Today, Ling Feng has already shown his talent in the Premier League with his outstanding performance!

At this time, in Longguo,

Ling Feng's name has already set off a wave of public opinion!

Previously, with the excellent results of Leicester City's winning streak,

Ling Feng's name, as the tactical core of the team, has also been mentioned many times!

In addition, Ling Feng has now shockingly topped the Premier League assists list.

And led the team to an incredible 5-game winning streak in the new season.

All these amazing achievements are like incredible shells exploding in the public opinion field of Longguo!

The sluggishness of Longguo football has long been an unspeakable pain in the hearts of all Longguo fans, and even most of the people!

Many Longguo fans have long been heartbroken about Longguo football and Longguo players, and can be said to be extremely disappointed!

Therefore, whenever a topic related to Longguo players is mentioned,

Longguo fans really have nothing to say except self-deprecation and scolding!

But when a Longguo player is associated with the Premier League, or even the Premier League assist king, the degree of shock brought about is absolutely indescribable in words!

In fact, when Ling Feng topped the Premier League assists list, this news just reached Longguo.

Both Longguo fans and Longguo media were a little confused for a while!

Because in the eyes of many people, Longguo players and Premier League assist kings should not be linked together no matter from what angle! So many people felt that this news was fake news at first glance when they first came into contact with it!

Some fans even lamented that such news should be released on April Fool's Day, which might be more interesting!

But as more and more news from the external network came in.

As many media directly got screenshots of the Premier League official website assists list data.

Longguo media and fans were completely dumbfounded!

Finally realized that this extremely incredible news was actually true!

"What's going on? The Premier League's assist king?! A Chinese player? Which Chinese player?!"

"no......My mind is a bit confused now.......I can't turn around......."

"Let's first clarify one point: Can Chinese players play in the Premier League?......This is already very sci-fi, okay?!"

"What the hell is this Premier League assist king?!"

"Ling Feng? This name sounds familiar!"

"Isn’t this the player who shot Yosi in the head with the ball in the summer warm-up match!"

"He actually went to play in the Premier League? And now he is at the top of the Premier League assists list?!"

"Holy shit, this is so awesome! Is it true?!"

"This seems to be a screenshot of the official website. The official website of the Premier League is not a scam........"

"The team to join, or the small Premier League relegation team Leicester City?"

"Help Leicester City complete 5 consecutive wins in the new season?!"

"I feel like my brain is having a hard time reacting, isn't this too sci-fi?!!"

"Can Dragon Country football produce such an awesome player?!"

"It seems that the player Ling Feng has a feud with the Dragon Country Football Association!"

"When the news interviewed him at that time, didn’t they also say that he had dirty information about the Dragon Country Football Association?"

"Then a large number of self-media deliberately discredited him, and I felt something was wrong at the time!"

"Any player that the Dragon Country Football Association doesn’t like is most likely a good player!"

"He couldn't stay in China, so he went abroad to develop, and he became a big hit. Maybe he is really a football genius!!"

"Ling Feng is a really awesome player! I have seen many of his wonderful video clips on the Internet! His long pass level is even better than that of some of the core players of the giants!"

"Is it true? Hurry up and move it over and have a look!!"

At this time, Longguo fans were eagerly searching for all the news related to Ling Feng!

Many fans who have been following the Premier League for many years are also very upset at this moment!

They are all blaming themselves for not noticing the existence of Ling Feng earlier!

But to some extent, this is understandable.

After all, the teams that domestic Premier League fans follow are all giant teams.

There is almost no situation where the team they support is a small club.

And Leicester City, which has just rushed into the Premier League for less than two years, is like an invisible team in their eyes!

And the domestic media basically focus on the Premier League giants.

After all, only the news of these teams has more clicks!

If Leicester City's performance was not too amazing, it is estimated that few people would notice the existence of Ling Feng!

And now the domestic media.

Especially The video portals that have the broadcasting rights for the Premier League have adjusted the live broadcast of Leicester City's games to the most prominent position!

As a Dragon player, being able to appear in the Premier League is already a completely explosive news in the hearts of Dragon fans!

It is conceivable that the games of Leicester City with Ling Feng will be the focus of attention of countless Dragon fans!

The adjustment of domestic live broadcasts can be said to have caught up with a perfect time, because in the next round of the Premier League, the highly-watched Leicester City will usher in a heavyweight contest!

Leicester City will play away against the defending champion of the league, Chelsea!!

Countless Dragon fans really paid attention to and watched Ling Feng's first game live.

It is also the strongest opponent that Leicester City has encountered since the start of this season!!


It will be released at 10pm tonight. Please support me!

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