Chapter 219: The Perfect Premier League Debut! Su Chen broke the twenty-year record of dust!!

In a flash.

The Yuntong Community Stadium was informed by the cheers of Manchester City fans.

They waved their arms wildly and used a roar of all their strength to celebrate Su Chen’s goal.

The moment Su Chen scored, he rushed to the corner kick area where Manchester City fans were, and he responded to everyone with a roar.

The Premier League does not change his strength!

People who feel that he can’t adapt to the Premier League, now go to hell with it! Su Chen then celebrated with his signature fist hug and stayed at the Yuntong Community Stadium.

It also opened up Manchester City fans, who kept following the beginning of the celebration.


“Hahaha!! Cow Ratio!! ”

Aguero rushed over and hugged Su Chen from behind.

He looks happier at the moment than he scores.

“It would be a huge mistake to let everyone know that you are terrible, and to despise you!”

As Su Chen’s good brother, he really broke the goal for Su Chen in his debut from the bottom of his heart.


“You are my God!!”


Otamendi, who came in the middle of the court, picked up Su Chen and lifted Su Chen abruptly.

He was also happy! Zhang Linpeng’s face was shocked.

Su Chen’s goal just now was like a heavy hammer, hammering hard into his heart, this is the world’s number one value player?

After reacting, he ran over and gave Su Chen a high five to celebrate…

Guardiola has long been grinning on the back of his head.

The one who laughs is called a happy!

This is the happiest moment he has come to Manchester City to coach!

The front court is finally no longer reassuring except Sergio Aguero, and everyone will make his heart jump when he shoots!

Sterling’s happy boy is finally gone!

The days of being tortured by him are finally gone, let Valverde be tortured and speechless!

He is full of faith.

Far away in Barcelona, the first round of La Liga Barça is also underway.

The fierce offensive is still not weak, and the 740 was last season.

Messi crossed through with a very masterful kick, passed through the blocking of the opponent’s defender, and successfully reached the feet of Sterling on the left.

Sterling nice stop.

With no defense, facing the goalkeeper being disturbed by the empty goal, he easily adjusted and shot with a strong kick.


Football took to the skies as if it were bohemian and freedom-loving, and it seemed to be about to fulfill its dream of knocking down the plane.

A good opportunity was squandered!

Valverde, who was squatting in the coaching area, was shocked by this shot and knelt directly on the ground.

He held his head in his hands and was full of puzzlement.

There is no one to defend, no one to block, the goalkeeper is interfered with by his own defender, and he simply cannot save in the first place.

A serious empty goal, 100% of the necessary goals, actually kicked into the stands?

Do you have enemies in the stands? You want to hit him with a ball so much! None of this goes in?

Barça fans sighed in disappointment.

Boss Mei was shocked out of the meme.

But that’s just the beginning!

Yuntong Community Stadium.

The Manchester City team, which had finished the celebration, returned to their own half.

Brighton kicks off.

Hughton stood on the sidelines unfazed.

Although Su Chen’s world wave did surprise him just now, he was not too worried.

The game has just begun.

Su Chen’s ball was completely because of luck, and he had not been suppressed by the strong oppression of his own players and the tough physical confrontation like steel.

As long as the game enters the official stage, the full-back Bruno Salto arranged by himself will suppress Su Chen to death.

That’s what he thought!

But the situation on the field is that he did not enter the formal stage as he imagined.

Gross knocked back the ball and Brighton began to cooperate.

I want to start with a rhythm.

But the football had just reached Mahi’s feet, and before Mahi could finish, suddenly a blue figure flashed.

After seeing clearly that it was Su Chen.

The football has been completely cut off by Su Chen, and after Su Chen snatched the football, he knocked the football directly to the B seat inserted by the body without sticking the ball.

Manchester City went straight to the counter-attack.

The B seat kicked the ball, and the football crossed the pressing Gross and found De Bruyne behind Gross.

Just a moment later, De Bruyne suddenly cut forward, and he was already on the right side of the center.

After receiving the pass, De Bruyne made a quick lateral move and threw Isaiah Brown away.

The outer instep of his right foot slammed into the bottom of the football.

At the same time, it has a downward pressing action.

So the football did not fly, but almost rubbed the turf and, in a low-frequency way, cut an arc on the ground, past Prober and find Aguero in the front insertion.

The moment Aguero took the ball, Su Chen on the left quickly stepped forward and entered the Brighton penalty area.

Aguero, who noticed this, immediately picked the football into the ban

Brighton’s tall centre-back Duncan watched the football and jumped high to save with his header.

As for Su Chen, he didn’t have any worries.

