The game was lost without any suspense.

Burton lost two more goals in the second half, and then Quinn assisted and Murphy scored a goal to save the team's face.

Li Yanqing accepted the defeat calmly at the post-match press conference.

"We lost, but I am very satisfied with the performance of my players."

"For the Championship, Burton is a young team."

"There is nothing to say about losing to a team of this level, everyone performed very well."

"But Burton will not admit defeat. We will be promoted to the Premier League next season and look forward to another match with the opponent."

Chelsea's head coach Conte has won the championship and has nothing to be dissatisfied with. He praised Burton's performance and wished the latter a successful promotion.

The rest of the press conference was his performance alone.

Li Yanqing left here early after a brief exchange with the other party, and even Miss Maggie couldn't keep him.

He just wanted to stay with his players now.

Back to the club's bus.

Chris was comforting the players.

In fact, the coaches couldn't say how sad they were to lose this game, because they had made the decision to give up this game in the previous meeting.

At that time, they knew very well how big the gap was with Burton and Chelsea.

No one spoke, including Murphy who scored a goal.

To be honest, they were able to score a goal because the opponent's defense was a bit slack after leading by four goals.

Only Chris's voice was left in the whole car.

"Guys, the game is over."

"We can't win the championship, but we should be thankful."

"Because this game didn't cause any damage to the team."

"There are only three rounds left in the league!"

"Let's take down Swansea City and send the team directly to the Premier League!"

"At least leave a gift for Jamie?"

"Let him leave here as a hero!"

"I will!" Murphy responded first, and he sat next to Jamie.

"We will all!"

Bradford, Turner, Miller and other veterans of the team also shouted in unison.

When they need help, Jamie is always the first to arrive.

They don't have the ability to help the latter win the championship, but at least they have to achieve the minimum goal.


"Look, that's..."

When the bus turned a corner, they found that their vision was filled with a sea of ​​yellow.

It was Burton fans!

They did not leave early, but gathered on the road that the team bus had to take on its return journey.

Still waving banners and flags like at the beginning of the game, shouting "Burton, Burton..."

The team did lose, but reaching the final in the first FA Cup was a proud achievement.

Whether they win or not, it will not affect the fans' enthusiasm for the home team.

What's more, they scored a goal.

This scene moved the players.

These tough guys on the field were about to lose control of their tears again.

They saw Will, who was still distributing beer everywhere, and then raised them above his head and crushed them one by one.

They saw Blanche, who was sitting on the top of a car, waving that special jersey.

They saw Dr. Strange, who was holding the largest banner with others and shaking it constantly.

"Asshole Will!"

"Buy less beer!"

"Give Blanche more supplements..."

Murphy never swears, but this time is an exception.

When he shouted to this point, he was completely out of control and covered his head with the curtains.

"Thank you, thank you."

"We lost this time, sorry, we will definitely win next time..."

As the captain, Bradford couldn't tell whether he was thanking or apologizing.

Who cares, just say everything you remember.

Jamie patted Murphy's shoulder and greeted the fans. Now he was the most emotionally stable one.

So he saw Li Yanqing shouting among the fans.

"So that's it..."

"No wonder they let us go first."

He suddenly smiled and realized that all this was actually planned by their head coach and Will.

Indeed, this situation usually only happens after welcoming the national team back home or the team wins the championship.

And now..

....If you think about it, you will know that someone must have organized it.

"That's not bad."

"At least the fans are really cheering for us."

"Otherwise, even if they are organized, it will turn into a street fight..."

Jamie didn't dare to say this out loud.

It's better if other people don't know about this...

Watching the bus slowly leave, Li Yanqing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He has done this, and the players' mentality should be able to quickly get out of the shadow of the final defeat.

This is thanks to the fan club led by Will, whose organizational ability is really great.


It seems that a big problem has been overlooked.

After a little thought, Li Yanqing suddenly realized.

As soon as his press conference ended, he went to organize fans with Will, and then cheered for the team here.

Now the bus has finally left.

But he doesn't seem to have gotten on the bus yet?

"Li, are you going back with us?"

"Or do you have something to do here?"

Will is a good man and provided a plan for the former in time.

"Of course, that's what I planned." Li Yanqing would never say that he simply forgot.

He spent all his thoughts on the team and the players...

"Little Blanche! Long time no see!

"Come down quickly, you can't continue to sit on the roof when you go back!"

He carried Little Blanche down, and the little girl was still "giggling" at this time.

"Murphy is really too lame!"

"He scored a goal, but he still cried like a child..."

"He hasn't finished becoming an adult yet." Li Yanqing agreed with this.

"But you have to wait until you grow up to laugh at him like this, you are much younger than him."

On the other side, two more people came over and greeted Li Yanqing.

"Dr. Strange!"

"Miss Fanny, you are here too?"

"Going back together?"

"Of course I have to come. This is the team's first final. I can't miss it. "

Dr. Strange glanced at Miss Fanny beside him and continued.

"You go back first, we plan to stay here for a while."

"You two..." Li Yanqing quickly discovered that something was wrong with them, and then smiled meaningfully.

"Okay, a friendly reminder, Miss Fanny, don't delay your work..."

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