Bayern's sudden goal conceded surprised Shao Jiayi.

The veteran who has played in Germany for nine years has a deep reverence and yearning for German football, and his love for the house and U has been passed on to Bayern.

Therefore, in this game, Shao Jiayi's ass is sitting on Bayern's side.

"It's a pity, Lukaku's ball is very thief, specifically looking for Alaba who is not strong enough, the hemp rope is specially selected in the details, Lukaku is really a chicken thief!"

He Wei nodded, and he tried to use a neutral position to pull Shao Jiayi back.

"Kaichi, does Bayern have any way to deal with it?"

Shao Jia thought for a while, slapped his thigh, and shouted:

"It's very simple, can't you just let Boateng and Alaba switch places?" Boateng is tall, his tonnage is not low, and Lukaku should have it! He

seems to be very confident in Bayern, "German football coaches, the dispatch is a must, I believe that the problems that the two of us can see, Frick will also see, and, I guess, he is preparing to adjust at this moment." "

After Inter scored.

Morale boost!

The upward arrows, which were originally red, are like flying bazookas, red and purple glowing at this time!

The two backs, Barrera and Brozovic, are even more bursting!

These two guys are full of physical energy, and they were known to be immortal in football before.

In particular, Brozovic set a record of 16.3km against England in the 2018 World Cup, twice as many players!

In this game, Brozovic continued the momentum of the World Cup, the whole court rushed, with Barrera, like two big men with axes, rushed into the bamboo forest, a wild slash, Bayern's midfield rushed to pieces.

Bayern defender Thiago is a skilled Spaniard at his feet.

He debuted in Barcelona and was once a favorite under Pep Guardiola, and he was deeply involved in the essence of La Masia's passing football tikatika.

He was supposed to be Bayern's passing combing machine connecting the central midfield, playing an important role in connecting the top and bottom.

But being rushed by Inter's Brozovic and Barrera in such a meal, it was also a little overwhelming!

In the 25th minute of the game, after receiving a short pass from Alaba at the back, Thiago stopped the ball and turned around in one go, dribbling the ball forward.

But just after taking two steps, Brozovic stuck like candy.

"Where to go!" Brozovic shouted at him.

"The road is forward, you can go anywhere!" Thiago snorted coldly.

With two knocks, Thiago and back-up partner Gryzka made a clever two-over-one combination past Brozovic.

The proud Thiago didn't take two steps, and Brozovic posted it again.

"You're quite capable of running!" Thiago squinted while protecting the ball and separating it from Brozovic with his body.

"Dude, I'm going to watch you this time!" Brozovic stretched his foot in an attempt to get the ball out from under Thiago's crotch.

Thiago is not good at physical confrontation and knows he has to pass the ball quickly or he has a high chance of breaking the ball when he is close to Brozovic.

He looked at his partner Gryzka and wanted to repeat his old trick, again a two-on-one combination, directly in front of Inter's penalty area, and then a short pass to the wingers on the left and right.

But as soon as the ball was halfway through, it was intercepted by Barrera!

"Ye Chen, watch the ball!"

Barrera sounded to the ball, and Ye Chen took the ball on the right side.

In this game, Ye Chen did not have many opportunities to get the ball.

Because the connection between Eriksen and Lukaku was very successful, Ye Chen was willing to play assist, reducing his personal performance.

But when it's time to perform, you still have to show it, after all, this is Inter's home stadium, our territory!

After many long-range shots this season, Ye Chen has been able to accurately measure the position of the ball and goal with the naked eye, with an error of no more than one meter.

He looked at it and was 43 meters away from the goal.

So, a kick?

Spread your thighs, open your bow and take an arrow, raise your arms and tighten your waist and abdomen!

The qi and blood in Ye Chen's whole body converged on the instep of his right foot.

The moment he touched the ball, a powerful aura rose up in an instant, and golden light appeared!


The thunder exploded, so that Ye Chen also roared all over his ears, and his eardrums hurt!

A red light flashed in front of Ye Chen's eyes, and the capillaries of his eyeball ruptured, and

the blood light poured into the eye socket, suddenly blurring his vision!

And the other players on the field can see it very clearly!

From the perspective of midfielder Erikson, in his wide eyes

, the football is like a rocket launcher out of the chest, the ground is thunderous, whistling and rushing in the direction of the goal!

There is an unquestionable ruthlessness in the violence.

From the perspective of Bayern goalkeeper Neuer, in the field of vision where his eyes converge.

There is a white object that flies in front of itself from the start, as if it is a second, and the displacement of the moment is completed!

As a goalkeeper, although Neuer's brain did not react, his body has underconscious changes -

the waist is bent, the toes are pointed, but the arms are slightly open,

which is a subconscious reaction to the save!

But when Neuer's brain and body finally connected, a wind roared.

It's like sticking your head out the window of a speeding car on the highway, that kind of wind!


The loud sound of the football and the net touching the air gave Neuer a loud slap in the face!

His body finally stirred up and made a move to the left side!

Fish leap and pounce!

With a bang, he fell to the ground.

The ball also popped out of the net and landed on his hand.

Neuer held the ball dead and pressed it under him.

He gasped for air, his chest heaving violently.

"Damn, it's so dangerous just now, the ball, the ball speed, it's too fast, it scares me to death!"

Neuer came back to his senses, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Ye Chen, this kid is really ruthless, he dares to shoot from so far, and the ball speed is so fast, he was almost caught off guard.

Neuer stood up, tossed the ball to his defender, Alaba, and shouted, "Don't worry, I'm here, it's okay!" "

Alaba stood still, watching the ball hit his leg and bounce two meters away.

He looked at Neuer with round eyes open, like a fool.

Neuer, you give me a whole life, right?

"The balls are all in, play a hairy counterattack!"

The tide of cheers, pouring in from all directions at the Meazza Stadium, was deafening!

Especially behind Neuer, facing Inter's die-hard stands.

At this moment, his eardrums vibrated and he felt the roar of the Inter fans behind him!


Neuer stood in place stunned, looking at the Inter players in the distance, hugging each other, and only then suddenly reacted.

Oh, this is a goal?

In fact, it is not to blame Neuer, he went skiing in Switzerland during the winter break, fell on the snow slope, suffered a slight concussion, a little sequelae, and occasionally reacted a beat slower than the original.

At this moment, the blood light in Ye Chen's sight gradually dissipated and disappeared.

He rubbed his aching eyes, saw the fans behind Neuer, jumped madly and cheered, and laughed:

"It seems that the ball is in."

He immediately collected the qi and blood that overflowed from the legs of the Great Vajra and sat on the spot to meditate.

A Shaolin Temple meditation room sat in the room, and the smell of burning sandalwood hit.

It's still a familiar smell, but today's aroma is getting stronger.

Ye Chen greedily inhaled this sandalwood.

This foot shot from a long distance, the qi and blood consumed are a little fierce, and it must be recovered.

The teammates rushed over, shouting:

"Brutal, cruel! It has to be you, Ye Chen!! "

Rush them, Ye Chen!"

"Haha, the German goalkeeper is dumbfounded by you!"

"I haven't seen Ye Chen meditating and celebrating for a long time, brothers come together!"

"The Monk Heavenly Group is here!"

Lukaku, Eriksen, Barrera, Moses, Brozovic and others flocked to Ye Chen's side, excitedly forming a circle, imitating meditation to celebrate!

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