As a central midfielder, Arnanes is best at large-scale transfers and a fairly good ability to break through with the ball.

Of course, since he is called a"guard", it means that he has a very clear defensive task on the court.

In this game, his task is to defend Zhao Yi.

From the moment Gundogan received the ball, Arnanes has been following Zhao Yi.

It is difficult for Zhao Yi to receive the ball, and even Zhao Yi cannot receive the ball at all.

Of course, as a first-class coach, Allegri has a fairly accurate understanding of Zhao Yi's level.

Arnanes has speed and agility.

But his body is not strong enough.

It's like a leopard, with a perfect body shape and running fast, but it is not enough to meet a lion or tiger.

Zhao Yi's confrontation ability is quite good, and one Arnanes is probably not enough.

So Sturola will be ready to assist at any time.

As for Juventus' other two midfielders, Pogba basically will not participate in defense and needs to organize offense.

Cuadrado has both defensive and offensive roles. He is responsible for marking De Bruyne.

After holding the ball, Gundogan found that Arnanes had been defending Zhao Yi, and Sturola had been wandering back and forth between Zhao Yi and the player holding the ball, thinking about intercepting the ball.

So Gundogan did not pass the ball to Zhao Yi, but passed the ball backwards after being intercepted.

Manchester City did not launch a quick attack at the beginning of the game.

And Juventus did not press desperately.

Both sides were testing each other in the opening stage.

Manchester City's ball was running in the midfield and backcourt, while Juventus' players were more like playing a training match, only symbolically trying to grab the ball.

When Manchester City players took the ball out, the pressing Juventus players swayed slowly.

Gundogan and Fernandinho, as well as the retreating De Bruyne, passed the ball continuously.

Morata, Mandzukic, Cuadrado, and Pogba, four midfield players, were interfering.

Suddenly, Juventus' midfield players seemed to have received some instructions and pressed Manchester City's midfield and backcourt at almost the same time!

This is the power of action, the execution of tactics.

The pressing effect of one person is almost equal to nothing, and moving at the same time will make the ball holder nervous.

There is a high possibility of loopholes in the pass.

Juventus' slow rhythm at the beginning was obviously to paralyze Manchester City.

At this time, Juventus players rushed directly to their pressing players, and Gundogan quickly moved backwards.

After Zabaleta received the ball, Mandzukic rushed over.

Zabaleta was not panicked. Seeing the Juventus pressing players in the middle, he did not dare to pass the ball to Kompany easily. He turned around and kicked the ball directly to Joe Hart standing on the edge of the penalty area.

This is one of Guardiola's tactics. When encountering pressing, the goalkeeper will also become a link in the pass.

In this way, his team will always have one more person when passing the ball.

However, there is a problem here.

Joe Hart does not have this ability.

In other words, his ball holding and passing level do not meet Guardiola's requirements.

Therefore, no matter how good Joe Hart's save level is, he will be outside of Guardiola's tactical system.

Facing the rushing Morata, Joe Hart didn't dare to pass the ball to Kolarov, let alone find Gundogan and Fernandinho in the midfield.

In order not to make mistakes, he could only kick it out with a big foot.

The clearance was indeed cleared.

But this made Manchester City, which originally had possession of the ball, have only one-half of the possession.

For Guardiola, who pursues details, this way of handling the ball is simply unbearable.

Guardiola stood on the sidelines and pointed at Kolarov on the wing. There was a very good receiving point there, so why did he kick it?

Fortunately, Gundogan in the center line headed the ball to Sterling who retreated to receive it.

Sterling forced a breakthrough along the wing under the interference of Sturola.

This is the role of Sterling.

Now in Manchester City, there is only one Sterling who has absolute explosive ability on the wing.

There is also Navas on the bench.

De Bruyne, David Silva, and Zhao Yi basically do not have this explosive breakthrough ability on the wing.

What a wing blaster needs is absolute speed, such as Mahrez, Doku, or Shaker from Manchester City.

People like De Bruyne, Gundogan, and Alvarez, no matter how good their skills are, cannot do the job.

(Some people will refute that Messi and Ronaldo can play as wingers even if they are not fast, but these fans don't know how fast Messi's short legs are, and they haven't seen Ronaldo's smoking sprint like he was stepping on a wind and fire wheel during his time at Manchester United)

Evra saw that Sturola couldn't defend Sterling, so he could only go over to intercept and defend.

