Chapter 0297 – Player Data Update, Shocking Football, Su Chen Completely Ended the Mero Era!!

“Congratulations! Morning! ”

Losing the game, Wu Lei was extremely lost.

However, he still expressed his congratulations to Su Chen for the first time.

The loss in my heart also slowly dissipated because of Arsene Wenger’s speech just now, as well as the unwavering support and applause of Arsenal fans.

As Wenger said, they were strong and just got lucky.

Instead of falling in the game, they stepped on penalties. No one gave up in the game and everyone fought until the last minute.

They can leave with their heads held high!

“Brother Lei Zi, you are very strong, the champion will be there sooner or later, this is not perfunctory!”

Su Chen and Wu Lei hugged.

He hopes that a talented player like Wu Lei will come out and gain a foothold in the big five leagues.

This is also the only way for Yanguo football to rise, which can be seen from Wulei and Zhang Linpeng.

They have a strong talent, and the reason why they did not succeed was that they were harmed by the golden yuan football of the Yan country.

Zhang Linpeng was not able to go abroad.

Wu Lei came out too late, wasted talent in the Yan Kingdom, and when he came out, he was not young, and all the technical ceremonies were already solid, and it was already difficult to change!


Because of Su Chen’s appearance, history has changed.

This is also the strength that Su Chen did his best to dedicate…


Shaking hands with the Arsenal players, Su Chen was about to return to the dressing room when he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

He subconsciously turned back!

I saw a big man wearing an Arsenal substitute shirt running towards his side.

At the same time, there was a trace of trepidation on his face, and he looked a little social phobic.

“Saint Martin?!”

Su Chen blurted out subconsciously.

The person who came was none other than Damian Horseman, Nes, and Damian Horseman.

Su Chen’s impression of Big Martin was very deep.

The Copa America was on the verge of being ordered to win the penalty shootout.

Then sat as the main goalkeeper of the Blue Eagles, and in the Desert World Cup, he once again won the god on penalties, especially the final of the god kick, completely rejected the opponent’s kill, and helped the Blue Eagles to lift the third Hercules Cup.

Grand Martin also became Saint Martin once and for all.

In addition, there was St. Martin’s celebratory action, which left an extremely deep impression on Su Chen.

By reason!

This guy should be a social cow!

“St. Martin?”

Big Martin was stunned, and did not understand what Su Chen said.

“Nope! Nothing…”

Su Chen quickly waved his hand.

At the same time, it reacted.

Martin is still an Arsenal substitute and is in a state of non-stop loan without playing time.

“Sue, can you give me your jersey?”

Martin didn’t think much about it, and he directly stated his purpose.

After speaking, he looked at Su Chen with some trepidation.

Hearing this, Su Chen took off his jersey without hesitation and gave it to Big Martin.

“I know you, you’re also a Blue Eagle player, you have a great savering ability.”


After receiving the jersey, Martin heard this, and it was flattered.

“You really know me?”

The surprise came a little too suddenly!

Big Martin really couldn’t imagine that he was a little transparent, and Su Chen could actually know himself.

“Of course!”

Su Chen nodded affirmatively.

“I believe that in the future we will become teammates, play together in the national team competition, and help the Blue Eagles win all the honors we can!”

“In addition, give you some tips, if Arsenal can’t get playing time, it’s better to go to some small clubs, at least get playing time, and then through your performance, rejoin the giants!”

“There is not just one team in the top five leagues, there are so many teams! You have the strength to sit firmly in the main force! ”

“Your ability to play the ball is your shortcoming, I think you can deliberately train your foot skills, short pass out of the ball, it is not impossible to make up for with training!”

Martin is a qualified goalkeeper, one might even say a junior goalkeeper.

But in modern football, his foot skills, especially for the big teams, require goalkeepers to be able to play the ball and be able to form a match with defenders.

That’s why Martin couldn’t be Arsenal’s main goalkeeper.

Martin’s saving ability is top-notch, but he needs to make up for his shortcomings.

Even if he can’t train the short board to the top in the world, as long as he can reach a certain level, coupled with his own top-level saving ability, then he can become the main goalkeeper of the giants.

For Big Martin, who is now in the confused stage of his life, Su Chen still doesn’t mind giving him encouragement and helping him get a trace of light in the darkest stage of his life!

After listening to Su Chen’s words, Big Martin’s eyes showed a sparkle.

“Sue, do you think I really have that ability?”

He still doesn’t have any confidence in himself.

Years of loan, substitutes, have long consumed all that he once had in fiery and self-confidence.

“Believe in yourself!”

Su Chen smiled and hammered his chest with his turning head.

