Last season, Manchester City was firmly suppressed throughout the season, and there was almost no sign of winning the league championship.

In the end, they did lose completely, finishing second in the league, eight points behind Chelsea. They were eliminated from the FA Cup, League Cup, and Champions League, creating a 0-championship feat. In the second round of this season, Manchester City will have a fierce battle with Chelsea at home.

The battle for the championship and runner-up last season was undoubtedly the focus.

The attention is definitely the highest in this round of Premier League games.

In the last league, after the big win, there were constant doubts, not only against Zhao Yi, but also against the entire Manchester City.

Many people believe that such a game with a huge disparity in strength cannot show the strength of the team.

What is the ability to bully the weak?

Only by winning in a strong dialogue can you prove yourself. In the training match a few days ago, Zhao Yi took the initiative to find Aguero to communicate.

This is his respect for a predecessor.

There is a very obvious competitive relationship between Aguero and him.

It should have been a healthy competition, but because of the conflict between Aguero and Guardiola, this competitive relationship has become a little bad.

Many players can feel that Zhao Yi was hired by Guardiola to deal with Aguero, the hero of the team.

Now Zhao Yi took the initiative to find Aguero, which looked more like a provocation from the winner to the loser.

So Aguero hardly paid attention to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi was very embarrassed.

Originally, he should have had the best relationship with Aguero in Manchester City, because when the two played against each other, Aguero exchanged jerseys with him and encouraged Zhao Yi.

As a result, now, because of the things between Guardiola and Aguero, Zhao Yi is in an extremely embarrassing situation.

So Zhao Yi hopes that Aguero can resolve the conflict with Guardiola as soon as possible.

After all, Aguero is a hero in the hearts of Manchester City fans, and Guardiola is the one who says what he means and needs to have complete control over the team.

According to past experience, Guardiola gave Aguero a step and let him come on as a substitute in the last round of the league. If Aguero does not seize this opportunity, Aguero will basically be useless. No matter how powerful Aguero is, he will not be better than Eto'o.

Players of Eto'o's level are still in their prime, and Guardiola didn't hesitate at all. He said he would waste it.

This time, Zhao Yi changed his tactical style of play. He didn't take the initiative to find Aguero, but first looked for David Silva and Kompany.

Zhao Yi always received David Silva's pass, and the two cooperated very well.

Silva was very optimistic about Zhao Yi.

As for Kompany, it was because Zhao Yi always passed the ball to his head in the training match, allowing him, a central defender, to score.

So he had a very good impression of Zhao Yi, a junior.

Of course, this is secondary, and there are two more important points.

First, Guardiola admired Zhao Yi very much, and it was obvious that he was ready to make Zhao Yi a regular.

Second, Zhao Yi was too competitive, and he scored five goals in the first game of his debut.

If you are a hopeless person, big guys like Kompany and Silva will not hang you.

Self-improvement is better than anything else.

Kompany knew what Zhao Yi meant. This kid really wanted Manchester City to unite, be invincible, and win the Premier League championship.

Otherwise, why would he, a super newcomer who pushed Aguero to the bench, care about the relationship between Aguero and Guardiola?

If it were someone else, Aguero would have strangled Guardiola directly!

With Kompany and David Silva as the middlemen, Aguero finally had a good chat with Zhao Yi.

The conflict between Aguero and Guardiola is very simple.

Guardiola needs all players to obey his arrangements and commands, and Aguero must accept a possible substitute role this season.

This shocked Aguero.

Last season, he was still the Premier League Golden Boot! This season, he will be a substitute?

If he is old or his form declines, he can certainly accept it.

But he is now in his prime, the Premier League Golden Boot! He actually wants to be a substitute?

If Messi is a substitute, it's okay, but for others?

Absolutely impossible!

So Aguero did not hesitate, firmly disagreed with Guardiola's idea, and almost overturned the table on the spot.

The two quarreled.

He was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for Zhao Yi to perform poorly after coming on the court, so that Guardiola would bow his head and let him return to the starting lineup.

As a result, after Zhao Yi came on the court, he scored five goals!

