Football Modifier

Chapter 103 Salute to the Triple Crown

early morning!


The office door was kicked open without mercy!

Li Tongfan, who was sitting on a big leather swivel chair writing and drawing, was frightened to death: What kind of hammer is itching to kick the laborers again?

When I looked up, I saw a guy with a history of "kick-in-the-door" - team doctor Gonzalez-Li Fengfeng rushed into the office angrily and stood in the room shaking, as if a wire had been inserted into his whole body. Same, his big rosacea nose was red with excitement: "Miracle... Li, from today on, I will not take your surname. I will take the surname Yi. My name will be Gonzalez-Yi. It is simply a miracle." …”


Okay, Lao Li has to admit that team doctor Gonzalez, who has a big rosacea, is a standard house slave with three surnames, but if you change your surname, will you be so excited to kick in the coach's door?

"Example fasting, Chinese Kung Fu, a miracle..." Before Old Li could get angry, Gonzalez moved his arms and legs and performed a very non-standard slow-motion version of the roundhouse kick: "Li, you The physical fitness coach Ito Yun introduced is amazing... The acupuncture technique is amazing, the Chinese are amazing..."




Before Gonzalez could finish explaining his excitement, Rosacea's words were interrupted by a few crisp sounds. It turned out that the roundhouse kick he just couldn't hold back had hit the clothes hanger in the room, and the clothes hanger suddenly disappeared. It swayed in a circle, fell down smoothly, and hit the blue porcelain water glass on Li Tongfan's desk. Then this old Li Tongfan's precious water glass scraped off the table and broke into pieces...

Li Tongfan looked at Gonzales with an innocent expression without saying a word, and slowly stood up to release his anger...

"Hey, why did the hanger fall over? The cup was broken too?... Oh, let's get down to business, Li, I'm here to tell you that Sergio and Gonzalez are both ready to play. Yi Yong's acupuncture technique Cured them, here is their latest medical report!”

When Rosacea saw that he was in trouble, he dropped the Ramos and Raul inspection reports and ran away!

Ito Yun? Acupuncture?

Opening the physical examination report, it was written in great detail. All the physical data of Raul and Ramos, who had strained their thighs, had fully recovered, especially Ramos, who had long hair and had chronic muscle injuries that were expected to take more than three months to fully recover. The strain has completely disappeared. At the end of the report, Gonzalez-Yi optimistically estimated that this guy will be able to charge forward before mid-November.

As for Raul, although the injury caused in the last game was not serious, he still had to rest for at least a week, but Gonzalez-Yi's report made it very clear that Raul was fully able to play!

From the time Raul was injured to now, less than 2 days have passed!

What created this miracle was the "acupuncture technique" that Gonzalez-Yi called!

Ito Yun's acupuncture!

Lao Li lifted up the coat hanger that was kicked by team doctor Gonzalez, cleaned up the broken pieces of porcelain cups on the floor, and thought to himself: When did this bastard Ito Yun learn the inexplicable acupuncture technique?


Sir, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, right?


Grand Hotel Madrid!

The lobby of the hotel is crowded with people, drinking and drinking. At the entrance of the hotel, countless reporters are squatting dedicatedly on the steps, among the flowers, and in the parking lot, holding high-power cameras in their hands, like puppies waiting for meat and bones. Whenever someone drives over, there will be a burst of news. White flashes of light flashed like silver snakes!

It was a night of wanton indulgence. Club executives such as Uncle Calderon and Uncle Mijatovic held a banquet here to entertain all the players and staff of the Real Madrid first team.

“Cheers to a fantastic September and October!”


Uncle Calderon, his face glowing red, stood in the middle of the hall and frequently raised his glass. The scarlet Rafi moistened the corner of the old lawyer's mouth. Mijatovic was walking back and forth among the crowd, his long back hair like Mao Zedong's hair was combed meticulously. Glittery!

Li Tongfan was wearing a black casual suit and hiding in the corner of the hall eating and drinking. Not all team members came to attend the celebration banquet. In addition to familiar Hammers, there were also many dignitaries, celebrities, and beauties from Madrid. Although Li Tongfan had been in charge of the team for more than three months, apart from chatting with the media, Li Tongfan also It seems that he has not integrated himself into the upper class society. His polite greetings and false smiles make Lao Li feel a little dizzy!

Sitting opposite Lao Li was a short-skinned Chinese young man who ate the same food in an indecent manner!

"Young man, how good are your acupuncture skills like your father's? Are you sure about the injuries of Raul and Ramos? Don't worry about the sequelae of being in the limelight. Any attacker in the first team of the team will take a leg. Mao, I can’t even afford to pay for selling you!”

The young man completely ignored Lao Li's painstaking teachings and stuffed a small cherry snack into his mouth: "It's yours...Old cat, I didn't expect that after being a celebrity for so long, you still don't have any of the girly looks of your mother-in-law." Change, you can rest assured that I, Ito Yun, will do the work. Farmers over there often get minor injuries like this when they chase dogs and hunt rabbits. After three injections, everything will be fine!"

