
Victoria trial camp.

Although Leicester City manager Wiggins was still confused about Ranieri's insistence on letting Ling Feng participate in the Victoria trial

, Ranieri's determination still made Wiggins relax.

He agreed to his request to let Ling Feng participate in the trial.

During the two days in London,

Ling Feng stayed in a small hotel for two nights.

Leicester City is a small club.

Besides, there is no formal contract signed between him and Ling Feng.

Therefore, Ling Feng, who landed in England, had to solve his own food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Ranieri naturally knew that Ling Feng, who had just arrived in England, was short of money.

Ranieri helped to pay for the hotel and the meals for the past two days.

He was able to bring himself to England and recommend him to the Premier League team.

He also did a lot for him.

Ling Feng was very grateful to Ranieri in his heart!

But at this moment, Ranieri felt a little guilty.

He felt that he had not considered the arrangements for Ling Feng in the past two days!

It is said that today is a very critical trial day.

So Ling Feng should maintain a certain amount of training as much as possible in the first two days. In this way, he can achieve an ideal result in today's trial project! However, the hotel where Ling Feng lived in these two days was not only in average condition.

There was no suitable supporting venue around, which could allow Ling Feng to maintain his condition through football training.

He did not rest well and could not maintain his competitive state.

This is obviously not conducive to the results of today's trial!

With the end of the trial project for several hours, the static data report cards of all the players participating in the trial were also released!

These data include the speed, strength, physical fitness and reaction of each player.

These static data are also convenient for the scouts who are watching on the spot.

For the 110 players who came to the trial site today, there is a most intuitive concept of ability!

Ranieri's previous concerns now seem to have become a reality.

Among these 110 players, Ling Feng 's comprehensive score of static data ranks only 101st.

Except for strength and physical fitness, which are still acceptable, other physical static data are not as good as most of the trial trainees!

"Ling Feng, play well in the next competition. I believe in your ability!"

Although the static data report card can be said to be very unsatisfactory,

Ranieri still forced out some smiles to encourage Ling Feng.

Even though Ranieri knew very well in his heart that

Ling Feng's amazing talent lies in his long pass.

And the long pass ability cannot be seen from the static data of the body just now!

And the scouts on the sidelines.

What they care more about is the performance of the trial players in the next competition!

But even if they think so, the grouping of the next competition still makes Ranieri sweat!

According to the comprehensive ranking of the players' static data.

110 trial trainees were divided into 10 groups.

Ling Feng, who ranked relatively low, was unsurprisingly assigned to the last group J!

According to the rules, the next opponent of his group was

Group A, which was composed of the top players in the static data ranking!

Looking at the history of the Victoria Trial Camp, no team in Group J had ever won against Group A in the competition!

If the team was the losing side, it would be difficult to catch the eye of the scouts on the sidelines!

According to the judging criteria of the labor permit application, players must get the signing intention of at least two clubs in the Victoria Trial Camp!

In addition to Leicester City, which counted as one,

Ling Feng must be favored by at least one other team scout on the scene!

Facing the strongest Group A, it was obvious that the current situation was very unfavorable for Ling Feng!

Five competitions.

The match between Group A and Group J was played first!

At this moment, the scouts on the sidelines basically focused on the players in Group A!

"The center forward in Group A is strong, aggressive, and tall, a bit like Lukaku!" said the Fulham scout.

"The winger in Group A is also good, and his speed is maxed out! He might be able to create a big threat on the wing in the competition later!"

Spurs scout said

"Judging from the static data, the hard requirements of these trial players this year are still acceptable!"

"Maybe we can find a few good players from Group A."

The Chelsea scout said boredly while looking at the data sheet in his hand.

"You Chelsea just won the league title last season, and the squad is so deep. Even if these young players are signed, can they play in the game?!"

Everyone teased the Chelsea scout.

The Chelsea scout laughed:

"It is naturally very difficult for these young players to play for Chelsea!"

"After signing, you can also practice well in the youth team first!"

London is one of the cities with the deepest heritage in the Premier League.

It is also the city where the Victoria Trial Camp is held.

Naturally, the number of scouts from London teams who came to the scene today is the largest! There are

Chelsea, Tottenham, and Arsenal, who have the strength to compete for the championship.

There are also regular visitors to the Premier League, Fulham and West Ham United.

There are also emerging forces that have just been promoted to the Premier League, Brentford and Crystal Palace.

These London teams are also the teams with the highest enthusiasm for signing players in the Victoria Trial Camp over the years.

Precisely because of their rich experience, the vision of these team scouts is also quite sharp!

Everyone's topic of discussion revolves around the players in Group A.

No one cares about the players in Group J.

Because according to past experience.

The players in Group J are almost crushed by the players in Group A in terms of physical strength, speed and other hard indicators!

This situation will become a one-sided and tragic trend in the next confrontation!

The scores of 0:3 and 0:4 were considered small scores!

In the most exaggerated year, Group A had even beaten their opponents by ten goals!

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