Football Kung Fu Player


"How about it, are there any bright songs in "The Voice of Yanhuang" this time?"

The director of Cool Puppy, who accidentally missed watching the show just now, closed the door in satisfaction, waved to the secretary in the room, and then asked the assistant.

Today is the rebroadcast time of "The Voice of Yanhuang". According to the director of Cool Puppy, there should be another song that dominates the charts.

But I just don't know if this show is still so popular after it has been off the air for so long.

The little assistant shook his head foolishly, and then nodded quickly after a while.

"There are no good works. It shouldn't be. Could it be that there are some, not all of them?"

The director of Cool Puppy glanced suspiciously at the little assistant who was behaving strangely. He deliberately asked the little assistant to watch this program that affects the music rankings of Cool Puppy, in order to catch up with the popularity of "The Voice of Yanhuang" in time.

Now the little assistant's performance really made him puzzled. The suspension of "The Voice of Yanhuang" was too fatal. Did not notify the planning team to do it.

But now it seems that the show should be underperforming. But this also saved him a lot of work, he didn't even have to make posters, and he didn't have to go to the overwhelming publicity.

"No, director! It's not that 450 doesn't have good songs, it's great!"

The little assistant finally couldn't hold back, and shouted anxiously with a ferocious face.

Director Cool Puppy was taken aback by the assistant who suddenly changed his face, but seeing the earphones that the assistant handed over obediently, he still took it.

Let me listen? I'd like to see what's in this episode of the show?

Fifteen minutes later, the director of Cool Puppy raised his head in shock, then took off the earphones from his ears, and said loudly to the little assistant emotionally.

"Go, hurry up and upload these songs, vigorously original!"

"Yes!" The little assistant replied, and then ran out quickly.

"Wait!" Cool Puppy Director suddenly reacted and shouted. "Hurry up and notify all Cool Puppy employees to return to the company immediately, immediately!"

The little assistant couldn't believe his ears and raised his head. Immediately? It's ten o'clock in the evening, and it's been four hours since I got off work. What is this director doing?

"At this point, everyone is off work..."

It's just that the little assistant didn't finish his sentence, the director of Cool Puppy interrupted directly, roaring with a ferocious face.

"Hurry up, all will be here in half an hour!"

"Come out, come out!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Stop it now, stop it now!"

The gate of the Yanhuang Theater was slowly opened, and a group of people were slowly walking out of the theater.

And as the crowd appeared, the reporters carrying long guns and short cannons rushed over like crazy. As the flashes continued to light up and the shutters were pressed continuously, this group of reporters had slowly approached the crowd.

"The Voice of Yanhuang" has ended, and more than 10,000 spectators in the theater have been slowly arranged to leave in an orderly manner. Now it is Wang Xing and his group who came out.

And these hundreds of reporters from Yanhuang's major news media are also suffering, and the show ends at nearly 9:30 in the evening. It was almost 11 o'clock when Wang Xing and the others came out after the audience dispersed. This is not Xia Tian in the hot weather. The night in December is very cold and bitter, especially for this group of pampered reporters, it has been tortured for a long time.

But this group of reporters can't help it. No matter because of the huge influence of "The Voice of Yanhuang" or its huge attention, they must also interview first-hand news materials, and then be the first to attract heat and publish them.

And the noses of this group of reporters are very sharp, they just heard about it. The highest ratings of "The Voice of Yanhuang" has reached 400 million, creating the largest historical record in the history of Yanhuang!

What are you waiting for if you haven’t come to take pictures with such achievements?

"Mr. Xue Qianqian, how do you feel about winning the championship in this fierce competition?"

"Mr. Xue Qianqian, can I ask how you (cfcf) created "Yan Yuan"?"

"Mr. Xue Qianqian, may I invite you to come to our media interview?"

Reporters flocked to Xue Qianqian one by one, chattering.

Interviewing is also a technical job, and it does not mean that you can become a reporter with just a microphone. A reporter must have a certain amount of contact and understanding of the interviewer before interviewing, and Xue Qianqian's thrilling video of winning the first place has long been turned crazy. How can this group of reporters be so stupid, not to take a look at the form.

Xue Qianqian waved his hands to express no answer, while approaching Wang Xing involuntarily.

In Xue Qianqian's heart, the Lord is always the pillar.

Dozens of cameras in the shape of long guns and short cannons were facing him. This kind of big scene was simply not something that he, who was a star on the street not long ago, could have seen and could handle. So at a loss, Xue Qianqian quickly approached Wang Xing.

A group of reporters looked at Wang Xing, who was smiling and silent in front of him, and his neck shrank inexplicably, and his back felt cold. This is the god of killing in the entertainment circle, Wang Cheng is still singing the song behind the bars

How dare they provoke this dragon crossing the river?

The group immediately turned their heads obediently and stared at Zhang Jie on the other side.

"Mr. Zhang Jie, may I ask if you will feel unwilling when you lose by a narrow margin in this competition?"

"What are your plans for the future after participating in The Voice of Yanhuang?"

"Mr. Zhang Jie, do you want to participate in other variety shows in the future?"

As soon as a series of questions were asked, Zhang Jie was startled, and followed Xue Qianqian honestly and ran behind Wang Xing.

Xue Qianqian used to be a star anyway, and he was just a college student before, so this situation still has to be supported by the boss.

A group of reporters were dumbfounded, and immediately turned their heads, trying to find new targets.

Wu Mochou and Chen Chusheng didn't hesitate at all, they flamboyantly turned sideways and hid behind Wang Xing, not giving the group of reporters a chance.


How can this be played!

Whoever likes to interview whoever interviews!

A group of reporters tore off their masks, revealing the true face of the irascible old man, and all of them pitifully stared at Wu Xing in front of them.

Wang Xing couldn't help being amused, what happened to these reporters. Am I so scary? They are usually so fearful when they are interviewed.

"Do you have any questions to ask? You can ask me questions about "The Voice of Yanhuang", I am the producer and host of "The Voice of Yanhuang"."

A group of reporters immediately shook their heads inexplicably, then suddenly came to their senses again, and kept nodding their heads.

Oops, almost forgot!

Patronizing to interview contestants, here is a big fish!

This is a boss with a hot search physique!.

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