With a height of nearly two meters, jumping up is an absolute high, a small man like Su Chen, who is not an opponent at all, will be suppressed by himself.

It’s not just him who thinks so, but so do other Brighton defenders, including goalkeeper Matthew Ryan.

The arrogant head coach Hughton did not study Su Chen carefully.

Saw Su Chen’s header overwhelm Ronaldo, but only once! He counted it directly as a low-probability event.

It’s just that Su Chen is lucky!

So there is simply no one to guard against now.

Su Chen easily judged the landing point, there was enough space to run, and then jumped high.

Jump face to face with Duncan.

Duncan, who noticed this, showed a disdainful smile, and in his eyes, Su Chen’s behavior of competing for the top was completely a kind of self-sufficiency!

He then continued to focus on football.

However, it was Su Chen, who was unable to measure his strength in his eyes, who jumped high as if he flew into the air, and with his excellent bouncing power, he was a full half head higher than him.

And with the terrifying ability to stay in the air, the adjustment of the head was carried out in the air.

Twenty minutes later, Duncan High hammered his head on the football

Su Chen’s success in competing for the top was something no one expected!

Successfully competing for the top and completing a head hammer, no one could have predicted that this was a task that all the players in Brighton could not complete by killing Su Chen.

So Brighton goalkeeper Matthew Ryan took it lightly.

When the violent header hit the goal, his heart was filled with shock.

Subconsciously move the body.

But it’s late!

The football slammed into the goal, landed on the turf and bounced into the net.

Matthew Ryan was more like an indifferent, watching the game up close and watching Su Chen’s violent header and speaking of the ball.

Do nothing! No action!

It’s like being so wooden that you can’t move…

“The ball is in again!”

“It’s still Su Chen!”

“Su Chen used a violent header, less than a minute and a half, smashed the gate of Brighton and completed the goal!”

“1 minute 23 seconds!”

“Su Chen broke the record for the fastest score in the Premier League!”

“This record was set by Manchester United legend, Old Trafford King Cantona of the last century!”

“After twenty years, the dusty record was refreshed by Su Chen!”

“Perfect Premier League start! The perfect Premier League debut! ”

“The Premier League has ushered in a new legend, Su Chen scored twice and broke the record with his debut, telling all Premier League teams to be careful!!!

“Children of Miracles come to the Premier League, Premier League manager, are you all really ready?”

Manchester City fans roared again.

Everyone was thrilled by the adrenaline rush because of Su Chen’s goal and the violent aesthetics shown by the header.

“Sue… Sue…… Sue…… Sue…”

Seeing Su Chen running to the corner kick area in front of him again, the fans spontaneously stopped it, hooked up with each other, and began to form a moving wave.

When Su Chen made a celebratory move, they used the way of a Viking war roar to shout Su Chen’s name.

The magnificent, impressive!

The speed is getting faster and faster, which makes the Brighton fans feel the pressure.

It was as if the assembled Manchester City fans would charge at them in the next second.

There is no Su Chen’s song sung by Barça fans, but there is more Su Chen’s battle roar shouted by Manchester City fans…

“What are you doing?”

“Why let this news be unscrupulously arrogant in our territory?”

“This is our territory!”

“With your body, with your strength, with your aggression, let that skinny boy feel the horror of the Premier League, the horror of Brighton!”

“Give him intensity! Teach him a lesson! Don’t let him do whatever he wants. ”

Su Chen scored twice, and the terrifying jump stagnated in the air, stinging Hughton’s self-esteem, and he felt that he had received two extremely fierce slaps on his face.

A slap in the face from Su Chen.

Think about what he said at the pre-match press conference, looking at the current situation, he who did not arrange tactics will become the laughing stock of the British sports media and even the entire European media under Su Chen’s record-breaking score.

Annoyed, he decided that he must teach Su Chen a hard lesson.

“Terrifying jump! Terrifying stagnation! ”

Guardiola opened his mouth in disbelief.

“This is almost beyond the physical limit! How the hell did he do it? He wouldn’t really be a robot, would he? The kind where bleeding is green? ”

Guardiola was shocked.

More shocked than Messi once brought him.

Arteta pursed her lips and heard Pep Guardiola’s words, and suddenly cried and laughed.

“We seem to have seen Su Chen’s blood stained the stadium, we can be sure that it is red, he is alone!”

“Now I think we did add a tactic, corner kicks, high-pitched balls, which seem to be ready to use!”

“Aguero’s poor air ability has made Su make up for it!”

“Or rather! Su has the potential to play center, although he is not particularly tall, but his jumping, competing for the top, can definitely become a fulcrum! ”

The corners of Guardiola’s mouth trembled slightly, and he said: “What kind of huge treasure vault have we signed?” ”

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