After defeating Watford, Zhao Yi received a reward.

Perhaps because Watford was not strong enough, this reward was neither top-notch nor useless.

No weak foot.

Zhao Yi was shocked when he saw this reward.

No weak foot?

Shooting, passing, dribbling, no weak foot, isn't this taking off?

In the entire football world, most players have a dominant foot. Zhao Yi's dominant foot is his right foot, and he needs to adjust whether shooting or passing.

This is not a big problem in the English League One, but once he enters the top league, he will be studied thoroughly by the defenders and it is easy to target him.

It may be that the adjustment takes less than a second, and he loses the chance to shoot and pass.

And his dribbling now also has problems, almost all of which are from the right side. It is difficult to use the left foot to successfully break through from the left.

Experienced defenders can easily get stuck in position.

Therefore, no weak foot, left and right balance, is the ultimate pursuit of every player.

Among them, Morata is undoubtedly the best representative of no weak foot in football.

Because both of his feet are weak feet, to some extent, he has no weak foot.

Originally, the perfect foot is a heaven-defying reward, but there is a supplementary explanation about this reward, which makes Zhao Yi a little disappointed.

First of all, this perfect foot is aimed at dribbling.

It is useless for passing and shooting.

Secondly, this reward is an auxiliary function of the system.

This means that Zhao Yi's left foot ability has not been really substantially improved, and it is the system that assisted him in improving his left foot dribbling ability.

In addition, because he entered the semi-finals, the system gave him an extra"prank" card.

It can be used on the court, and the duration is only one game.

After using it, it will make the opponent look bad on the court.

"This card is useless."

Zhao Yi muttered to himself.

Make the opponent look bad?

With our current ability, do we need to borrow this kind of card to make the opponent look bad?

Soon, Wolves ushered in the 45th round of the English League One.

This game, in the eyes of the fans, is very important.

And Gallio has informed the players that most of the starting players will be rotated in this game.

Because of the successful promotion, Gallio is ready to use all his strength in the FA Cup final.

Their opponent in the FA Cup final is the down-and-out giants from the Premier League, the Red Army Liverpool.

For the remaining two league games, he is ready to play with all substitutes.

In his opinion, a League One championship is not worth fighting for.

Because if they win this game against Fulham, they have to go all out in the next game, otherwise they may not win the championship.

If they lose this game, Fulham will win the championship in advance, and he can just give up in the next game.

But... when the team walked out of the training ground and prepared to go to the away game, there was a big problem.

The entire training base was surrounded by people, and the key point was that as far as the eye could see, there were a large number of fans rushing in from farther away.

Fulham did not prepare too many tickets for the visiting team, so most of the fans could not travel with the team.

He They came here directly, not only to see the team off, but also to gather together to cheer for the team.

The big screen here can show the live broadcast of the game outside the stadium.

The red home jerseys turned all the streets into a sea of red.

When the player bus slowly drove by, the fans cheered loudly.

Zhao Yi, sitting in the car, looked at the fans with the Wolves logo painted on their faces, waving the Wolves flag in their hands, cheering and shouting. He was deeply touched in his heart.

He remembered the state of the fans when he first came to Wolverhampton.

These fans When the team was glorious, they gathered together and cheered in unison.

When the team fell into the trough, although there were curses and insults everywhere, they would show up for every game and fill up the Molineux Stadium.

They never gave up on the team.

In China, there is a very famous sect, and they have a very famous slogan.

Glory gave birth to hypocritical supporters, and the trough witnessed true believers.

They like championships and desire championships.

But they are not championship fans.

Even if there is no championship, no results, and they curse every day, they may get cerebral congestion and heart disease, but they still support while cursing.






Hysterical shouts came from all directions.

It was really touching.

The players in the car lowered their heads and clenched their fists. Carlisle was so excited that he had difficulty breathing.

Wolverhampton Wanderers was once relegated from the Premier League to the Championship.

From the Championship to League One.

These crazy fans have never left.

Now they see the dawn of the championship.

Now, Wolverhampton Wanderers has the hope of competing for the championship again.

These simple and enthusiastic fans came here with the simplest wishes.

Should we really give up the game?

Is it enough to be promoted to the Championship?

If we really play with all substitutes, are we really worthy of these fans?

If we go all out, even if we lose, I believe these fans will not be disappointed.

But we gave up the game ourselves and destroyed the trust of these fans with our own hands. Are we really worthy of them and ourselves?

Galliot closed his eyes, quiet and peaceful.

He didn't seem to be affected too much.

Zhao Yi sat there. Perrin had said something to him before, which was very appropriate

"Football fans are crazy, cute, and stupid.

They are the easiest to deceive. Even if you lose the most important game, no matter how you let them down or hurt them, within three days, they will forget the pain, regroup, and continue to cheer for the team."

To put it bluntly, football fans are the largest licking dog organization in the world.

Zhao Yi felt that this was correct.

There was a group of such licking dogs in his homeland.

You can abuse them and hurt them thousands of times.

No matter how many times, as long as the disappointing team has a game, this group of fans who curse the most will spend money to buy tickets to suffer.

They were the ones who cheered the loudest at the scene.

The other team gave up while playing, but they were still cheering with all their strength!

They were not happy to be called licking dogs.

Zhao Yi retracted his thoughts.

The bus was moving away, but the sound behind him did not weaken.



Zhao Yi turned his head and looked at the banners held up by the fans.

"We are always behind you!!!"

"Wolverhampton is always going all out!"

The fans' expectations and wishes have been following the team bus for a long journey.

Zhao Yi approached Galliol cautiously, and the two were not far away.

"Coach, will they beat us to death when we come back?"

Garriol shook his head. No.

The team has been promoted. These fans will only be disappointed for two days, and then they will hold a grand celebration ceremony.

"Coach, you are doing this for the team too."

Garriol opened his eyes and nodded.

Of course.

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