At this time, Sterling could continue to move forward along the wing, but there was basically no chance of causing damage.

So he made a lateral transfer before Evra came over.

When Zhao Yi and Arnanes were entangled in the middle, he stopped the ball with one foot, then pushed it and turned halfway.

The ball rolled forward three or four meters with Arnanes completely behind him, stopping and passing, and directly shook off Arnanes.

This move, without any extra movements, also got rid of the defense at the fastest speed.

What is needed is not only technology, but also a lot of practical experience.

Zhao Yi immediately dribbled forward, and Arnanes quickly chased back.

Sturola also approached Zhao Yi at the first time.

The two Juventus defenders were at a certain distance from Zhao Yi and kept retreating.

While Zhao Yi could not shoot, he could not directly start to pass anyone.

This is the defensive experience of top defenders.

Blocking the possibility of attacking players means threatening the attack.

Aguero kept running and pulling, but the passing route was blocked.

Zhao Yi did not have a good breakthrough route during the process. With an outside instep, he directly passed the ball to De Bruyne.

Then he rushed into the penalty area with Aguero.

De Bruyne was ready to pass the ball before stopping the ball. He even thought of the passing route!

So he just stopped the ball for a while, and before the defender came over, he kicked a curve ball!

Lichtsteiner fell to the ground and slid!

The football still passed his defense!

Under Bonucci's interference, Aguero could not exert his strength perfectly and had no shooting angle.

He could only stop the ball by force, and he couldn't even turn around.

Chiellini's defense against Zhao Yi was also very successful.

In the small space in the penalty area, it was impossible for the two to pass the ball to each other.

Aguero could only stumble and carry the ball out of the penalty area.

Manchester City's very good attack did not cause much threat.

At this time, Juventus' players had all returned and quickly organized their defense.

Manchester City could only regain control of the ball and wait for an opportunity.

Gundogan, Fernandinho, De Bruyne.

After the ball was passed several times, De Bruyne suddenly kicked the ball again.

The ball passed the center of the penalty area and went to the right.

There were Zhao Yi and Sterling to meet.

However, Chiellini stuck to Zhao Yi and jumped directly to head the ball out of the penalty area.

For the judgment of the ball route, this battle-hardened Italian defensive backbone is obviously very experienced.

Gundogan followed up with a kick to Sterling's feet.

Sterling faced defense, and it was difficult to start and complete the breakthrough in this range.

Zhao Yi was in the penalty area, and Chiellini kept fighting for position.

Chiellini has good experience, but his body is really not as good as Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi dodged and moved, and there was still space.

Sterling did not hesitate and kicked the ball directly.

"Zhao Yi! It's hard to turn around! Chiellini……"Chiellini was behind Zhao Yi, not only blocking his position, but also making some small movements with his hands, which made Zhao Yi very uncomfortable.

The amplitude of this small movement was not large, and it would definitely not be called a foul.

But it made it difficult for Zhao Yi to exert force.

It was even more impossible for him to complete the turn, and naturally he could not shoot.

The best way was to pass the ball again, otherwise when Evra came over, the two of them would be surrounded and the ball would be difficult to hold.

"There should be no chance. Chiellini's defensive ability is really world-class."

Zhao Yi really couldn't get rid of it in the penalty area. He could only push hard with the outside of his right foot, and the ball quickly rolled to the front of the penalty area.

That place is called Zhao Yi's area by many people, but Zhao Yi was not there this time.

It was Gundogan who appeared.

Gundogan faced the ball and kicked Evra who rushed to the position!

The ball was full of power.

But it didn't get past Bonucci's defense.

Bonucci tightened his arms, and the ball hit his arm and bounced directly to the right.

For this kind of ball, the referee will not award a penalty.

Zhao Yi quickly rushed out of the penalty area and snatched the ball.

Chiellini also hurriedly followed. Go, force Zhao Yi, so that even if he gets the ball, he will not have the chance to break through.

The football fell and bounced up from the lawn.

Zhao Yi turned his head slightly, and used his peripheral vision to look at Chiellini's position, and positioned himself to make sure he could get the football.

Chiellini did not force his way over to grab the ball, because there was only one possibility, that Zhao Yi would turn around and pass him the moment he got the ball.

Chiellini, who was very experienced in defense, was following not far behind Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi did not move, and he did not move either.