“Any ordeal is a grind for you, you still have a long career as a goalkeeper, I believe you can become the top in the world after the ordeal is over!”

“I’m waiting to fight alongside you!”

Martin’s heart was extremely excited.

“Su, I will definitely work hard to improve myself!”

He promised Su Chen with great sincerity.

He really didn’t expect that just because he asked Su Chen for a jersey, Su Chen actually knew himself.

He also gave himself an affirmation, which made him full of motivation at once.

Fight side by side with Su Chen!

The heat in Martin’s heart, which was almost extinguished, was rekindled.

He has his own goal.

Ten minutes later.

The podium was set up.

As the captain, Su Chen took the trophy and came to his teammates to hold it high.

A passionate celebration for all!

The first trophy of the Premier League and Manchester City’s first title of the season were successfully won by them.

The League Cup is not a particularly gold trophy after all.

Happiness is real, and it’s not so passionate. After a night’s rest, the team returned to Manchester.

Manchester City fans are happy.

They had a pick-up ceremony at the airport. But there were no parades, no celebrations.

Soon everything returned to calm again.

The whole team did not win the Carabao Cup, so they began to float and soon returned to training.

And continue to play the next home.

The league is still a big hit.

Although it is still a semi-main team, it is enough to face opponents who are not strong, but the game has indeed become a little more difficult.

There was no previous big win over the score.

But the winning streak continues…


FIFA has updated its latest player data, with updated adjustments to the ability assessment of all players.

Su Chen was on the hot search again. The first value in football.

200 million euros!

It directly exceeded the 180 million euros of Messi.

World football was taken aback.

This is the first player to reach 200 million euros.

Twenty million more expensive than Messi, and a full sixty million more expensive for IEC Rowe!

After many fans saw this value update, their first reaction was, is inflation so serious now?

But after careful inspection, they found that there was no inflation, mainly because Su Chen’s value was too high!

But no one felt that Su Chen’s worth water.

43 goals in the league, 21 in the League Cup, FA Cup and 9 in the Champions League.

So far in the new season, the total number of goals has reached 73, and it is about to break Gerd Müller’s record of 80 goals in the season, and Messi’s goal record of 90 goals is also in jeopardy.

The most important thing is one more point!

Su Chen not only scored more goals, but also reached 58 assists.

It is equivalent to saying that the goals he participated in alone directly reached two-thirds of Manchester City’s total goals.

Is such a price expensive?

Manchester City fans just said a word, the heart lost to buy early, otherwise now 300 million can not be bought!

“The end of the Mero era!” 》

“The new Mr. Golden Ball is worth 200 million, Manchester City tells you it’s worth it”

“Breaking Mero’s monopoly goal, booking the new season of the European Golden Boot, the first in history, the Mero era was completely ended, officially entering the era of the Big Three”

“After the latest price adjustment, Manchester City has become the most expensive team”

“Su Chen 200 million, Dybala 140 million, Aguero 110 million, De Bruyne 100 million… Worth a total of 930 million euros”

“Champions League odds update, Manchester City ranked first”

“The neighbours who were once noisy in the mouths of Manchester United fans have now grown into their unreachable giants”

“Su Chen is worth 200 million, if Manchester City is willing to sell, can he buy 300 million euros?” 》

“Florentino: I am preparing to make a full offer to Su Chen, try to introduce Su Chen in the new season, and the funds will be obtained from bank loans”

“Barcelona give up welcoming back Su Chen, except for the salary cap limit, Barca do not have so much money and want to bring in Su Chen, unless they sell Messi”

Su Chen instantly became the first person in world football.

The most critical report shows that he surpassed Messi Ronaldo and ended the era of double arrogance.

Rigorous media say that football has entered the era of the Big Three, but some media in the Premier League directly indicate that football has entered the Su Chen era.

For a while, Manchester City’s training base came alive.

Su Chen has never accepted exclusive interviews, nor does he go on interview programs, if he wants to interview Su Chen, he can only wait outside the training base, and it is possible to meet Su Chen, which is possible to interview some.

Su Chen was bored with this!

“Su, I think you should participate in some interview shows, otherwise the media chases you, you will be troubled, and the staff of our training base will be even more troubled!”

Inside the office, Guardiola helplessly spread his hands towards Su Chen.

“Those reporters have tried to infiltrate the training base many times in order to be able to interview you, and there are already eighteen of them over the wall!”

“This is a lot of pressure on the security of the training base, so we sent the police in Manchester City to live here!”

“Take advantage of the three-day vacation and hurry up to solve this problem!”

Su Chen helplessly spread his hands, “Okay!!” I’ll let Mino arrange it! ”

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