The first time was a big mistake, and the first time was a big mistake.

Blue Star.

Mid-January 2019.

In Birmingham, England, the cold wind was blowing in the Aston Villa Youth Training Camp stadium.

The match between Aston Villa U17 and Swansea U17 has reached the 70th minute of the second half.

Aston Villa U17, playing at home, fell behind by three goals.

Youth training coach Charles is in a state of panic.

If this game is lost again, Aston Villa U17 will suffer an unprecedented eight-game losing streak.

And his position as coach is naturally in jeopardy, and he is not far from being dismissed.

In any case.

This game must be won!

So, Charles turned around and looked at the bench, and he was ready to make a substitution.

Before the start of the second half, Charles had sent both forwards to the field, but the effect was average.

The biggest problem of Aston Villa U17 is actually in the midfield.

Because Swansea U17's midfielder's fighting strength is very fierce, Aston Villa U17's midfield has no way to deliver ammunition to the forwards in the first time.

This makes Aston Villa U17's forwards have no game experience.

Most of the time they are walking in the opponent's backcourt...

If Aston Villa U17 wants to win, they must change the midfield!

Charles looked at the bench, and the only available player was the black-haired and yellow-skinned boy sitting in the corner of the bench.

The player's name is Xia Yuan.

Since coming to Aston Villa's youth training camp, he has always been a substitute for a substitute.

In this season's U17 league, Xia Yuan has only played as a substitute twice, and he has not scored a single goal.

Most of the time, Xia Yuan acts as a water dispenser manager.

But now, except for Xia Yuan, all other players on the bench are defensive players.

Charles can only try his best!


"Wake up! Don't sleep anymore!!"

"It's your turn!"

Charles patted Xia Yuan's head, and the boy slowly opened his eyes.

His face was full of excitement, and his eyes showed a little determination.

Just five minutes ago, Xia Yuan just learned his identity.

He is not from this world.

But a time traveler.

Ten minutes ago, Xia Yuan was still watching the match between the Chinese national football team and Qatar in his bedroom. After 10 minutes of stoppage time, the Xia national football team lost to the host Qatar 0:1.

Basically missed the knockout stage!

Two draws and one loss in three group matches! No goals were scored!

This set the worst record for Xia in the Asian Cup!

This made Xia Yuan extremely angry. In a rage, he threw the bench directly at the TV.


As the white light flashed, he successfully traveled from mid-January 2024 to mid-January 2019!

A span of five years!

His current name is still Xia Yuan.

But he has become a Norwegian of Chinese descent.

His parents in this life were fired from the factory and chose to go into business in the 1980s. After that, the business grew bigger and bigger, and they even opened a trading company in Norway. Later, due to the economic crisis and many other reasons, the company went bankrupt...

His parents used their remaining savings to open a Chinese restaurant in Norway and barely made ends meet.

In order to relieve the pressure on his parents, the young Xia Yuan came to Birmingham alone for football training.

In fact, in his previous life, Xia Yuan was also a professional football player. When he was young, he played for the super team Taishan in the Xia Super League.

But because he didn't understand the "rules", he was eventually hidden by the head coach Hao Wei. After wasting his best years on the bench, he could only retire hastily.


Xia Yuan has the opportunity to realize his dream again.

His legs have long been thirsty!

Xia Yuan wants to take back everything he has lost!

Although he has a certain foundation in football, it has been five or six years since he retired, and the intensity of the English U17 League is faster than that of domestic youth competitions.

With his level, whether he can contribute to the team... all this is unknown!

But since God has given him a second chance to start over, Xia Yuan still chooses to bite the bullet and step onto the court.

Xia Yuan appeared in the No. 33 jersey!

Just as Xia Yuan's right foot stepped onto the playing field, a mechanical sound came to his ears.

It's the system! !

[Ding! The host's crossover is detected to be successful! The god-level midfield system is successfully activated! ]

[God-level midfielder is loading 30%]



[God-level midfielder is loading successfully! Open the host attribute panel! 】

Host: Xia Yuan

Age: 17 years old

Height: 183cm (growing)

Weight: 75kg

Position: Midfielder

[Physical attributes]

Speed: 72

Confrontation: 66

Bounce: 71

Health: 70

Physical fitness: 79

[Technical attributes]

Long pass: 69

Short pass: 69

Through pass: 68

Arc: 67

Shooting in the penalty area: 68

Long shot: 69

Set ball: 69

Heading: 69

Penalty: 68

Stop: 67

Stop: 67

Vision: 62

Breakthrough: 67

Interception: 65

Steal: 74

Tackle: 65

Defense: 67

Rating: 69

Level: C!

Star Skill Card: None

[Level Description: C-level 60-75, five major league substitute level, B-level 76-85 five major league main force level, A-level 86-95 five major league star level, S-level 96-100 Ballon d'Or winner level! ]

"It's finally here! System!"

Xia Yuan took a quick look at his attributes and couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

"So strong!!"

"This strength can definitely be selected for the Xiaguo men's national football team!"

Xia Yuan knows football!

Although the total score is only 69, and the level is only C-level, compared with the level of the national football team, it has almost reached the top!

Can definitely be selected for the national team!

Just as Xia Yuan was excited, the voice of the system came to his ears again.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the system and rewarding a novice gift package! ]

[Do you want to open the novice gift package! ]

"Open!! Start!!"

Xia Yuan didn't expect that there would be rewards!

At this time, several cards suddenly popped up in front of Xia Yuan, and the system prompted Xia Yuan to draw.

Xia Yuan randomly drew a middle card.

Suddenly, the card emitted a golden light, and the three words "Peak Card" came into view!

Then, the Italian flag appeared again!

After the flag disappeared, a player wearing the Italian national team jersey appeared in front of Xia Yuan.

It was Pirlo! !

In his previous life, Xia Yuan also often played live football games, so he was not unfamiliar with opening cards.

This series of operations is just like opening a card pack in a football game!

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing the peak card and obtaining the peak long pass attribute of Italian superstar Pirlo! ]

[Long pass attribute 69-99! ]

When Xia Yuan's long pass attribute reached 99, his total score also rose from 69 to 72!

Xia Yuan naturally knew Pirlo very well. This player is one of the strongest midfielders in the history of Italian football!

Helped Italy win the World Cup in 2006!

His long pass was like a cruise missile, passing wherever he pointed!

At this moment, Xia Yuan suddenly heard his teammates calling his name.

When Xia Yuan came to his senses, he found that the ball had been passed to his feet!

"Just right! Let's try Pirlo's long pass ability!"

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