The new season is coming.

Name: Jordan Pickford

Age: 24.

Status: Good.

Fatigue value: 5%.

Injury probability: 1%.

Items: [Barrier], [Precise long pass], [Butter hands], [Defensive goalkeeper].

His items are not bad. As a defensive goalkeeper, he also has an excellent long pass technique.

But at the same time, he also maintains the tradition of British goalkeepers.

Joe Hart squinted his eyes and watched the scene on the field.

He is very unhappy now.

The opponent had taken away his main position in the national team before, and now blocked his teammate's must-goal.

Then, he looked at the opponent's forwards.

They must have a taste of not being able to score in this game!

At this time, Li Yanqing was surprised to find that Hart's condition was constantly improving.

[General], [Good], [Excellent]...

Then he remembered that the opponent's goalkeeper was Pickford.

It seems that Hart and the opponent are in a fight.

However, he likes the players' unwillingness to admit defeat.

It can be used!

"Luis! You and Miller exchange positions!"

"Go forward!"

"Not enough firepower in front!"

Li Yanqing did not intend to let go of Hart's sudden good condition and seized the opportunity to let the players attack.

With Louis as a firepower point, their offensive threat is even greater.


David Luiz rarely received such an order and rushed up happily.

No one can persuade him to go back to defend today!

In the 32nd minute, Everton counterattacked.

Rooney rushed to the middle with the ball, in a position similar to the last time.

However, this time Pepe had no time to make up for it, he had to keep an eye on the opponent's striker.

Rooney, who was not marked, calmly shot a long shot!

[Master Heavy Gunner]!

It seems that he knows Hart very well...

However, this heavy shot aimed at the blind corner failed to blow open the door of the Burton team.

Joe Hart rushed to the blind corner in advance!

He has always been a background board, but this time he actually saved a very threatening long shot!

"Just a little bit!" Rooney hit the air hard a few times, what a pity.

Not only does he know Hart, but Hart also knows him.

Knowing that he can hit the blind corner...

Joe Hart, who successfully saved the danger, smiled mysteriously at Rooney. They are old teammates in the national team and are very familiar with each other.

The game fell into a stalemate again.

The variable is David Luiz.

Li Yanqing sighed that buying this player was indeed the right choice.

He can always provide different ideas at critical moments.

In the 40th minute, Nasri sent a through ball, the target was not Ibrahimovic inside, but David Luiz who was inserted.

The latter returned the favor and also launched the [Master Heavy Gunner]!

However, Pickford's state was also [Excellent] at this time, and this ball failed to defeat him, and the ball was blocked into the sky!

"Quick! Save the ball!"

"Head the ball out!"

Pickford had no time to get up, so he could only shout.

Actually, he made a small mistake just now. If it went well, he should have been able to send the ball out of bounds.

Damn [Butter Fingers]...

Ibrahimovic showed his power at this time. He held off two defenders of the opponent alone, and all three of them could not jump smoothly.

Then, he leaned forward, raised his leg, and swept his foot into the sky.

[God of Magic Ball Expert]!

A standard scorpion tail swing!

Pickford was only halfway up, he stretched out his hand to stop the ball, but it was completely out of reach.



"The iconic scorpion position!"

"This move appeared on the field again!"

This way of scoring excited the commentator on the scene. This is likely to be a goal that can compete for the Puskas Award!

"He scored!"

"Burton is leading by one to zero!"

The fans were stunned and even forgot to applaud for a while.

After a period of silence, sparse applause sounded.

Uh... This is Everton's home court.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't affect Burton's pride for a while.

They are ahead!

Ibrahimovic's first goal for Burton!

The player himself grinned and looked at the two defenders responsible for defending him.

They were two young players. Against the newly promoted team, Everton did not

All the main players played.

I believe they will remember the name "Zlatan Ibrahimovic" in the future.


"We will make substitutions as soon as the second half starts!"

The opposing coach could not accept the fact that the team lost to the newly promoted team.

You know, they just won Chelsea and Arsenal in a row, and it was too outrageous to lose to the newly promoted team...

In the 50th minute of the second half, Li Yanqing made substitutions right after the opponent.

Ibrahimovic, who scored a goal, was substituted, and midfielder Nasri was substituted.

Two important offensive players were replaced, Enzo and Murphy.

Enzo took over Cazorla's position, and Cazorla was at the front midfield core position.

The intention was simple, from now on, 4-5-1 defense counterattack.

Enzo's task this time became to concentrate on defense, and consider taking on organizational matters after being able to complete the defensive task.

Let's see how much he can learn from Cazorla...

When defending and counterattacking, one of Murphy and Matias must play. Li Yanqing chose Murphy in this game because the latter started and played the whole game in the previous game.

As for Quinn, he should not be able to play in this game.

"Take your time, we are not in a hurry!"

"Now it is the opponent who should be anxious!"

Li Yanqing has not stood on the sidelines and shouted to command for a long time, but it is still necessary.

Young players will not panic so easily only when they feel familiar things, and familiar voices are one of them.

After Everton replaced the main players, they also launched a counterattack against Burton.

Their offense was still very orderly, advancing layer by layer.

But they have not been able to break through Burton's defense.

Enzo's [Master-level Substitution] is not so easy to be broken when he concentrates on defense.

It's a pity that [Interception] is not master-level, otherwise he will be waiting to catch up with Kante.

80th minute.

Everton, who had been unable to attack for a long time, was a little anxious. Although Rooney had a [perpetual motion machine], his physical strength was almost at its limit.

For him, age and weight were both flaws.

In the attack, the ball was intercepted by Baselli, and then he passed it back to Pepe.

The latter seemed to have discovered something and kicked the ball directly.

[Overhead ball]!

Murphy received the ball!

The opponent replaced the main players, but the defenders were still the same in the attack.

Because they wanted to catch up with the score.

So Murphy was comfortable, his physical strength was still sufficient and his speed was fast enough.

He ran out of the singles easily.

[Pass the goalkeeper]!

The skill that had not been activated for a long time was finally activated again. Although Pickford was in good condition, he still couldn't escape the fate of being passed.

Burton 2-0 Everton!

But soon, the opponent's newly replaced young striker also started his performance.

In the stoppage time, Enzo was passed.

Then he shot a long shot and defeated the relaxed Joe Hart.

The game was over!

We won!

Li Yanqing could put his heart back in his body for a while.

But the guy on the other side performed really well.

The last goal to catch up was almost by his own strength...

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