Guardiola has been a coach for many years, and he could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Zhao Yi's training.

During the break, Guardiola waved to Zhao Yi.

In these two Premier League games, the strong teams must have far surpassed the English League One.

He thought Zhao Yi might not have adapted well enough, so there were some problems with his physical condition.

But that was not right, Zhao Yi was only 18 years old after all, and his recovery ability must be very good. He should have recovered after a day off yesterday.

"What did you do yesterday? Guardiola asked curiously.

"I didn't do anything and stayed at home all day."Zhao Yi held his head high and chest out, feeling that his thighs were still a little weak.

"I have arranged for Coach Ventura to check your physical condition. Guardiola was skeptical. He needed to know Zhao Yi's physical condition.

Only in this way could he arrange Zhao Yi's playing time reasonably.

Guardiola paid more attention to the physical condition of the players than their own.

"You are very young, just an adult, you must not indulge in alcohol, it will completely ruin you."Guardiola solemnly instructed Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi nodded, I understand!

Definitely don't touch alcohol, you can rest assured about this coach!

"Also, women... should also be restrained. Athletes like you have strong hormone secretion and are full of masculine charm. You are so young, and soon many beautiful women of all kinds will come to you on their own initiative. You must restrain yourself."

Zhao Yi didn't nod this time.

He hesitated.

Guardiola saw at a glance that women might become a stumbling block for this kid.

So... it is very important for athletes to stabilize their emotional life as soon as possible and have a qualified girlfriend to watch over them.

Guardiola didn't say too much, after all, this is the most private thing.

Not long after, Ventura came over.

Guardiola's achievements today are inseparable from Ventura's contribution.

Barcelona's dynasty shocked the entire world of football.

And one of the keys to their remarkable achievements is physical reserves.

Six champions, more games than all European teams.

Being able to maintain the integrity of the team in such a dense schedule is obviously related to the physical fitness of the players.

A large number of injuries are caused by the decline of players' physical reserves as the season progresses.

Zhao Yi followed Ventura and chatted all the way to the medical room.

It has the most luxurious medical testing equipment in the entire Premier League and even Europe.

The doctor responsible for Zhao Yi's physical examination was not Will before.

He was replaced by a beautiful doctor.

The beauty has blond hair and blue eyes unique to Europe, and of course, more importantly, big waves. It is very heart-warming

"Hi, Zhao, I'm Rebecca." The beautiful doctor stretched out her hand, and the two shook hands gently.

Rebecca looked at Zhao Yi's brilliant smile and his bright eyes, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

An extremely focused gaze would give people a very confident and sunny feeling.

When the examination began, Zhao Yi took off his shirt, and Rebecca slightly raised her crystal chin and squinted her eyes.

She turned around and went to get her notebook, and her pink tongue couldn't help licking her lips.

After taking two deep breaths, she turned around.

She still couldn't help but stretch out her right hand and gently touch Zhao Yi's chest muscles.

Zhao Yi was stunned for a moment

"Uh... just a routine checkup."

Zhao Yi blinked and believed it.

It lasted for nearly an hour. Rebecca gave Zhao Yi a thorough checkup.

All indicators were normal and he was very healthy.

However, some items would take some time to get results.


"Yes." Rebecca took notes with a pen and looked up at Zhao Yi again.

"There is just a small problem"

"What?"Zhao Yi put on his clothes.

"You need to control yourself... You can't indulge yourself like this... Um... You know what I mean."

Zhao Yi stared at Rebecca in a daze. What does that mean?

"This thing of yours, this instrument of yours, can check in such detail???"

"It's not as detailed as you think. It can only roughly show some trace elements lost in your body in a short period of time... You may lose the amount of others in a month in a short period of time, probably in one day...

So, adulthood is a good thing, but don't... right... don't do this every day."Rebecca's eyes were a little slanted.

She scratched her hair and looked at Zhao Yi's chest muscles with the corner of her eyes.


Really fierce.

Twenty or thirty times a day.

I don't know which women are so lucky.

It may be a woman. If it was a woman, it is estimated that it would be closed now.

"Thank you... Thank you for your reminder." Zhao Yi coughed, turned around and ran away in shame.

Today's instruments are so powerful that they can detect these things.

He saw in the news before that a young man rushed forty-two times in half a day and was exhausted to death.

He didn't believe it. How many times can it be detected?

Now he believes it.

So in the future, before the physical examination, you can't do other things.

Rebecca told Ventura about Zhao Yi truthfully.

If Zhao Yi lived a normal life, Rebecca would not be able to detect it.

But Zhao Yi was too unrestrained.

In less than a day, he had done it almost thirty times.

Some element indicators in the body were lost in large quantities.

This made Rebecca discover the abnormality.

Guardiola found Zhao Yi and confirmed that his physical abnormality was indeed due to his excessive indulgence yesterday, and he was relieved.

Fortunately, it was not due to any disease.

"The Champions League is about to start, and the schedule will become more and more intensive. I can accept you doing it two or three times a day, but you can't do it twenty or thirty times a day!

It will kill people!!"

Guardiola was very serious.

Zhao Yi's eyes rolled around for a few times.

"I should have thought of this problem. This kind of thing should be written in the contract."Guardiola shook his head and sighed.

Zhao Yi was not yet an adult at that time, but now he knows about this good thing. He found that women are much more fun than football. Isn't he going to have fun in the future?

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