Football Modifier

Chapter 17: Reuben, the reporter who likes contradictions

Real Madrid's first victory under Lee Tong-bum was met with mixed reviews.

Those who appreciate it believe that the latest 4-1-2-1-2 formation created by Li Tongbum for the team is suitable for the club's requirements of beautiful football and offensive football, and judging from the game scene, Real Madrid's ball possession ratio is as high as 80%. 21 of 36 shots were on target and scored two goals. The offense was smooth and flowing. The coordination was dazzling. The newly joined players also integrated well into the tactical system. This is a good sign!

Although a warm-up match is not enough to explain the problem, winning is better than losing, right?

But the anti-Lee faction headed by Flores is not going to let this "bad luck" Chinese go easily:

"With such a luxurious lineup of Real Madrid, they only beat a weak team like Osasuna by two goals. This basically shows that Li is a complete mediocrity. Look at the two players he has introduced. An unknown Croatian player who did nothing in the game..."

"Sir, who dares to pat their chest and guarantee that they can score more than two goals in every game? If Osasuna, which ranked fourth in the league last season, is weak, then Sevilla, which is ranked behind it, , What is Villarreal? Is it a shark fin? Is it a bird's nest? ... Clown, idiot Flores, you should do more morning exercises to prepare for climbing from Madrid to Tiananmen..."

The above paragraph of Li Tongfan's original words without regard for his demeanor was carefully adapted by Carlos Robben, the hereditary reporter of Marca, and appeared on the front page of the next day's newspaper with a "gentle and gentle" face:

"No team in the world can always win by more than two goals. I think Mr. Flores lacks enough respect for Osasuna. Real Madrid is a great team with the best team in the world." Excellent player...Mr. Flores should think more about the bet he made earlier..."


This was Li Tongfan's first feeling after reading the newspaper the next day!

Unexpectedly, Marca, a seemingly harmless intern reporter, was so much more capable of stirring up trouble than he was. In just a few words, he transformed the general distrust of the football world towards him into a collective protest by Osasuna and Real Madrid players. The contradictions that "Flores" despise, could this guy have studied the "On Contradictions" written by the great leader ***?

You can imagine what kind of expression Flores will have after reading this report. I hope the editor-in-chief will not get so angry that his mouth will be full of tears...

As for the young reporter Carlos Ruben of Marca, thanks to the "underground godfather" Nunez, Li Tongfan, this fat piece of fat, was divided into the saliva of more than a hundred journalists in Marca. he. Relying on this exclusive report on Li Tongfan, Ruben has gradually become famous in the football reporter industry in recent times. It is said that many newspapers are preparing to pay high salaries to poach people...

Opportunities only favor those who are prepared, and Carlos Ruben was lucky enough to hug Li Tongfan’s thigh!

Because Ruben came in and worked hard and spared no effort to publish an article in Marca to support Lao Li, Lao Li has now slowly remembered and accepted this young reporter. From then on, he only accepted Ruben in the Spanish media. interview!

If someone respects me one foot, I will respect him one foot. If someone bites me once, I will stab him ten times! This is the principle that Li Tongfan always follows!

So, since I have the ability now, why not help this little reporter who is very good at things?

La Liga only officially starts on August 27. Real Madrid still has three warm-up matches before the start of the league. Their opponents are Inter Milan, Fiorentina and Manchester United!

It seems impossible to meet such an opponent in a warm-up match, right?

In fact, Li Tongfan used FM2007 to arrange it in the game, and then asked the club management to be responsible for contacting him. Sure enough, in reality, the above three clubs all rushed to express their willingness to come to the Bernabeu Stadium for a warm-up match with Real Madrid!

Since arranging a friendly match is not considered cheating in the game, no additional character points will be consumed this time.

Calderon and Mijatovic, who originally had a wait-and-see attitude towards inviting the above three wealthy clubs, immediately organized manpower to carry out large-scale publicity after learning that the three wealthy clubs unexpectedly agreed to participate in the warm-up match!

For fans, it is an unparalleled thing to enjoy such a rich visual feast before the start of the league. For Calderon and Mijatovic, these three games are another way to earn fame and money. Opportunity……

Commercial profits are a big piece of cake that any Real Madrid president cannot give up!

All the credit goes to these two scheming guys who picked the peaches without hesitation! Li Tongfan has no objection to this. There are some peaches you can pick, but there are some peaches you can’t pick even if you practice Chinese magical skills such as "Monkey Escape" to the full level!

Love as much as you like!

Because for Li Tongfan, before the official start of the league, fully mastering the rules of FM2007 is the top priority, especially the frequency of consumption of character points and the method of obtaining them. If you cannot fully master this game, let alone continue to be a coach, you may even risk your own life!

Li Tongfan didn't want to have his braids so high that no one has ever done before, and the kindness of his parents in raising him has not been repaid. Moreover, our old Li is still a virgin until now. How can he be worthy of the beautiful girls around the world who are waiting for him if he dies so hastily?

Before the warm-up match against Inter Milan, Li Tongfan finally deepened his understanding of the FM2007 system through repeated observation and speculation during this period, and came to the following conclusions:

First of all, this game will automatically run as time passes in reality, and the game time will always be at least one day ahead of the real time. In other words, if you don't turn on the computer to play games, the system will play by itself, and you will play happily. What is even more shameless is that Li Tongfan is entirely responsible for the results of the system.

According to Li Tongfan's analysis, the reason why the system always keeps the game time ahead of the real time is that only when things in the game happen before reality can it be possible to "modify" reality in advance.

Secondly, whether you are actively playing the game or the system is playing itself, every time the game time advances by one week, 2 character points will be consumed. In addition, as long as you do not use the game system to save abnormally or use FM-MM (data modifier) ​​and scouting tools to cheat, and let the game proceed normally, character points will generally not be consumed. On the contrary, every cheat will consume one character point.

Finally, what Li Tongfan wants to scold most is that until now he has not discovered how to obtain character points. After deducting the original 100 character points used for language cheating and maintaining the normal operation of the system in the past two weeks, there are only 93 points left!

Li Tongfan seemed to see the god of the underworld, the old man, smiling slyly and using a bright little knife to make gestures on his tender neck...

ps: There will be another update around 12 o'clock in the evening. As promised to a certain reader friend, the saved manuscripts are almost gone. Please support me and I will soon reach the top ten of newcomers!

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