually a formality, and the real contract has long been signed, and the reporters are crazy to take pictures.

After completing the signing process, the staff presented the jersey with Su Chen’s name printed on it.

SUCHEN! Number 7!

The number that symbolizes the absolute main force is the number worn by Su Chen in Barcelona and the Blue Eagles!

Although there is only one season, unconsciously, everyone has subconsciously connected No. 7 and Su Chen.

Aguero had offered to give up the number 10 shirt and wear the number 9 himself.

Because the number 10 is the number that represents the core, he is willing to give it to Su Chen, after all, Su Chen came to kick the core!

But Su Chen directly refused and chose the No. 7 jersey.

Aguero is his brother, and Su Chen doesn’t really pay special attention to numbers.

So he chose the size 7 that he wore all the time! Another photo spree.

The signing ceremony officially ended.

“After the signing ceremony is completed, Su Chen will pass on his number 7 shirt in Barcelona and the Blue Eagles to compete in the new season!”

Huang Jianxiang was also on the scene and broadcast the whole process live.

[It’s really interesting!] 】

[Sterling went to Barca to pass Su Chen’s No. 7, Su Chen came to Manchester City and passed No. 7, and the two clubs have a tacit understanding]

[Indeed! If there is no 200 million termination fee and no 100 million transfer fee, the two clubs are estimated to be more willing to have a tacit understanding! 】

[Stop pulling it! ] Barça absolutely scolds the street! Swapping Su Chen for Sterling is definitely a loss]

[I lean! ] Don’t look down on Sterling, people are also Golden Boy Award, the top scorer in the Premier League, the ceiling is really not worse than Su Chen! 】

[Big brother, don’t you understand balls? Can Su Chen and Sterling compare? 】

[Exactly! ] Two people are not a rank at all! 】

[A player who has excellent dribbling breakthrough, the fastest La Liga, the world’s number one pass, and can also kick a world wave, a player who also has breakthrough ability, poor dribbling, bad passing, pure striker and spitting pie, is comparable? ] 】

[To be honest, Sterling’s worth is more or less a bit of the British Emperor Star in it, and his value is inflated by 20 million! ] 】

[To be honest, I really don’t know what to think, using the position of Stirling’s top NM is simply not qualified! ] 】

[Den Bele Sterling chooses one, Sterling also seems to be the best choice! ]

“Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the Etihad Stadium!”

“Fans, please cheer and let us welcome the first player, Danilo!”

The DJ yelled out his name, the fans responded and the stadium resounded with a danilo.

Danilo ran out of the tunnel with a roar.

Several other signings in the passage are also here.

A patient with social cow comparison syndrome in B saw Su Chen walking over, and directly ran over and couldn’t help but say a big hug.

“Fantastic Sue! I knew you were coming to Manchester City and we could play together in the new season! ”

B Xihaha smiled: “It is estimated that the position where you can play is more free, you always feed people bread, this time De Bruyne and I can also let you try the taste of eating cake.” ”

“When the time comes, our BS connection will definitely be able to shock the entire Premier League!”

Su Chen grinned as he listened.

Fortunately, this guy put the letter b in front, otherwise if it is reversed, it is more or less rude.

SB connection, more or less difficult to talk about! Players – play.

Su Chen finally stayed up until this guy appeared in the B seat, and the root of his ears was a little more relaxed

Thinking that it is very likely to play football with such a social cow in the future, play for a season or even play for a few years, Su Chen felt a terrible feeling!

This guy is so talkative!……


“We’re going to have the most exciting time next!”

“Last place, I think I shouldn’t have to pay too much!”

“Although he is still 10 days away from reaching 20 years old, he has already received many honors!”

“Triple Crown! Golden Boy Award! Assist King! Champions League top scorer, double winner of assists! Wait…”

“He’s got these accolades in just one season.”

“He’s a young genius, he’s a superstar now, he’s the best newcomer, he’s the number one midfielder in the world, he’s the child of miracles!”

“Fans, please use your loudest voice and join me in calling his name.”

“Su Chen!!”

“Su Chen!!!!”

“Su Chen!!”

“Su Chen!!!”

The sound of mountains roaring like a tsunami spreads like a sea of mountains.

It was with this sound that Su Chen ran out of the player tunnel.

He waved with open arms to all the fans in the Etihad stands.

The fans in the stands did not disappoint Su Chen, and they expressed their love and welcome to Su Chen in the warmest way.

In the words of Manchester City fans, we can’t buy Cristiano Ronaldo, we can’t get Messi, but we have ushered in another world first, a young world first.

A super genius who has at least fifteen years left in his career and will definitely become a superstar in the future.


Cheers fell.

Su Chen walked to the center of the stadium and set up a temporary stage.

The beautiful host straightened her waist, picked up the microphone, and began a simple interview with Su Chen: “Su…”

“Su Chen ~ Su Chen Su Chen Su Chen ~ Su Chen ~ Su Chen ~ ”

But as soon as she spoke, she was interrupted by the Manchester City fans in the stands who were singing Su Chen’s song.

She suddenly laughed a little embarrassed.

To be honest, in front of such a super handsome guy as Su Chen, this kind of embarrassment made her feel a little shy, and her face turned red in an instant.


After the singing ended, the host continued the interview.

“Welcome to Manchester City!”

“How are you feeling now?”

Su Chen shrugged: “Very happy!” Passionate fans, I feel like home! ”

“Is there anything you want to say to the fans?”

The moderator continued to ask questions.

Su Chen smiled and pointed directly to the sky: “The sky in Manchester is blue!” ”

In an instant, the Etihad Stadium exploded, and a sensational scream sounded.

Nothing makes the fans happier than that!

“Also! I came to Manchester City for three things! ”

Saying that, Su Chen stretched out three fingers: “Champion!” Champion! It’s a champion!! ”

“More than the FA Cup, the Premier League, I promise all of you that I will take the Champions League trophy back! Club World Cup! Super Bowl! ”

“Wait to celebrate the triple crown, the sixth crown!”

After Su Chen finished speaking, he remembered that the Premier League also had a League Cup, and if all the championships should be seven, he hurriedly corrected it.

“Oh! No! It’s the Seven Crowns!! ”



“Blue Moon!!!”


Manchester United Club Office.

Mourinho simply turned off the TV.

“Arrogant fellow!”

He pouted and sneered: “It’s really because it will be so easy, you will bear the pain of failure!” ”

He could be said to be very disdainful of Su Chen’s statement.

After all, he is the one who wants to win the Premier League, and Manchester City will only be squeezed down and trampled underfoot.

Let his old rival, Guardiola, taste the trampled on again.

Khop in the office, looking at Su Chen’s appearance on the computer, his face showed an arrogant smile.

He admired Su Chen’s arrogance! Because he’s crazy too!

“The Premier League is getting more and more interesting!”

“Little one, you will regret your decision to join Manchester City because you lost the Premier League trophy!”

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