Chapter 278 Sadness Wave Shuai, the madman has killed again! Who is the number one Asian American?!! online vote

Tottenham training base.

Pochettino solemnly opened the tactical meeting.

This time, the opponent they faced was too strong! You’re welcome!

The source is stronger than Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal!

The goal this season, Tottenham Hotspur wants to break into the top four and qualify for the Champions League, but it will not be easy!

Manchester United are in a mess and the situation is not optimistic, and I heard that the team legend Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will be in charge.

That’s not worrying! But!

Except for their own team, the remaining four teams are not easy to deal with!

Arsenal were solved due to financial problems, bought many players in the winter window, and brought in striker Aubameyang from Borussia Dortmund!

The goal is to go for the championship.

The two teams have already lost once they have played each other! Other than Chelsea.

I thought that after Hazard left the team, it would bring certain fluctuations to the team.

The results are good!

After Hazard left, the dressing room was strongly suppressed by Kong Erzi with Abu’s support.

After correcting Turan’s central position, Kong Erzi carried out drastic tactical reforms.

It actually stopped the decline in a short time, but after the tactical reform, the team began to recover.

The reform was successful!

The winter window buys a few very good players, and the strength is also very strong.

The Christmas point grab battle directly entered the top four.

Other than that, Liverpool is even less to say!

Klopp’s youth storm, heavy metal crit, the Premier League lost armor, so far people have lost to Manchester City, three points behind, and they are dead looking at Manchester City.

They finished second in the league with goal difference.

But what about them?

Although the winter window also has a lot of investment.

But I didn’t get any of the players I wanted for 793, because it was too expensive, and he was very optimistic about Dembele!

As a result, Levi directly spent small money to do big things!

The players bought are not particularly well-known, but they are absolutely top and the key price is right.

But here’s the problem!

Top players are priced right, pies will fall in the world, and those players’ clubs will send warmth?

The answer is obvious.

These people are older!

It’s a bit difficult to match your own tactical requirements, and under your own tactics, with their age and form, they can only play half a game!

Does not meet the requirements of the Youth Army!

A few games were played sparsely.

Levi has already expressed his dissatisfaction.

Pochettino is already feeling precarious.

So he desperately needs a big win to stabilize the situation.

However, at an opportune time, I actually came and met Manchester City!

There is no doubt that Manchester City this season is the most terrifying in the entire Premier League.

They have the world’s top players.

The teenager who broke Mero’s notice to football, Mr. Golden Ball, is the world’s number one value

Guardiola transformed him from an all-around attacking forward to an all-round playmaking attacking striker, and he has transformed him perfectly.

In the Premier League, the number of Premier League goals has reached 32 in just half a season.

The winter window bought Dybala to form the SAD Trident Blue Eagles Three, with the world’s top strikers.

The thickness of the midfield is even more needless to say.

Premier League feeder De Bruyne, the world’s top midfielder all-rounder B, as well as Gundogan, Fernandinho and Yaya Toure.

The defense is not to be underestimated.

The league remains a total win.

The League Cup reached the semi-finals, the FA Cup reached the final four of the knockout round, and the Champions League was played three times and five by two against Bayern, almost collapsing directly.

Soldiers are in full bloom! As a result, I caught up!

Pochettino couldn’t figure out why he was so unlucky!

It’s just that he absolutely didn’t expect it, and his bad luck is far more than that…


After seeing the players seated in place, Pochettino cleared his throat, stood up and picked up his notebook.

“Next we have to face the league’s most powerful enemy!”

“Manchester City!”

His words made all the players solemn.

Especially Sun Xingmin!

He moved from the Bundesliga to Tottenham, and at that time he was truly Asia’s number one value, Asia’s first player.

He achieved the biggest milestone for Asian American players in major European leagues.

After coming to Tottenham, he also played well, and his value rose to 50 million euros.

But soon the label of the only Asian player was broken.

Zhang Linpeng joined Manchester City and performed well and entered the best team in the Premier League.

Becoming a first-class defender in the Premier League, Chelsea, who did not grit their teeth to buy Zhang Linpeng at that time, was annoyed.

But after all, it is a defender, and there is no direct contrast between the two.

End of season.

Son Heung-min is still looking forward to attacking the Premier League Golden Boot in the new season.

But who knows!

Suddenly the Premier League is buzzing!

Su Chen joined Manchester City with the first transfer fee in history, breaking the first transfer fee created in just a few days.


Arsenal forcefully played for the Sigya Man for one season, and the core was transformed into a midfielder.

All of a sudden, there was a contrast!