Old Cat is Li Tongfan’s nickname in high school, and Shabi Youth is Li Tongfan’s consistent name for Ito Yun!

"Oh, then I'm relieved. Let's do this. The 250 yuan you owe me..."

Hearing this, Ito Yun suddenly looked contemptuous: "250? They are all celebrities. Do you still remember this pile of stinky shit that was dried thirty years ago? Damn, I'll pay it back tomorrow!"

Lao Li was furious, your uncle, the money owed is still reasonable, right? Should celebrities not pay back the money they owe? Although 250 is a small amount, it is still the hard-earned money of labor and management!

Just as he was about to rebel and demand payment, suddenly thunderous applause came from the hall. Everyone stood up straight and looked at the two of them with wine glasses in hand. Uncle Calderon raised his glass with a red face and said: "Dear Li, everyone Are you waiting for you to speak?"


Well, as the leader of the team, as the most popular new head coach in Europe, and as one of the focus figures of this celebration banquet, it would be unreasonable for Li Tongfan not to say a few words before heading towards the seven major players in the center of the hall. During the small steps, Li Tongfan finally scratched his forehead and came up with a few words that would make him stand out!


Clear your throat first!

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming here," Li Tongfan raised his glass slightly: "Thank you for coming here to pay tribute to the future Triple Crown winner Real Madrid!"

Triple Crown?

There was silence in the venue, and people stared blankly at Li Tongfan who made an astonishing statement in the center of the hall!

"I know that from the beginning of the season, there are people waiting to see our jokes. It's a pity that they were disappointed. And what I want to say is that they will be desperate in the next games because Crazy Li will always be Won't fail!

Lao Li raised his wine glass and took a sip of the red liquid in a "personable" manner, and added intoxicatedly: "I really like this nickname given to me by the media. Finally, I salute the champion, long live Real Madrid!"

He is indeed a lunatic!

It is said that Chinese people are courteous and modest. Why is it not reflected in this lunatic?

After a brief silence in the hall, the foreigners applauded warmly like frightened elk. The players of the first team screamed and applauded their leader. Li Tongfan's direct descendants such as Modric, Joel Luka and Juan Mata were instantly carried away by a kind of emotion called blind worship!

Uncle Calderon also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this crazy and rebellious coach didn't say anything that would make him stand down. Thank God!

Assistant coach Grad looked at the arrogant Lao Li from the edge of the crowd, gulping down the juice in his hand (Hedong Lion's wife forbade him to drink), feeling so happy that he was ecstatic!

Of course, some people didn't buy it. Ito Yun stared at the ceiling of the hall and thought to himself: "Strange, why hasn't a thunder struck down and killed this pretentious guy?"

Li Tongfan's words are tantamount to officially telling everyone that his goal this season is to win the supreme Triple Crown. After participating in "I Have a Question for You" and proposing the goal of double crowns in the league and the Champions League, the King's Cup will be held again at this banquet. Being "booked" by him, this straightforward and unabashed declaration pushed the atmosphere of the banquet to a climax!

After this, captain Raul was also invited to speak. Of course, the gentle King of the Rings will not show off like Lao Li. After thanking "the party, the country and the distinguished guests" as usual, Raul expressed his strongest support for coach Li Tongfan in a serious manner: "Every one of us Everyone respects him. The boss said he wants to win the treble. I have no doubt about it. It is an incredible pleasure to work with him. The boss knows what we need and yes, I fully support the boss. It's our job, that's why we always win..."


Then there was an episode. At the end of his speech, Raul suddenly mentioned Ito Yun: "Ito's ability is amazing, acupuncture is really amazing... Some people previously suspected that the boss signed Ito for personal reasons. I Now I can tell everyone that this is all for Real Madrid! Long live Real Madrid!”

With Raul's status in Real Madrid saying this, newcomer Ito Yun's position within the team is considered stable. We must know that many football stars often refuse treatment by team doctors because of their distrust of team doctors. This kind of nonsense is most likely to cause internal conflicts within the team. Now that the Lord of the Rings has spoken, there is no need for Lao Li to show off as a head coach in future work, and Ito Yun's work will proceed smoothly!

People were surprised by Raul's high praise for Crazy Li. This was the first time that Real Madrid's legendary captain praised a coach he had worked with so highly. They were even more surprised by Li Tongfan's absolute control over Real Madrid's locker room. Look at the respect on their faces in the hall. Looking at the players in charge, you can know that these hammers will execute every tactical deployment and decision-making of Crazy Li without hesitation during the game!

A sage once said that it is not difficult to defeat the enemy, but what is difficult is to convince your allies. In the past three short months, Madman Li not only conquered the enemy, but also conquered everyone around him!

At the end of the banquet, the potbellied dignitaries and team staff evacuated one after another, leaving the excited players to have a wild time. Although Li Tongfan also wanted to leave, a woman stayed behind!



Well, Xiaodao is really not good at primary school mathematics! Thank you guys for your ideas, the knife can clear the clouds and reveal the sun!

Regarding whether pig's feet will fail, hey, what do you think? The wretched pig's feet are invincible!

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