Football Kung Fu Player

【4】System Crash

Zhou Ruru's eyes turned white, and she felt like she was about to faint. But before she fainted, the assistant on the side screamed loudly.

"Oh my god, the number of Wang Xing's fans has increased too fast!"

Rising too fast? How fast?

Zhou Ruru seemed to have caught a life-saving straw. As a former first-line star and one of the first few stars to register on Weibo, her fans almost ranked among the top ten Weibo fans.

Although Zhou Ruru is very clear that almost 30 million of his nearly 40 million fans are zombie fans bought by himself, but now that celebrity in the entertainment industry doesn't buy zombie fans. Moreover, Zhou Ruru always felt that her fans were not as good as those of the other stars. Zhou Ruru always felt that her Weibo was already running very well, and she also had a lot of fans. It was just that other stars bought too many zombie fans.

What made Zhou Ruru finally breathe a sigh of relief was her astonishing fan count of "493". Wang Xing is just a newly certified sports star. How many Weibo fans can there be? I know why there are so many praises, so today's popularity is so high, and there may be hundreds of thousands of fans unexpectedly. If after a while the heat

See how much attention this fake celebrity has!

While thinking about it, Zhou Ruru complacently opened the Weibo client, wanting to see how miserable Wang Xing's fans are, which are less than a fraction of his own. But when Zhou Ruru clicked on Wang Xing Weibo, he was dumbfounded.

five million!

How is it possible, how long has it been since Weibo certification was opened, and the biggest wrist can't have so many fans in an instant!

Zhou Ruru didn't believe in evil, and refreshed Wang Xing's Weibo homepage again.

Six million!


You are making an airplane, how long has it been, you have added a million fans! This is the number of fans, not the number of visitors!

For the next hour, Zhou Ruru felt that someone was slapping her face over and over again, and she sat dumbfounded, almost doubting her life!

Five minutes later, the number of fans exceeded 7 million!

Ten minutes later, the number of fans exceeded 8 million!

Twenty minutes later, the number of fans exceeded 10 million...

Forty minutes later, the number of fans exceeded 20 million...

But now, a number that horrified everyone appeared: less than two hours after opening the Weibo certification, the number of fans has exceeded 30 million! And the number of fans is still rising!

Zhou Ruru's Lizi brand mobile phone broke through, and Wang Xing's Weibo homepage turned blank. Shortly afterwards, a pop-up popped up:

Your page has crashed due to too many visitors, please check again later...

Zhou Ruru was so angry that she almost dropped the Lizi brand mobile phone on the ground. There were too many visitors, how could it be possible that she couldn’t get in like this? She spent nearly 10,000 to buy a mobile phone imported from abroad, how could it be possible? Can't even enter a Weibo personal homepage!

In fact, this is not the case with Zhou Ruru's mobile phone. In fact, a large number of netizens are refreshing Wang Xing's personal homepage enthusiastically. Because the terrifying increase in fans just now really scared everyone. When everyone reacted, they all wanted to know how many fans Wang Xing had in the end.

But when everyone was in high spirits, this pop-up window appeared on everyone's mobile phones, and even some mobile phones were directly hacked!

A pop-up window appeared on Zhongwei's mobile phone with 3,000 yuan. Just as the netizen posted the screenshot of this Weibo, a group of netizens laughed excitedly, but after a while, everyone was dumbfounded.

The two thousand yuan appa mobile Weibo client crashed

The screen of the 1,500 yuan Yinli mobile phone is crystal clear and white.

The 4,000 yuan six-star mobile phone has a black screen, and there is no way to even turn it on!

And after many mobile phones fell, the Weibo computer pc segment also began to fall in the next wave...

Three thousand yuan low configuration computer...

Five thousand yuan mid-range computer...

Tens of thousands of high-end computers...

As long as the Weibo webpage is opened, ten computers and one computer browser are directly hacked!

The people who eat melons are yelling, it’s okay that you Weibo can’t hold on, you have caused my computer and mobile phone to go black, what do you mean!

Aren't you fucking talking about a new technology that can support 100 million people online at the same time?

Dead liar!

A small number of survivors have posted posts on various forums and exchange websites, complaining about their tragic situation, and at the same time accusing Weibo of being a deadly liar, and finally received a lot of approval from netizens.

And some netizens who have been attracted and have not opened Weibo do not believe in evil, and want to be Internet Shennong... There are even some netizens who have never played Weibo to download a Weibo. The blog client wants to prove that his mobile phone will not freeze.

Then it triggered another wave of large-scale user logins on the Weibo client, freezes, black screens...


Then all the Shennong were carried away, tearfully using the extremely stubborn Ruojiya, and then wept silently when looking at his new mobile phone that still couldn't get it.

Or Rukia bull!

Weber Building.

Countless employees are frantically repairing the Weibo client and the web page with pale faces. In fact, they are also very wronged. It is an exaggeration that Weibo can support 100 million people to use it at the same time, but the server that has just been upgraded can actually support more than 80 million people to use it at the same time! And it is not the Chinese New Year. During the peak period of use, how could it be possible that Weibo suddenly crashed, and everyone’s mobile phones were also blacked out by the way, what a huge amount of data!

Finally, an employee finally found the source of the problem in countless complicated codes. It turned out that the Weibo client and the web page collapsed because a large number of users flooded into a Weibo personal account at the same time, and as long as the personal account was suspended and closed , the Weibo client should be able to run normally!

The employees who found out the reason were overjoyed. It was just a user. In the past, Weibo had always done this kind of problem. Even if he is a certified celebrity, as long as he puts some money in the back.

But just when this employee wanted to close the 1.1 Weibo personal account with the authority, the staff in the surrounding Weibo authentication area suddenly stopped like crazy, and almost pinched him in the end.

In the end, there was no other way, and the employee had to go to Shanglan House.

"You mean that Weibo crashed because of a problem with a certain user's page? Then close the person's page authority." The problem of Weibo crashing is quite serious. Now that there is a solution, Chen Jian naturally chooses to lose less the solution.

"By the way, who is that user?"

"The director of the report is a sports star named Wang Xing." The little employee replied respectfully.


"Shut up, you must not shut it down!" Chen Jian suddenly looked angry and shouted at the little staff emotionally.

"Go and fix it for me, don't stay in the company if the repair is not good!".

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