Football Kung Fu Player

【40】Technology Is Power

Wang Xing looked at the two large stages on the 31st floor of the Weibo Building in front of him. These are the stages specially designed by Weibo to enter the entertainment industry. It has also recorded other programs, and even Weibo's annual meeting is held on this Channel 1 or the next-door Channel 2.

The seating capacity of 3,000 people, the super-large stage, the access of the latest information technology, and the variable control technology of lighting...  

As far as this time is concerned, the two big stages in the Weibo building already belong to the world's top technology, and the construction time is no more than three years. If it is used to cope with any other program group in the world to shoot videos, it should be more than enough!

Liu He on the side nodded and bowed and followed Wang Xing. He knew the big stage in front of him. He even went up to perform a show at the annual meeting. Some of the technologies in it surpassed other places in the world. Blind his eyes. He even felt that it was impossible for Yanhuang's other stages in recent years to have such advanced equipment.

Liu He remembered that Chen Jian went to the Finance Department of 25 to argue for a long time, and finally took the president's face to approve the purchase of this 2 million stereo.

There is also the variable-control lighting technology that was just developed in the United States two years ago. Chen Jian also gritted his teeth and finally patted his chest and said that this is definitely the last time it was deducted from the hands of the vampires in the finance department. The 1.8 million technology, Assembly also cost two hundred thousand!

There is also the latest electronic screen in Bangzi Country two years ago. This time, Chen Jian rolled up his bedding and slept in the Finance Department to get this huge sum of millions...

Among other things, the configuration of the Weibo stage is indeed worthy of the pride of any Weibo employee.

It's just that Liu He is a little helpless because even though his company's stage configuration is one of the best in the world, the programs shot on it are always unpopular, and even more dismal programs have invested more than one million yuan and only get back a hundred thousand yuan, which scares the show The supervisor put the letter of resignation in the president's office on the spot... And what's more exaggerated is that Wei Bo's popular "Conversations with Celebrities" was filmed in a small stage room next door.

If it wasn't for the fact that the boss of his company invited several masters to do rituals, I'm afraid Liu He would really think that these two top stages have bad feng shui.

Huh? Where is Mr. Wang Xing?

Just when Liu He was immersed in the ocean of memories, Wang Xing suddenly walked away.

Liu He finally came to his senses, saw Wang Xing and a middle-aged man wearing a hat pointing at the stage, and hurried over.

Lao Li from the project department is also responsible for the decoration and modification of various projects of Weibo. According to the level, he is half a level older than Liu He.

When Liu He was about to approach, he saw Lao Li's mouth moving around at a glance, and Wang Xing nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, I was trying to please Mr. Wang Xing, Bichi, I don’t know I came first!

Well, it seems that Mr. Wang Xing is indeed the boss's illegitimate son, otherwise why would Lao Li behave like this!

"Mr. Wang Xing, this is a particularly advanced variable-control lighting technology in recent years. Are you sure you want to change it? Once you change it, it will not only cost money for new lighting technology, but also require a lot of stage renovation fees. , the cost can be…………”

Lao Li is an old man in the project department. Although he was notified by a phone call from Chen Jian to meet all the requirements of a young man named Wang Xing, he still couldn't believe that this handsome young man in front of him said that he would like to meet him if he disagreed with him. Replaced the variable control light. This is something worth two million. The program group that is making the show now can't do it with a configuration of two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand. How could it be possible that the technology of two million is not good enough!


Wang Xing said plainly, but the tone made people dare not have the slightest doubt.

For Wang Xing, in order to achieve a goal, he must do everything to his satisfaction. Although the current stage configuration is not bad, it is far from reaching the level in Wang Xing's mind.

Is the technology two years ago very early? It has been two years and it should be eliminated long ago!

As for the huge cost, joke. The last thing Wang Xing lacks is money!

Director Chen, this time you may run naked in the finance department and lose all money!

"What kind of technology do you plan to change? Here is the latest domestic lighting control technology, which costs about 2 million yuan. What do you think?"

Director Chen, support domestic production and save himself.

"The United States has recently produced a smart lighting control technology, this is it."

Wang Xing flipped through his phone indifferently, and the price of the latest lighting control technology in the United States was clearly displayed on it.

Lao Li hastily turned his head and opened his wrinkled eyes vigorously, staring at Ya Xing's cell phone in horror.

How many zeros? Wait?

Don't scare me, old man, let's not make such a joke!

Lao Li counted it several times, and there are seven dizzying zeros behind the 1, exuding a charming brilliance...

Ten million, how many sets of stages can this decorate!

This, this, sir, please let me go, this is an intelligent lighting control technology!


Ten million, how many programs can be filmed!

Could it be that the program you are going to film is "Who Has the Most Money"

, Brother, I know that you are the illegitimate son of the president, but I never thought that you are so willing to spend money!

Spend 10 million to buy a light. Those who know think you are the illegitimate son of the president, but those who don’t know think you are the president!

Just as Liu He ran over from a distance, he saw the series of zeros on Wang Xing's phone, and immediately felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

Take it easy, old man, I know you are dissatisfied with the status of an illegitimate child, but Weibo is only worth 10 billion in total! If you lose all of this, we will all have to drink the northwest wind! 647 "Yes, that I just tried the stereo, and there is still some noise. It has been used for three years, so I need to change it. I remember that there is a synthetic stereo from Huawei that is quite good recently.

Lao Li:

Liu He: "

It's only been three years, and the program group has used it for ten years, okay? Weihua's family needs a total of five million


"There is also that screen, which has been used for two years and has not been replaced. The latest technological display screen from Bangziguo, let's replace it."

It's horrible, my company is not willing to use this latest technology display screen, it's a total of 9 million! Just use one display screen, can you, old man, let my young heart go!


Wang Xing's voice kept ringing, and at the end, the two people registered had already fallen into a state of madness. The high-end stage configuration that my company is proud of has been completely changed, and the only thing that has not changed... is the concrete floor on the ground!

Why don't you change your company?


Wang Xing turned his head suddenly, and the alarm in their hearts instantly went to the top.

Wait, I'm not ready yet!

Let me be mentally ready, okay?

"I'm talking about changing both stages."

Change everything, change everything, change everything...

Director Chen, now even if you hang yourself in the finance department, you won't be able to get the money! .

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