When the whistle sounded, Galliol and the assistant coach hugged each other tightly.

Even though he didn't care much about the championship, the intense cheers of the fans in the stadium also made him excited.

The Wolves bench had already rushed into the stadium to celebrate with the players.

Zhao Yi didn't care too much about the championship, so he seemed calm.

But the fans in the stands were not like this.

The younger ones were in good condition, but those fans in their forties were crazy.

They had all been fans of Wolverhampton Wanderers since they were young. They had waited for half a lifetime, and finally they got it!

At the beginning of the season, they were still struggling to stay in the league, but in the last round of the league, they won the championship!

The security of the stadium had been broken by the excited fans!

Carlisle, a player who likes to show off, actually took off his jersey and rushed towards the fans!

In an instant, Carlisle was surrounded by this group of crazy people.

The beautiful picture of being thrown into the sky that Carlisle imagined did not happen.

Instead, he was stripped naked by the fans...

These clothes are of great commemorative value to these fans!

When Zhao Yi saw this scene, he turned around and ran!

If he was caught and his clothes were stripped off, it wouldn't be a big problem. He was just afraid that some crazy fans would directly attack his little Zhao...

The stadium security personnel could no longer stop these lunatics. They could only try their best to protect the players and prevent them from getting hurt. They surrounded these players and ran to the player tunnel.

Carlisle got up from the ground, but he couldn't find who had stripped his underwear.

In the chaos, the security personnel pulled Carlisle out.

The players quickly returned to the locker room and waited for the noise outside to end.

Then there would be an awards ceremony.

The security personnel and team staff shouted at the top of their lungs but couldn't stop the fans running wildly on the stadium.

"You guys are crazy! I love you guys so much!!"The DJ at the scene started to sing.

"Cheer as much as you can and go crazy as much as you can!"

"Congratulations to us, we won the championship in the last game, the last home game!

We have been looking forward to this moment for so long that we have forgotten the taste of the championship!

Soon, we will usher in the most important moment!

We will witness the ownership of the championship!

Glory belongs to Wolverhampton, the championship belongs to Wolverhampton!

You crazy people, everyone needs you to return to your seats!

Calm down!

Our battle is not over yet! Twenty days later, we will follow our team to the sacred temple!

Be quiet!"

Crazy fans ran around the stadium, setting off fireworks to celebrate.

Many fans have gradually calmed down after hearing the DJ's voice.

"We still have the most important award ceremony! Let's welcome the championship trophy together!"

""Go back to the stands, go back to your seats!!"

Ten minutes later, a large number of excited fans had returned, and two shirtless fans were running on the court with flags.

One was carrying the Wolves' flag, and the other was carrying a flag with Zhao Yi's head printed on it.

At this moment, the fans who had returned to their seats were cheering for the two of them.

Because there were more than a dozen security guards chasing them!

Soon, the two were knocked down by the security guards.

"Glory to Wolverhampton!!!"

""Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, I love you!! My wife loves you too!"

Two fans were pinned down, still shouting slogans.

A large number of security personnel temporarily entered the Molineux Stadium.

The stadium manager had never expected such an out-of-control scene.

For the safety of the players and fans, they could only temporarily dispatch more security.

When the players reappeared on the field, the singing on the scene rang out.

A large number of fans looked at Zhao Yi.

His appearance changed the temperament of the entire team.

He made his teammates more confident and more resilient.

He led this relegation team to successfully win the championship.

If... if he could lead Wolverhampton to the Premier League, win the championship, and stage a real Wolverhampton miracle, what a dreamy fairy tale it would be?

All Wolverhampton people will remember that afternoon, the young man who came on as a substitute solved the feat of a team alone.

All players only need to do one thing well.


When all the players stepped onto the podium, a huge tifo appeared on the north stand again. This time, the tifo was no longer accompanied by silence.

Instead, it was cheers that broke through the sky.

The second time in the same game Classic scene.