Aguero's hopes were completely shattered.

He had already made the worst plan and left the team.

Guardiola didn't need him anymore, and Manchester City didn't need him anymore.

Why was he still staying here?

Just leave.

Zhao Yi listened to Aguero's narration and immediately understood the crux of the problem.

Aguero's personality is like that of a child.

He thought that if they had a quarrel or a disagreement, they would break up, or even never contact each other again.

This is like a boy who has never been in a relationship before, and he thinks he should break up after a quarrel when he falls in love for the first time.

In fact... it is not as serious as imagined.

"Guardiola has already put you on the bench……"Zhao Yi was about to tell Aguero that Guardiola had given him a way out, but Aguero stiffened his neck and said,"He wants me to go up and embarrass myself. He let me go on the bench after you scored five goals.

As long as I can't score five goals, he can humiliate me?"


Zhao Yi listened to Aguero's twisted logic.

Look at Kompany and David Silva, the two of them kept shaking their heads, looking helpless.

Obviously they knew Aguero's train of thought.

"Guardiola definitely didn't mean that. If he wanted to humiliate you, wouldn't it be better to just let you come on as a substitute for 90 minutes?"

Aguero thought about it and felt that there was some truth in it, but he still said,"He just doesn't like me!"

"He cleared out the people he didn't like, or they didn't have a chance to play, such as Nasri and Milner.

You've fought with him, and he still let you play. It's you. Others would have been sold by him long ago!" Zhao Yi said confidently, and Aguero blinked his big eyes.


He didn't quite believe it, and looked at Kompany again. Kompany nodded vigorously and gave a thumbs up.

It's true, it couldn't be more true.

"How about Deco? How about Eto'o? Is Ibrahimovic strong? ? Is Ronaldinho strong? ? ? ? ? They were all cleared out by Guardiola!

These stars just had a disagreement with Guardiola, so they were all sold.

You even had a fight with Guardiola, but Guardiola still kept you!


It's because he likes you and thinks you're better than them!"

Aguero squinted his eyes and looked at Zhao Yi, a little bit unbelievable, but also very comfortable.

I'm better than Ronaldinho?

Hey, this is the first time someone says that.


"Then you see, Ronaldinho was not included in the squad later, but you quarreled with Guardiola and still played as a substitute for half an hour."

When Aguero heard this, it seemed to make sense.

"That's not right. If he really liked me, why would he let me be a substitute?"

"What they said was that you might be a substitute, not that you should be a substitute.

It is to ensure your health and allow the team to develop better.

All Manchester City players may be substitutes.

This is not distrust, this is great trust, and you are asked to take the lead at the critical moment!

As a result, you turned the table over before the coach has explained it clearly. With Guardiola's character, will he explain to you?"


Aguero looked at Kompany and David Silva again.

They nodded vigorously.

That's it.

You misunderstood Guardiola.

Aguero scratched his head. If this is true, then it would be wrong for him to fight with Guardiola.

"What should I do?"

"You should go and explain to Guardiola now, saying that you were too impulsive and there was a small misunderstanding."

"You will definitely get back together. In the next game against Chelsea, you will definitely start!"

Seeing Zhao Yi patting his chest to make the promise, Aguero was skeptical.

"That's not right. If I start, you will be a substitute. Why are you so kind?"Aguero is really straightforward. He says what he wants to say.

He doesn't hide anything.

"The most important thing is that the team is harmonious and we can win the championship together!"

Aguero really believed what Zhao Yi said and ran to find Guardiola.

The three of them cheered Aguero from a distance, clenching their fists.

"Do you really think so? Your performance, plus the conflict between Aguero and Guardiola, will secure your place in the starting lineup!

Now, it's not stable." Kompany felt that Zhao Yi was at an age when he was competitive and would definitely crush his opponent if he had the chance, so why would he speak for his opponent?

"Of course, team unity is the most important thing, and a stable locker room is the biggest guarantee of results.

Moreover, starting and gaining the coach's trust depends on your own ability, not on attacking teammates."

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