After a while, more fans found out where Xia Yuan was eating.

Not long after, more fans began to know the location of the restaurant where Xia Yuan was eating.

More and more fans came to the outside of this restaurant.

"Why do I feel so noisy outside?" After Xia Yuan took a few bites of food, he felt that the noise downstairs suddenly became chaotic, so he opened the curtains on the second floor. He was shocked when he saw it!

The outside was already blocked by a large number of fans wearing Aston Villa jerseys! !

"Damn it!"

"Reba, your sixth sense is real!"

"Our location is exposed!"

After hearing this, Reba sighed helplessly!

"Hey! Let's go quickly! If we don't leave, we will definitely not be able to get out!" Reba is all talking from experience.

After all, as a star, she often encounters such situations.


"But to be honest, the meat in this restaurant is quite delicious. What kind of meat is this?"

Before leaving, Xia Yuan did not forget to take another bite of the food on the plate.

"Bullfrog, haven't you eaten it before?"

"What is it?"

After hearing Reba's words, Xia Yuan instantly spit out the meat that had just been stuffed into his mouth.

Obviously. Xia Yuan still has a certain resistance to bullfrog.

"You actually took me to eat this?!" Xia Yuan looked at Reba in shock, and after hearing this, Reba couldn't help but complain: "Didn't you just say it was quite delicious!"

"I don't think it's delicious now!!"

"Hey, let's go!"

"It feels like there are already 10,000 people downstairs now!" After Xia Yuan said this, the Xiaguo fans below the restaurant began to shout Xia Yuan's name loudly.

After Xia Yuan realized the crisis, he quickly took Reba's hand and quietly came to the hall.

The hall was already in chaos at this time. The waiters in the restaurant were maintaining order at the door. No one noticed Xia Yuan and Reba wearing sunglasses.

So, Xia Yuan and Reba quietly left the restaurant while the chaos was going on.

Originally, Xia Yuan wanted to go back to the hotel to sleep, but Reba suggested watching a movie.

Xia Yuan couldn't resist Reba's enthusiastic invitation, and finally had to accompany Reba to the cinema.

"Watch this! It's so good!!"

"I watched the first three movies on the Internet, and this one must be supported in the cinema!" Reba said excitedly, pointing to the poster of "Avengers Endgame" in the cinema.

"If you like it, let's go and watch it" Xia Yuan did not refuse, even though he had watched this Avengers many times in his previous life.

Because the lights in the screening room were quite dim, no one noticed Xia Yuan and Reba, two big stars in the sports and entertainment circles.


It was already one o'clock in the morning after watching the movie. After Xia Yuan and Reba said goodbye, they took a taxi back to the hotel.

Early the next morning, Xia Yuan and his parents returned to their hometown to visit their relatives.

According to Xia Yuan's plan, he had to stay in Xiaguo for at least a week, but when Xia Yuan just arrived at his hometown, he received a piece of news.

It was the news that he was selected for the new Norwegian national team.

In early June, the third round of the European Cup qualifiers will start soon.

The Norwegian national team needs to play against Romania and the Faroe Islands on June 8 and June 9 respectively.

Although the strength of these two teams is not strong, Norway's head coach Lagerback still chose to recruit Xia Yuan into the national team.

So, Xia Yuan had to end his trip in Xiaguo in advance, and took a flight back to Norway two days later. Xia Dongguo and Huang Caiyun did not return to Norway with Xia Yuan, but stayed in Xiaguo for a few more days.

May 28.

Xia Yuan arrived at the Norwegian national team on time to report, and the first to greet Xia Yuan was Lagerback, the national team of Norway.

"Xia! First of all, congratulations on winning the FA Cup and the Championship. I watched every game you played, and you played well! As long as you can play 50% of your ability in the club, Norway will definitely advance from the group stage."

"Don't worry, coach, Norway will definitely advance. We have won two consecutive games and defeated the two strongest opponents in the group stage. Norway will definitely advance."

Lageback shook his head and said to Xia Yuan very cautiously: "That's not necessarily true. The ball is round, and anything can happen, especially our next opponent, Romania!

Romania is currently ranked 25th in FIFA, and the Romanian national team has achieved 4 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss in the last six games, and is in a very hot state. "

"Xia, you must not take it lightly!"

After listening to Lagerbeck's words, Xia Yuan also realized the severity of the next battle.

"Got it, coach! I will face Romania in the best condition."

On the training ground.

Xia Yuan's two national team friends, Odegaard and Haaland, have already started passing training.

"Hey! Erling, look who's here!"

"Our FA Cup champion is here!"

After hearing Odegaard's words, Erling Haaland immediately turned around, and when he saw Xia Yuan, he immediately waved his arms at Xia Yuan!

"Hi! Xia! Come quickly! I miss you so much! "

After Xia Yuan changed into training equipment and shoes, he slowly walked towards Odegaard and Haaland.

"Why did you come so early? Didn't you say you would arrive at 1pm?"

Haaland said excitedly: "The club's game is over, and I must come to the national team to train in advance to keep in shape!"

"By the way! Xia, congratulations on leading Villa to win the Championship and FA Cup!"

Haaland hugged Xia Yuan.

"You are not bad either. You helped Salzburg Red Bull win the Austrian Super League, and you will have the opportunity to play in the Champions League next season! You are much better than me."

Haaland was obviously embarrassed by Xia Yuan's praise.

"In fact, the team's championship has nothing to do with me. In the last few championship games, my performance... Forget it! I won't say it!"

"The season is over! Now for me, it's time to play well in the national team's games! Xia, let's train! "Haaland said to Xia Yuan with high morale.


In the afternoon training, Norway coach Lagerback specially asked Odegaard, Haaland and Xia Yuan, three young players, to train as a group.

As an experienced coach, Lagerback knew very well that if Norway wanted to beat Romania, ranked 25th in the world, in the third round of the European Cup qualifiers, it must rely on the performance of these three young players.

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