Football Kung Fu Player

[253] Fat Boss's Helplessness

Through understanding these few days, Wu Yu knew that Leng Xiaodao was very difficult. Seeing what he said, he thought about how he could help him. However, compared to Leng Xiaodao, he cared more about Wang Xing, because Wang Xing The origin is very mysterious, even Wang Xing himself can't explain why he came to this place.

Especially knowing that Wang Xing doesn't even have a place to live, and he doesn't have money for his usual meals, so he wanted to help him.

Wu Yu knew that if it was just material help, Wang Xing would definitely not agree. It seemed that he needed to help him find a job. After thinking about it, he took this matter to heart.

"I also think that we are too bored here these days. It's time to go out for activities. Wang Xing, you see, the little nurse on the second floor ran away when she saw the knife, just like seeing a wolf. Isn't the knife right? What did they do?" Wu Yu joked with a smile.

As soon as he mentioned this, Wang Xing also found it very funny, so he continued: "The fat nurse has a round figure. According to my observations these days, I found that she is usually very powerful. Why is she so scared when she sees a knife? , Xiaodao, tell me the truth, what did you do?"

Leng Xiaodao looked at Wang Xing, then at Wu Yu, punched the hospital bed, and said angrily: "Whatever my business, I haven't talked to the little poisonous nurse a few times, okay?"

" even know what people's names are." Wang Xing said with a gloating smile.

"Wang Xing, I really misjudged you. I didn't expect you to be such a person. How long have I known you? You and Wu Yu have only known each other for a few days. You two are working together to bully me, an honest person." Leng Xiaodao stretched out his left and right hands Pointing out a finger, he looked at the two of them with contempt.

Wu Yu bent Leng Xiaodao's fingers, then jumped off the hospital bed, and said to the two of them, "Let's go, let's go to the Internet cafe to play. Didn't you say that Xiaodao is very coquettish, I really want to watch it."

"Eh!" Wang said happily, Wu Yu, you have betrayed me. As soon as his eyes were about to shift, he saw Xiao Dao's blade-like eyes looking over -.

Wang Xing pretended not to see it, jumped off the hospital bed, and said to Leng Xiaodao: "Let's go, I still have to rely on you to teach me."

"It's still like a sentence, let's go." Leng Xiaodao got down and walked out of the ward together.

Passing by Zhou Yu's nurse's front desk, three people greeted her at the same time, Zhou Yu looked at them in surprise, and then asked, "Who are you?"

"Go eat chicken, will Miss come?" Leng Xiaodao said with a smile on his face.

Seeing the wretched look on Leng Xiaodao's face, Zhou Yu laughed and scolded: "Go away, old lady." Then she looked at Wang Xing and said, "Are you still dizzy? I heard that you don't have a place to live yet. I can think of a way of."

"Uh...." Wang Xing didn't know whether to ask, but he heard Wu Yu say, "Oh, don't worry about the nurse, the little big brother is on me. It will give your Wang Xing a place to eat and sleep."

Leng Xiaodao just looked at Wang Xing and Zhou Yu with a smirk.

"Fuck off, what's mine, I just care about it, okay, okay, don't bother me." I don't know if it's because of embarrassment or something, Zhou Yu blushed and hurriedly left the nurse's front desk.

Wang Xing looked at Zhou Yu, and then felt that the other two guys were smiling at each other, so he said seriously: "Okay, don't think too much, it's impossible between us." After two steps, suddenly Thinking of something, he asked Wu Yu: "Ah, you just said that you can solve my living place. What I want to say is, no, I can find it myself."

"No, no, Wang Xing, you misunderstood no, what I want to say is that I will find you a job, although I am not the boss, but I have a boss's father, he should be able to find a position, don't worry, absolutely not It hurt your self-esteem." Wu Yu said cautiously.

"Work, that's fine." Wang Xin said that he still had to eat no matter what, so he said to Wu Yu: "Thanks, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Oh, as long as you agree. Hehe." Wu Yu was very happy, after all, he helped his savior.

The three of them came to the familiar Internet cafe in Wu Yu's private car. The owner of the Internet cafe greeted him with a smile, but he was also taken aback when he saw the three guys with bandages on their heads coming out of the Internet cafe. I remembered the few people who fought in the Internet cafe before, and I panicked, because those four guys happened to be there today.

...asking for flowers...

The fat boss thought about it, and then he wanted to move the positions of the three masters and the four guys farther away. Who knew that Leng Xiaodao was dissatisfied with the position chosen by the boss, so he insisted on sitting in the old position

As they came and went, the sound gradually attracted the four guys again.

I saw one of the four guys quietly make a call, I don't know who to call, and then there was a trace of coldness on his face.

In the end, under the entanglement of Leng Xiaodao, the boss next to him had no choice but to agree, but told the three young masters not to make trouble. Hearing what the boss said, the three of them knew that the four who fought with them Individuals also came.

Wang Xing was afraid of being impulsive, so he sat at the end closest to the four guys, so as not to accidentally shoot a gun and start arguing.

Just in case, Wu Yu told his bodyguards to sit in the dark and be careful, and he must not let his two benefactors suffer any harm.

In this way, the three of them started the game together, and the game was naturally still about eating chicken. Wang Xing made a joke at Wu Yu, which meant to say, just watch, and the cold knife will start to change after a while.

Wu Yu nodded, and looked at Leng Xiaodao curiously, "so that after seeing Guoyu's expectant eyes, Leng Xiaodao stuck out his tongue softly at him, scaring Kang Feng ten times.

"It's going to change, it's going to change." Wang Xing said it directly, and saw Leng Xiaodao first winking at the camera, and then pinched the orchid finger and said to the fans: "Hi everyone, I don't know about Dajiao Do you miss me? Uh huh..."

Wu Yu was stunned by the hum. He also felt that maybe he wore too little clothes today, so that even goosebumps came up.

"See? This is the charm of the knife. Haha." Wang Xing introduced to Wu Yu with a smile.

Wu Yu shivered and said: "It's because of my shallow knowledge, I have gained knowledge today." It seemed that he couldn't stand Xiaodao's obsequiousness.

"It's good to get used to it, this is also a way to attract fans." After playing with Leng Xiaodao for the past few days, Wang Xing already felt that such a thing is very common." So he comforted Xia Yu.

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