Football Modifier

Chapter 162 Today's Update Notes

Xiaodao is extremely sorry to say that I am afraid that the update for noon today will not be delivered on time. The three updates will be sent between 8pm and 11pm.

Xiaodao is very sorry. Because my girlfriend was not feeling well, I was a little late last night. It was not a big deal at first, but who knew that I was tossed again in the middle of the night and went to bed around 5am. I wanted to take a nap and get up to write and ensure the update, but who knew that I was too tired. When Xiaodao woke up, it was already 10:46! (Please don’t slap me in the face)

There is no way. Xiaodao will try to make up before 11pm, and there will be three updates, no less!

I am very sorry. I bow to all the swordsmen and apologize with fear and trepidation!

Since a single chapter has been opened, Xiaodao will say a few words. Recently, I have been too busy writing, so I have rarely replied to the comments from the swordsmen in the book review area. In addition, my three deputy moderators seem to be as busy as Xiaodao, so I have not had time to reply to some good suggestions, and I have not had time to add the posts that you have rewarded. Xiaodao says sorry to all the fans who have spent time and money. Xiaodao will adjust his work and rest time and try to get up a little earlier every day, so that I guess I will be free!

In addition, several book friend groups are full. Now there are only two vacancies in the introduction. I remember recommending several groups in the public chapters. Some swordsmen may have joined the group after seeing them, but they cannot join because the number limit has been reached. Xiaodao is panic, so I would like to explain that if swordsmen come to support Xiaodao, please add the two in the introduction. Xiaodao will sweep the yard and prepare the couch, and stand respectfully waiting!

Finally, I sincerely thank the swordsmen I know or don’t know for their silent support. Many Qidian IDs are so familiar, but they have never spoken, or maybe they have spoken in the QQ group, but they don’t match the Qidian ID. Thank you!

I have nothing to repay you for, so I can only write with all my heart!

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