What he had to do was not to grab the ball, but to defend against Zhao Yi.

After the football bounced up and was about to fall, Zhao Yi leaned against Go over.

He didn't try to stop the ball.

Instead, he tapped the ground with his left foot. Because Chiellini was not defending close to him, he had enough space to complete the action.

Chiellini watched Zhao Yi, who had his back to him, suddenly lean back.

His right leg was raised forward.

Then his left foot that was tapping the ground also flew into the air.

Chiellini's mind went blank.

Even a player like him who was full of defensive experience didn't expect Zhao Yi to do such a thing in this position.

Damn, this kid directly hooked the ball.

Will the success rate of passing the ball without looking at the person be high?

Zhao Yi's waist and abdomen He exerted force, driving his right leg upward fiercely.

His right foot hit the football.


The football drew a huge rainbow shape and passed Chiellini.

Chiellini turned his head to look at the penalty area. He didn't believe that Manchester City could have someone in the penalty area to receive this kind of pass.

In the penalty area, Juventus had twice as many defenders as Manchester City's attackers.

Even though the football was far away from the goal, Buffon faced Zhao Yi conscientiously and guarded the near corner.

He watched Zhao Yi's hook pass fly into the penalty area, and immediately changed direction, running towards the middle of the goal, preparing to jump directly and punch the ball out.

He didn't dare to pick up the ball, for fear of slipping it out of his hands.

The football flew over the penalty area, and everyone in the penalty area tensed up and prepared to grab it.

Buffon moved forward and predicted, no, he couldn't reach it.

He immediately ran to the far corner, no... it seemed a bit high.

The ball was passed too far.

"Zhao Yi's back-hook pass was very imaginative! However, this distance really required too much skill, and it was difficult for his teammates to catch the ball."

"Well... Buffon should have scored this goal……"

The football was about to go outside the crossbar, but it changed its original route at a high point and fell directly in a rotation.

Buffon followed the ball all the way to the far corner, and when he saw the ball fall, his heart jumped up.

He hurriedly jumped up, his body hit the post, and raised his right hand high, but the football just fell from a high point and fell diagonally into the net from the angle of the goal!

Buffon is worthy of being a world-class goalkeeper. After this major mistake, he immediately lowered his body and grabbed the ball from behind the goal line.

Then he pretended nothing happened, rushed out with the football, and prepared to launch a counterattack!

In the penalty area, Aguero was anxious and screamed, jumping up and down.

The Juventus players rushed to the front court.

Guardiola on the sidelines didn't know whether the ball went in or not, but looking at Aguero's appearance, it seemed controversial.

He also shouted at the referee, jumping anxiously.

"Ouch... This ball, it seems like a pass or a shot... The angle is very tricky. If Buffon reacted a little slower, it might have really gone in!

If it had gone in, it would definitely be the most exciting goal of this round of the Champions League or even this season.

It's definitely a magical goal!" The Juventus commentator trembled in his heart. Seeing Buffon's actions and the reaction of the Juventus players to quickly launch a counterattack, he was sure that the ball did not go in, and praised Zhao Yi.


The referee blew a harsh whistle.

Allegri's heart sank.

Everyone looked at the referee.

The referee raised his left hand and pointed directly to the center circle.

"Oh my god!

This ball went in!

Zhao Yi!!! From 17 meters away from the goal, he hooked the ball directly!

The arc of the ball was very strange, brushing the crossbar and falling into the goal!

It seemed to be a slow kick, but it was really a fatal blow!

No one would have thought that this distance and this shooting action could score a goal!

This was more like a cross!

This was truly a fairy from the sky!

Definitely the best goal of the Champions League this season!"

Buffon held the football, stood in the penalty area, and kept arguing to the referee.

It didn't go in.

It definitely didn't go in!

He pointed at his eyes and said,"I saw it all!

Who of us was closer?

I saw it!

It didn't go in!"

The referee nodded and said,"Indeed, you were closer.

" But... he pointed at the device in his hand."

It moved, it moved.

No matter how good your eyes are, can they compare to the goal-line technology?

This is the power of technology, don't you know?

The goal is valid!

Buffon threw the football in frustration.

Of course he knew the ball went in, he was so close.

But at this time, he had to pretend to be very similar, what if, what if the goal-line technology failed?

Wouldn't the ball be gone?

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