Football Kung Fu Player

【106】They Only Have One Trump Card (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"This is already a complete squeeze, but I also think that Xu Liang and the others won't be able to last long. If the Mexican football team seizes this opportunity in the last period of time, they may be able to turn the tide."

At this moment, Qu Bo looked at Xu Liang and others who were already a little bit overwhelmed by the attack of the Mexican football team with a smile, and looked at their hard work on the field, with a hint of comfort, he said with a smile.

"You bastard, when Xu Liang comes back, I'll see you." Yan Song also smiled helplessly.

"It seems that it is possible to stabilize the advantage, but I don't know what other performances will happen later. If I can't hold on, it will be a bit bad." Mosley looked at the Mexican on the scene at this time. The football team, watching the atmosphere of the stadium thoughtfully, sighed and said with a smile: "However, from this perspective, our Mexican football team seems to be doing pretty well."

"It's really good, but I don't know how to perform next." Xi Telu nodded.

However, in his and Mosley's hearts, they already understood that this game is already dispensable to victory. To stabilize the current advantage and grasp such an advantage without losing the ball, even if it is a simple Without Wang Xing of the Celestial Dynasty team, the massacre is not enough to satisfy those who have dreams.

And this is just the idea of ​​​​Site Road. Behind this Mexican team, many players have already chosen to give up in their hearts. Except for a very few players like Te Reiss who still think there is a glimmer of hope. Even the captain of the Mexican football Olympic team, Art Weir, also has no expectations for this game.

Because when they have already understood such a gap in strength, everyone knows very well that no matter what kind of changes will happen, it will not be enough to rekindle hope for the Mexican football team.

The future of the Mexican football team can only be achieved step by step. Although a small group of other players want to change this point, they are already powerless.

The game is still going on, the Mexican team's forward players are still a first-class team, and under the premise that their strength has greatly surpassed the Tianchao team, they are already bullying Xu Liang of the Tianchao team. A few people completely abused them under their feet.

When Xu Liang was about to approach Te Reiss, who was now in possession of the ball, the unwilling Mexican striker did not give half of the face to those who were chasing him behind him. Kicked out again from a distance.

Facing such things that happened one after another, Xu Liang was helpless when he watched the ball fall into the feet of a Mexican player who was far away from him. After wiping off his sweat, he looked up at the score on the spot.


The score has not changed yet, the Tianchao team is still incomparably ahead, occupying the dominance of the game at the moment, and Xu Liang's side seems to have no reason to be so desperate, but for some reason, Xu Liang and the Tianchao football team Among the defenders of the Austrian team, none of them chose to give up.

"What's the matter?" "?" Before Qu Bo had time to laugh at Xu Liang who had just stopped to breathe, he saw Xu Liang rushing out like an arrow leaving the string after a short rest.

"Isn't it because of some stimulation? It's over, it's over. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let them work so hard." Yan Song also looked at Xu Liang and others chasing him incomprehensibly. The column, now under the premise of no one commanding, has become a stable column of neighbors.

And when things happened like this, no one in the audience would care. They are all witnessing the current competition between the two teams. It can be said that in the second half of the competition, after the first half of Wang Xing's Wonderful performance, watching the second half of the game, it has become dull.

The only thing that can insist on letting them continue to watch is the Mexican football team, which is like a cat catching a mouse. The status of the two teams is now under the premise of losing Wang Xing. Waiting for others, they have been completely abused by the Mexican football team.

Let them go east, they cannot go west, let them go west, they dare not come east.

"Leader, let's go first. Instead of wasting time here, why don't you go back and practice the ball more." Looking at the almost defeated Chinese football team, a young man in Argentina said dissatisfiedly.

«Let’s take a look here again. It’s hard to see such a scene in this year’s Tianchao football team. You have to be more sure. "Argentina's team leader, now folded his hands on his chest, squinted his eyes with a smile, looked at the current disadvantage of the Tianchao team, and said with a smile: "Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of our time here?"

"If you want to see it, you will see it when we play against the Tianchao team. Now it is just some defenders. Wait until the day of the official game

We'll show you how miserable and funny they'll be as a whole team.

When the young man was speaking, he was full of confidence, and he glanced at the game from the corner of his eye. When he saw that the Tianchao football team was always playing like this (Wang Qianhao) being teased by the Mexican football team, The arrogance between words naturally slowly leaked out invisible.

"Haha, young people are good. They are all so ambitious. Seeing what you said, it seems that the chances of winning are already in your hands." The Argentine team leader looked at the Argentine striker who had promised him victory, and said with a smile: "But listen to me, it's better to continue reading. I always feel that there may be some surprises."

"Of course you think so, but to us, it doesn't matter how well this team performs, because they only have one trump card, as long as they target it, this victory is naturally within reach Yes." The young man's words were still very proud and confident, as if this year's football champion had already been firmly grasped by him. .

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