Zhao Yi kicked the ball out, and the football was still flying. He had already flashed his jersey towards the north stand.

He had no words, but he told all the fans.

Your king is here.

Crazy, flamboyant, arrogant, and elegant.

Uniform voices rang out in the stands. They were calling Zhao Yi and thanking Zhao Yi.

The team's championship ceremony has completely become a one-man stage.

The players of Wolverhampton Wanderers were not jealous, nor did they dare to be jealous.

They looked up at the huge tifo, and the players, led by captain Nouri, began to applaud.

This was the greatest respect they gave to Zhao Yi.

Carlisle clapped the hardest.

His football skills improved a lot after being beaten by Zhao Yi, and his value skyrocketed.

The championship is dispensable for Zhao Yi.

But the scene in front of him moved him.

This moment he fantasized about was longer than the last time Wolves won the championship!

Become the core of a team and become the hero of a city!

The regrets of the previous life, the dream comes true in this life.

Zhao Yi still couldn't help but shed tears.

He raised his hands and responded to the fans in the stands.

The camera stayed for a long time

"Zhao, he fulfilled his promise! He brought Wolverhampton a championship that had not been seen for 30 years.���

Wolverhampton fans will always remember him, the number 19 that belongs to Wolverhampton!

Maybe Zhao will leave, but the legend about him will never!

When he becomes a world-class star, we will proudly tell everyone that Zhao's starting point is in Wolverhampton!

We will pass on this good story, and when we are old, we will keep telling our grandchildren the story of us and Zhao!

As long as Wolverhampton is still there, as long as football is still there! The number 19 is there, and Zhao is there!"Bueno's excited voice rang out.

Perrin followed the applause and kept turning his head to look at his brother.

Pep Guardiola was almost expressionless.

When he left Barcelona, he also experienced these scenes.

Fans also made his photos into huge tifo.

It's very touching.

It's also regrettable.

These scenes... will pass sooner or later.

"I heard he can't play football in China?"Pep Guardiola suddenly asked.

How high is the football level in China?

Too scary, right?

"No, no, no, he can play football, but he doesn't want to develop in China!"Perrin Guardiola talked to Zhao Yi about some things in China

"His dad is rich! A wealthy man! It's easy for him to play football in China! But he has no chance to grow up in China!

After he came to Europe, he could only shoot at the beginning, but in less than a year, he could pass and dribble! His body has also become stronger!

What do you think of his talent?

I tell you, I have never seen such talent.

Speaking of talent, Messi and Ronaldo are nothing in front of him!!"

(Many people say that Ronaldo is not talented and relies on self-discipline. I tell you, the prerequisite for becoming a top star is talent. I can even say that players who can play in the five major leagues are all talented. No one can become a professional player by hard work alone)

"Nonsense!"Pep Guardiola knew that his brother was promoting Zhao Yi, but he couldn't say such nonsense.

To reach this level in one year?

Is he possessed by God?

He can't dribble or pass the ball, but he can adapt to the top five leagues in one year?

It's understandable that he has a high football IQ, but technical moves require a lot of practice, how can he improve so quickly?

"Why would I lie to you?"

"Messi has the best talent I have ever seen, and no one will surpass him." Pep Guardiola said, and added in his heart that if Messi did not drink soda, his achievements would definitely be higher.

"Not anymore, you've seen someone with better talent!" Perrin Guardiola pointed at Zhao Yi on the field and vowed.

After some bureaucratic speeches, the championship trophy was lifted up by Nouri!

Not only did the atmosphere on the scene reach its peak, but the fans waiting excitedly outside the stadium, the fans gathered in the bar, the fans sitting with friends at home, and the fans drinking wine and eating pizza alone all stood up at the same time.


"Wolverhampton Wanderers are the champions!!!"

After Nouri and Gagliardelli, Zhao Yi also took a photo with the championship trophy.

If it weren't for the tradition that the captain and coach were in front, Zhao Yi would really be pushed to take the first photo with the trophy.

