Football Modifier

Chapter 2 Please coach Real Madrid

The lanterns are on!

When the international metropolis TD enters its most leisurely and prosperous time every day, Li Tongfan, who has returned from the party, is lying in his small rental house of less than 20 square meters with anger and cursing!

"Fake, you stinky bitch who admires foreign things!"

Lying flat on the bed, with his feet up, and three bottles of beer in his stomach, Li Tongfan still couldn't get rid of his anger!

Thinking of the scene at today's party, Li Tongfan felt that there was a kitten in his heart that kept scratching and scratching. He wished he could hang up a sandbag and beat him hard to vent his anger!

"Ah, isn't this our great talent Li? Why is he here riding such a shabby bicycle after working for two years?"

"Where does Mr. Li, the great talent, work? Huh? He resigned... Couldn't he have been fired?"

"I'm about to go abroad to Spain. Let me introduce to you. This is my fiancé Leon, a Spanish builder..."

"I said you are not young anymore, why are you still single? Fortunately, we were..."

In front of many college classmates, this woman who was once Li Tongfan's first girlfriend raised her arrogant chin, her snow-white neck was as tender as a swan's, her charming eyes were full of contempt, and she snuggled up to her like a little bird. In the arms of her tall Spanish fiancé Leon, she humiliated Li Tongfan seemingly casually one after another...

Li Tongfan's face was ashen, and the classmates around him were chatting and laughing. Only a few friends who were close to him came over, glared at the woman fiercely, patted Li Tongfan on the shoulder, and pulled him aside.

Li Tongfan didn't say a word. He was a poor man with short ambitions. Any rebuttal would attract endless ridicule from the other party, but what he said was the truth...

Lying on the bed, thinking about the vicious ridicule of his first girlfriend Huang Lidan over and over again in his mind, Li Tongfan couldn't help but get up and drank two more cans of Tsingtao Beer before falling asleep in a daze!

Bitch, I'll make you regret it!

Li Tongfan decided to start looking for a job tomorrow to make money. He could no longer hang around and live like a man!

Invincible dividing line

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang bang!

A series of urgent knocks on the door pulled the sleepy Li Tongfan back from Duke Zhou!

Could it be the landlord?

A thought flashed through his mind, and Li Tongfan suddenly fell asleep. He had been in arrears with rent for more than ten days. It must be that fat woman who came to pay the rent again!

Sighing, Li Tongfan stood up and patted his face with cold water. In this eighth and quarter of an hour, he drafted four or five excuses to deal with the fat landlady, and forced out a smile that was uglier than crying. Open the door carefully...

Outside the door were two blond foreigners in suits and leather shoes!

I don’t know foreigners, are you looking for the wrong person?

pick! Disturb my sleep!

Li Tongfan withdrew his smile and was about to close the door and take a nap. The foreigner closest to the door reacted quickly, pushed the door panel, and stuck his golden head through the crack of the door. He spoke politely in broken Chinese and asked:

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Rice Tong?"

Are you a loser?

Li Tongfan is really angry. Don't think that just because you are a foreigner, you can curse people casually. If it weren't for the fact that these two guys are tall and strong, Li Tongfan might have immediately spread all the bad feelings about the woman he had at the party yesterday on these two unlucky foreigners. .

"There are no losers here. If you want to find a loser, please call 110."

Li Tongfan angrily uttered a harsh word, pushed the foreigner out, and slammed the door shut with his hands. Fake, you damn foreigner, dare to scold me!

However, God has destined that today will be the most extraordinary day in Li Tongfan's life!

So when he fell asleep until almost ten o'clock, the knock on the door rang again!

Bang bang bang bang!

He jumped up and opened the door, and it turned out that Fake was still the same two foreigners!

"Whether it's over or not, be careful I'll sue you for sexual harassment..."

Li Tongfan was furious and was about to slam the door when suddenly a young man in his mid-twenties jumped out from behind the foreigner. He dragged the black briefcase in his hand to the ground, kicked the door open, rushed in and pressed Li Tongfan on the bed. Holding his neck, he screamed with great hatred:

"I'm going to strangle you to death, you bastard who found a wife and forgot about your mother..."

"Fake, I'll kill you..."

Li Tongfan was halfway through his swear words when he suddenly discovered that the Ban Cun who was riding on him with a resentful look on his face was actually his acquaintance, Fan Zuang, a college classmate.

"Didn't your kid go to Spain to be a football reporter? Why are you back again?"

Li Tongfan tidied up his messy cabin and asked his old classmates to sit down and talk. The two foreigners squeezed in with silly smiles on their faces. They seemed to be Fan Zuang's acquaintances.

"Damn, I have to ask you, how did you become the head coach of Real Madrid? Are you a monkey? Sun Wukong's seventy-two transformations?" Fan Zuang's eyes were as wide as copper bells, looking at Li Tongfan His expression was like looking at an alien, and his whole body was trembling with excitement.

"Xia Mi? Real Madrid coach?"

Li Tongfan was stunned, immediately stood up, found a cup, poured a cup of boiling water, and then started to look through the drawers.

"What are you doing?" Fan Zuang was confused.

"There are still a few tablets of Fenbit left from the last time I had a fever. Drink it quickly and lie down here to rest for a while. I'll call the doctor for you!"

"Thank you!" Fan Zuang replied subconsciously, suddenly realized, rushed over and kicked Li Tongfan to the ground: "I'm not sick, you really became the head coach of Real Madrid!"

HELLO, I am the dividing line

Sitting deeply on the leather sofa in the living room of Room 1201 of Sheraton, the most luxurious five-star hotel in TD City, Li Tongfan felt like he had an absurd dream!


If you are like Li Tongfan, who worked in a shabby advertising company for less than two years after graduating from college and was fired because he found out that his boss and his mistress were in close contact in the office, and became a vagrant and poor and couldn't even pay the rent of 250 yuan a month, and suddenly someone told you that you will become the head coach of Real Madrid, the greatest club in the 21st century on this planet, you will be as helpless as Li Tongfan now!

It's not a lie, right?

This was Li Tongfan's first reaction after hearing the news, but when Fan Zuang and the two foreigners drove a business Mercedes to take him to the five-star Sheraton Hotel and showed all the documents and contracts, he realized that, well, this... seems... seems... to be playing for real!

The person in charge of the foreigners is called Carlos Bucero, who is said to be the deputy general manager of Real Madrid Club. There are six people in total, who are responsible for the "signing" of the head coach this time.

As for the big reporter Fan Zuang, as the chief sports reporter stationed in Madrid by Sohu Sports Channel, he has had a lot of dealings with Real Madrid Club in the past two years. Therefore, the candidate for the head coach this time is Chinese, so for the sake of convenience, the club's vice president Carlos Bucero invited him to be responsible for liaison matters.

Of course, these are not problems. The most important thing is, how could such a ridiculous thing happen?

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