The ball was blocked, but the ball was blocked.

Glarish's shot was not directly into the dead corner of the goal like the first penalty kick, but was pushed to the far corner.


Glarish's shot was not powerful, and the angle was not tricky!

Most importantly, Bravo guessed the direction!

He quickly fell to the ground to save the ball, and saved it with his right hand! !


"Manchester City goalkeeper Bravo saved Grealish's shot!"

"Grealish didn't score the second penalty! The score is still 3:2!"

"Oh! It's such a pity, Aston Villa almost killed the suspense of the game!"

Zhan Jun was extremely disappointed when he saw Grealish's shot was saved.

In the barrage of the live broadcast room of, Xiaguo fans also expressed their doubts.


"What is Grealish doing!"

"He can't even score this goal!! I give up!"

"Damn! Grealish's shot is so rubbish!"

"My grandma is better than Grealish!"

"Why did you push the ball into the far corner? It would be better to just shoot hard!"

"I should have let Xia Yuan take the penalty! Grealish is a rubbish!"

"He can't score even if he gives a chance!"

"Bravo is really strong! He deserves to be the goalkeeper of Manchester City! Really awesome!"

When Grealish saw his shot being caught by Bravo, his face was full of despair.

Very frustrated.

At this time, as a good friend of Grealish, Xia Yuan immediately patted Grealish on the shoulder.

"Jack, it's okay! We are still in the lead now. We can also win tonight if we defend well."

On the sidelines.

Coach Dean Smith also gave tactical instructions to the Aston Villa players on the field immediately.

"Be good at defense!"

"There are only ten minutes left! Keep fouling to stop Manchester City's pass!"

"Defense is a must!"

There are only ten minutes left in the game. For Aston Villa, who are playing at home, if they can withstand the last ten minutes of bombardment, they can win the game!

The time to test Aston Villa's defense has come!

82nd minute.

Manchester City midfielder De Bruyne dribbled the ball directly from the backcourt. After seeing this, Aston Villa's players naturally would not give the opponent a chance!

In a moment.

Xia Yuan and McGinn rushed to De Bruyne.

But the Belgian is very experienced. He first made a move to stop the ball, and then quickly made a right foot trip!

Using the change of rhythm, he easily got rid of McGinn and Xia Yuan's blockade.

However, the speed of Aston Villa's subsequent defensive players to assist in defense was very fast.

Hourihane made a flying tackle directly towards De Bruyne!

He was tackled to the ground with the ball!

Anthony Taylor blew the whistle immediately and gave Hourihane a yellow card!

But De Bruyne looked very uncomfortable when he fell to the ground.

After the team doctor came in, he immediately checked De Bruyne. Fortunately, the injury was not serious, just a hard injury.

But this time De Bruyne fell to the ground and made Guardiola very nervous.

Now Manchester City is fighting on three fronts.

As the offensive core of the team, De Bruyne is likely to directly affect Manchester City's future results if he is injured!

The game continues.

De Bruyne quickly passed the ball to Sterling on the left.

To be honest, the quality of De Bruyne's long pass is comparable to Xia Yuan's pass.

After the ball successfully bypassed the heads of several Aston Villa defenders, it successfully appeared at Sterling's feet!

Directly gave Sterling in the penalty area the opportunity to face goalkeeper Lovre Kalinic alone!

What a pity.

Sterling's shot was not powerful!

Soft and weak shot...

The ball was easily caught by the Aston Villa goalkeeper!

Three minutes later.

Manchester City's attack came back.

However, during this attack, Manchester City still couldn't find any chance.

As the offensive core of the team, Kevin De Bruyne just received a pass from his teammate in the middle, and the next second, a large number of Aston Villa defensive players gathered around him.

Xia Yuan, McGinn, Jedinak and Hourihane!

Four players appeared around De Bruyne!

Not only De Bruyne was restricted,

Lowe's breakthrough restricted De Bruyne's passing...

And the four players' pressing strength was quite fierce, and De Bruyne had no room to operate at all.

As expected, the ball was lost!

The player who completed the steal from De Bruyne's feet was Xia Yuan!

The moment Xia Yuan stole the ball, the entire Villa Park stadium stands immediately erupted in deafening cheers!

For the more than 30,000 Aston Villa fans at the scene, they expected Xia Yuan to use his best long pass to give Manchester City's defense a fatal blow!


When Xia Yuan was about to pass the ball with his right foot, De Bruyne behind him made a fierce tackle!

Treat him with his own way!

De Bruyne also used a foul to destroy Aston Villa's counterattack opportunity!


The referee Anthony Taylor immediately blew the whistle!

De Bruyne was penalized for a foul.

However, Anthony Taylor did not show a yellow card to De Bruyne, which made the Aston Villa fans at the scene very angry and dissatisfied.

"What's going on? No card! Anthony Taylor, the old man, has started to make a penalty again!"

"That's right! De Bruyne's foul is a yellow card action! He went for someone!"

"Anthony Taylor, the old man, must have seen that De Bruyne is very famous, so he didn't dare to give De Bruyne a card!"

"Xia Ke must not get hurt! He is the offensive core of the team!"

The Villa fans in the stands immediately questioned Anthony Taylor's penalty.

On the court.

After De Bruyne tackled Xia Yuan, he was very friendly and came to Xia Yuan to ask about his injury.

"Xia, how is it! Can you still hold on!"

Xia Yuan glared at the other party, but he didn't give a good look or respond!

"Your pass is very good and very unique. I hope we have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

After De Bruyne finished speaking, Xia Yuan had already stood up!

Through the game tonight, De Bruyne still admired Xia Yuan's footwork!

He was very optimistic about Xia Yuan's development prospects.

"Sorry. I don't want to be a teammate with someone like you!" Xia Yuan replied coldly.

The game continued.

Aston Villa's free kick opportunity.

Xia Yuan did not choose to pass the ball directly, but chose to pass the ball to McGinn in the backcourt.

There were only three minutes left before the end of the game, and Aston Villa was still temporarily leading Manchester City 3:2.

So, Xia Yuan was not in a hurry to attack.

His team only needed to maintain the current score until the end of the game to eliminate Manchester City.

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