"The player in the No. 19 jersey in front of me!

A super star from China!

The absolute core of Wolverhampton Wanderers!

Red Wolf King!

Super Zhao!

A kind person!

A wild gentleman!

The top scorer of the English League One in the 14-15 season!

The record holder of the English League One goals!

The most valuable player of the English League One!

The eternal legend of Wolverhampton fans!

Zhao Yi!

He will take us to Wembley Stadium!

The legend of the Red Wolf King continues!

The story of Wolverhampton Wanderers continues!"

On the court, Gallio hugged Zhao Yi tightly.

When he was about to give up, Zhao Yi came here like a meteor that cut through the darkness.

Soon, he became a dazzling sun, dispelling all the haze and darkness.

Bringing light to Wolverhampton.

Zhao Yi saved the team, saved him, and saved the fans of Wolverhampton!

""Thank you, Zhao!"

The two hugged each other, and the reporters around them kept taking pictures of this scene.

In a dozen years, this may become a classic history.

All the players took pictures to celebrate.

When the players left the field, the fans in the north stand, who had once scolded and even cursed Zhao Yi, were now in tears and sobbing.

In their hands, they were waving not only the flag of the Wolves, but also the red flag of China.

No one had ever told them that Zhao Yi would leave.

But they all knew.

Zhao Yi waved at them. They couldn't hear Zhao Yi's voice, but they could see his lip shape.

It was very, very obvious.

I will come back.

Just like Zhao Yi promised, he would bring a championship.

Now, he told everyone that he would come back.

He will definitely come back.

Every player has a peak and an end.

He will go out and win all the championships he can.

He will fill the entire Hall of Fame with championship trophies!

Zhao Yi raised his hand and took a look at the small trophy in his hand.

This is useless, destined to be the most useless one among all his trophies.

He will put this trophy in front of all the trophies, on top of all the trophies.

Tell all the fans here.

This is not only the beginning of his career, but also the end.

This is the most important part of his career.

When the fans in the north stand saw what Zhao Yi said, they stood up again and the applause continued.

They hope that moment can come sooner, but they also hope that they can wait for a long, long time, or even hope that moment will never come.

At this moment, it is not only the fans of Wolverhampton who are excited, but also a large number of Chinese fans.

They are not happy and happy because Wolves won the championship.

They just feel the same because of winning the championship.

Many fans even wondered why these Wolverhampton fans are so excited.���

A third-tier English league championship, what's the big deal ?

It's equivalent to the Chinese League Two championship, what's there to be excited about?

"Let me explain to you that the fan tradition in England is different from ours. The mood of these local fans at this time is probably equivalent to the state of our fans when China entered the World Cup."

"This explanation is not very clear. It is probably equivalent to Chinese football winning the championship of any official competition."

"Celebrate together"

"Oh, I was quite happy……"

"Chinese football was okay in the first two years, but has been getting worse and worse recently. How can they still win the championship?"

"When will there be a Chinese semi-finals match, where Chinese football will play against Taiwan and Hong Kong, and they will probably win the championship."

"Don't say that! I'm happy! Zhao Yi is now the top scorer in both the FA Cup and the league!

Wolves may also win the double crown!"

"There are definitely opportunities, but it’s not easy to play against Liverpool. Liverpool hasn’t won a championship for a long time. This time they have to fight for their lives to reach the final!!"

"Yes, a big reason why we were able to eliminate the Premier League strong teams in the first few rounds was that the opponents did not try their best."

"The one that really counts is the Arsenal match. Only Arsenal really wanted to win the FA Cup and really tried their best."

"Arsenal is one man short and Wolves can hardly hold on. How can they fight Liverpool with real weapons?"

"The current Wolves are different from the past. The players are more confident now. They have won consecutive games with big scores. It is normal for Liverpool to fail in a decisive final."

"That's right, Liverpool's performance has been bad since Suarez left, and they have become a completely nervous team. They won't even qualify for the Champions League next season.

Wolves have a great chance."

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