On the 19th, Burton played against Fulham.

A stranger wearing sunglasses arrived in the town.

He looked around and finally locked his sight on a middle-aged man with yellow hair and a beer belly.

"Hello, how do I get to Burton Football Club?"

"Burton? I'm very familiar with it. Are you going to watch the game, stranger?"

"Today is the game against Fulham."

"If you are willing to wear the Burton jersey to cheer for the team, I can give you a ticket for free..."

Looking at the middle-aged man chattering, he suddenly smiled and nodded.

"Of course, if there's a free game waiting for me, I will."

"Why do you have extra tickets?"

"This is the privilege of the fan club president, man."


The court, the game has been going on for three minutes.

They finally came to their seats.

"Hey, Will, new face?"

"Have you brought any new people to our fan club?"

Dr. Strange was also here, and saw someone following Will, and asked excitedly.

"Not yet, but it's only a matter of time!"

Will seemed to be familiar with the man in sunglasses, patted his shoulder, and said with certainty.

"No fan can refuse the superstar of our team!"


"Where does the superstar come from..."

"Shut up, Strange!"

"They will all be in the future!"

Listening to Will and Strange bickering, the man in sunglasses said nothing.

He was more used to focusing on the game when the game started.


Looking at the starting lineup of the Burton team, he whispered the names of the players, and it seemed that he was quite familiar with this team.

But when he saw the goalkeeper position, he was stunned.

It was not Joe Hart, but the old goalkeeper Biwat.


"Do you know why Hart didn't play?"

"Hart? He will play in the next game." Will lowered his voice and whispered to the man in sunglasses.

"According to internal information, it was because of the last time the butter hand made a mistake."

"He is practicing recently, and I heard that he got the guidance of the legendary star Lehmann!"

"Also, old Biwat will retire after the end of this season."

"He has to show up more in the last few games."

"Oh..." The man in sunglasses expressed his understanding.

"Stop talking, look!"

"Murphy's wonderful single-handed attack!"

Strange pulled Will, and at this time a performance of riding alone was being staged on the field.

"Goal! Murphy!"

"Got it!"

"One to zero!"

The fans at the scene began to cheer, especially Will, who climbed onto a chair.

"Murphy, great!"

"Don't forget Quinn, his through ball was also good..."

"Well, they are all really great guys." The man in sunglasses suddenly became a little curious and asked.

"I heard that they were all promoted by the Chinese coach?"

"Is there anything special about him?"

"Looks ordinary..."

"He is not ordinary at all!" Hearing the man in sunglasses say this, Will suddenly became serious.


"I even think he is the only one here who can be called a 'miracle'!"

"Everything has changed since he came!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, the man in sunglasses became a little interested.

"What do you mean, because he successfully led the team to relegation, or because he is about to lead Burton to promotion?"

"These are all, but the most important point is that he is different from his predecessors!"

Will suddenly raised his head when he said this, with a proud look on his face.

"That is, he really fits in here!"

"We are all happy to see him stay here, for three, five, many years!"

"Even the team president thinks so."

"Of course, except that he can't drink much..."

Will was exposed by Dr. Strange again after he finished his last sentence.

"Come on, you hold beer all day long, and I haven't seen you last a few minutes longer than him..."

"By the way, I haven't asked this yet.

What's the name of my new friend?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself."

"My name is Lehmann."

"Jens Lehmann."

"Okay, another Lehmann..."

"Wait, what Lehmann?"


The game ended, and Burton Athletic finally defeated the opponent 1-0.

Soon after the fans left, Li Yanqing received Lehmann from the Emirates Stadium.


"So happy to see you!"

"Thank you for your guidance to Hart last time, that was very useful."

"You should have told me earlier that you were coming, or the professor sent a message to tell me that you were watching the game..."

"Don't be so polite, Li." Lehmann smiled and continued.

"I came to take a look and bring you something by the way."

"Send something?"

"Yes, you can take a look. "

It was a letter. After Li Yanqing opened it, he found it was a simple invitation letter.

Wenger's retirement ceremony?

"Professor is retiring?"

"Arsenal should be doing well recently, right?"

"You have entered the top four."

Li Yanqing has been paying attention to the Premier League and knows what the situation is now.

Arsenal worked hard in the last period and successfully got a place in the European Cup.

"Yes, everyone worked hard in the last period."

"But he has made a decision."

"No one can persuade him."

Lehmann also felt a little regretful. Since Sir Alex Ferguson retired five years ago, the Red Devils' Double has always lacked a little meaning.

"I see."

"I will go."

Li Yanqing nodded, but soon showed a puzzled look.

"However, this matter should not be worth your personal trip, right?"

"Just send me a message, and I will definitely go. ”

“Hahaha, yes.” Lehmann admitted that Li Yanqing was right.

“After the professor retires, I will probably leave Arsenal too.”

“Although the new coaching team has not been determined yet, I also want to change the environment.”

“The professor suggested that I come to Burton.”

“If you are willing to take me in…”

“What?” Li Yanqing widened his eyes, a little unbelievable.

Jens Lehmann wants to be an assistant coach at Burton?

There is a shortage of manpower here, and Lehmann’s professional level is beyond doubt.

Even if he is not good in other aspects, he must be a top-notch goalkeeper coach.

“Of course!”


“I will welcome you, Jens!”

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