The match against Arsenal is known as the Asian derby.

As a result, Tottenham failed miserably!

Wu Lei scored a goal and assisted twice, but he was mediocre.

This has been sprayed by its own domestic media.

Now against Manchester City, there will be a direct conversation with the new footballer.

Sun Xingmin felt that his opportunity had come!

As long as he can beat Manchester City, he can achieve a good performance, and it is best to step on Su Chen to win.

All the situation will be reversed, and I will increase my worth a lot and further increase my popularity.

The most important thing is to think a little carefully!

He looked down on Su Chen from the eyes of his heart, because Su Chen was of Chinese descent!

For these people in the Yan Country, there is a kind of almost twisted perverted ridiculous superiority in their hearts…

“I sorted out the video materials, and then focused on the analysis…”

Pochettino motioned for the assistant to turn on the electronic screen in the conference room, however.

As soon as the electronic screen turned on, his assistant coach rushed in.

“Something happened!”

His face was a little flustered.

“What’s wrong?”

Pochettino asked with a frown.

The assistant coach quickly whispered the situation to his ear, and the panic on his face was extremely rich.


“It’s just a bunch of shameless!”

“Abominable vampire, ugly bastard!!”

Listen to everything.

Pochettino cursed and hurried out of the room, leaving behind a group of stunned players in the room.

“What’s the situation?”

Everyone looked at Kane.

Born in the Tottenham youth team, he grew up from the Tottenham echelon, and won the first time in England.

He has a lot of voice in the club, and he is the absolute prince of the club.

So everyone wants to stabilize from him, is something wrong!

After all, the head coach was a little emotional.

Kane was also confused.

He also received no news.

“Probably a private matter! We wait, it is estimated that we will be back soon! Kane explains. ”

Everyone sat down suspiciously, guessing what had happened.

Time passes.

They didn’t wait for Pochettino to return.

Nearly ten minutes later, the staff came to inform the disbandment, and today’s training was canceled.

They haven’t seen Pochettino at the training base since.

Including what happened later, they were all from the official announcement of the club.

Pochettino was fired!

Club owner Levy personally ordered the dismissal.

The circular reads a decision after consultation.

But in fact, everyone understands that Pochettino was directly fired.

Spending a lot of money without getting something back is not allowed by Levy, the owner of the iron rooster.

This shrewd businessman does not accept that spending money is not rewarded.

Players were bought, money was spent, but the team’s record did not improve.

In Levi’s eyes, this is Pochettino spending money and not doing things! Not yet before the players were in a panic.

The official website once again released new news.

Jose Mourinho took over as soon as he took over and will make an appearance against Manchester City.

The players are silly! The Premier League is dumbfounded!

The whole of England, Europe is even more dumbfounded! Mourinho seamlessly!

Just after being sacked in less than a week, is it too dramatic to take over as Tottenham manager?

“Madman Kill is back!” 》

“The fastest seamless transition in history, madman in charge of Tottenham”

“Victims between Tottenham Hotspur executives and madmen, Pochettino sacked”

“Need to add a chicken leg to Mendes! 》

“According to relevant news, Tottenham got in touch with Mourinho as soon as he left class, and the two sides quickly negotiated”

“Club owner dissatisfied with Pochettino”

“Where to fall and where to get up, Tottenham’s first leg against Manchester City”

“Madman has killed back!” Manchester City, are you ready? 》

The Manchester City squad learned it at a tactical meeting.

The whole team was stunned! Guardiola was speechless on the spot.

Tactical analysis is ready for nothing!

People change coaches, and the two coaches have different coaching styles, so the previous analysis was in vain.

Guardiola was caught off guard.

The tactical meeting is immediately over, and Guardiola will immediately lead the coaching team to analyze and reformulate the tactics against Tottenham.

The players return to the training ground for physical training.

“Su, it’s hot on the Internet!”

Seat B ran over with his mobile phone, “The media has launched a vote, who is the first Asian player!” ”

“You, Zhang, and Arsenal’s Wu, as well as Sun, are all in the voting competition!”

“More than 300,000 people voted, and you were number one, with 260,000 votes.”

“Zhang is the fourth, Wu Pai is third, and Sun is the second with more than 20,000 votes!”

“Tottenham fans are clamoring for you to swipe, their grandson is better than you, and they want to beat you completely in the next game!”

People gathered to check the votes.

“This is also too!”

“Tottenham fans are crazy! Forgot last season, how did Zhang put Sun against explosions? ”

“It’s really always beaten, always hard-mouthed!”

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