Football Modifier

Chapter 208 Prelude to the Reappearance of Classics

"...Casillas left the field...Oh, luckily, it wasn't a penalty!!!! The Turkish referee only gave Arsenal a direct free kick near the penalty area line... But even if this free kick didn't go in, Real Madrid would have to fight with fewer players for more than 70 minutes. Facing Arsenal's mercury-like attack, can Real Madrid win a victory?? Maybe for them, it is more feasible to defend a draw and go to a penalty shootout after overtime..."

On the field!

The camera was aimed at Casillas who was leaving the field!

This hero who had pulled Real Madrid out of desperate situations countless times made a fatal mistake today - in fact, even if Gunner Henry scored the ball at that time, it was just a goal behind for Real Madrid. This season's Galaxy Battleship has played countless exciting and heart-wrenching classic reversals. In this game, as long as Crazy Li doesn't suddenly become brain-dead, it is definitely not difficult to make up for the one-goal gap, but now...

Behind one goal is the score difference, playing one less is the strategic gap!

The score gap is easy to solve, but it is extremely difficult to overcome the strategic gap!

After pulling Henry to him, Casillas realized it instantly - he made a stupid mistake!

Although at that moment, anyone would make a mistake with a blank mind, and at that time, all the cells in Casillas' body had only one thought, that is, he must not let the opponent score, he must not!

Good intentions did bad things!

This is the most maddening thing!

Therefore, even if there are excusable circumstances, Casillas cannot forgive himself. After five years, he finally made it to the European Champions League final again. Real Madrid's 10-time championship feat that is about to stand out from the crowd all fell on him alone...

Although it is only a few hundred meters from the Real Madrid goal to the player tunnel on the sidelines, Casillas seems to have walked for a century. On this "long" road, Casillas' mind kept emerging with the ups and downs and hardships he had experienced since the group stage this season: the shocking reversal in the last three minutes of the night at Stamford Bridge, the difficult victory in the cold wind of Ukraine, the desperate counterattack of the German Bremen Parrot Army, the crazy provocation of the fanatical AC Milan fans in San Siro...

Along the way, countless ups and downs, endless hardships!

Who knew that the good situation would be ruined in his own hands? The Champions League final is not a child's play. I wonder when Real Madrid will be able to persist in the final next time?

Casillas is not a man who easily reveals his feelings in front of others, but at this moment, the Spanish handsome man shed tears. When the first tear fell from the corner of his eye, Casillas tried to take off his gloves and wipe it away quickly to avoid being discovered by the fans. However, the tears flowed down uncontrollably like a faucet with the valve turned on...

In the stands, the Real Madrid fans who were booing Casillas for this stupid foul could not help but stop their actions in shame after seeing this scene... Yes, no matter how great and magical Casillas is, at this moment he is just a 26-year-old boy who made a mistake. This boy just wants to save the team again when the team is in the most critical moment with his hands that have saved Real Madrid countless times. Once...

Even the Gunners fans who were still laughing seemed a little embarrassed. The camera followed Casillas to the sidelines. Li, who always had a crazy expression of laughing and cursing, unexpectedly was the first to comfort this disciple who was buried in regret. His expression was calm, and there was an arc on the corner of his mouth, as if he was welcoming the hero who returned victoriously... He didn't even consider adjusting the team's tactics at the first time...

If in other occasions, a 26-year-old man leaned on a guy who was 3 years younger than him and cried, he would definitely be scolded by all men as a loser, but at this moment, no one in the world would laugh at Casillas' weakness, just like no one would laugh at Roberto Baggio's incompetence or Inzaghi's tears...

Casillas slowly retreated to the player's tunnel with the comfort of Li Tongfan!

There, the handsome man wiped away all the tears. Although his eyes were still wet, his eyes revealed his strength and indomitable spirit. I don’t know what Crazy Li said to Casillas. The "hero" who made a mistake stood quietly at the entrance of the player tunnel, wanting to watch all the games there...

On the field!

Li Tongfan replaced winger Reyes with substitute goalkeeper Diego Lopez! Although the Spanish fast horse has performed well in Real Madrid this season, he is a person who was loaned from Arsenal after all. He was a little absent-minded in this game against his old club, so it was reasonable for him to be replaced. In fact, if Marcelo had not been seriously injured in the last game, Reyes would not have started this game...

Reyes himself was very surprised, and reluctantly dragged off the bench, without clapping with his teammate Diego Lopez, and without even looking at Li Tongfan, he returned to the bench silently...

After the substitution, the game continued!

Crazy Li made adjustments to Real Madrid's formation - the original 4-1-2-1-2 formation was changed to 4-1-2-1-1, and Raul, the King of the Rings, retreated from the front line to become an attacking midfielder. , Modric retracted to the center, and together with Guti supported Real Madrid's midfield backbone, Beckham was still in the midfielder position! In this way, there will be no wingers in Real Madrid's formation! We can only penetrate the middle and push forward the Arsenal midfielder!

For Real Madrid, the favorable factor is the absence of Arsenal's iron waist Gilberto Silva. Such a mid-range tactic can be regarded as pinpointing Arsenal's weakness!

The second master, Grad, admired Lao Li's adjustments to David. Lao Ge was surprised to find that his partner's tactical insight far exceeded his own, and his progress was so fast that no one had ever done it before...

On the field!

Substitute goalkeeper Diego Lopez directed the Real Madrid players to line up a wall in the penalty area and then waited for Arsenal to take a free kick!

Less than 20 meters away from the goal, such a location is not suitable for penalty kick players. If the Gunners have a slugger like Robert Carlos, they may be able to perform miracles, but at this time, among the eleven players on the Arsenal field Without even a slightly qualified operator, how can we talk about heavy artillery?

Finally, the Czech Tomas Rosicky, who has the "Mozart of the Stadium", stood in front of the goal!

The 30-meter area on the left side of the penalty area is called the "Rosicki Zone". The Czech's long-range shots from this position are perfect, but the current position is obviously not within the "Rosicki Zone" area, so Rosicky's Although the shot was incredibly powerful, it still flew high over the crossbar and did not pose a threat to Real Madrid's substitute goalkeeper Diego Lopez who had just come on!


Real Madrid goal kick!

The game continues!

"... Rosicky's shot went over the crossbar. Today's game was too dramatic. Barcelona played Arsenal in the 2005-06 Champions League final. In that game, the goalkeeper was sent off shortly after the game started, but the unlucky guy at the time It's the Gunners' old goalkeeper Lehmann... Is God going to compensate Arsenal for everything in this game?" BBC celebrity Sester turned to ask his partner: "Hey, Rude, do you think it's similar? Last year’s final..."

"Well, indeed, Lehmann pulled the cheetah Eto'o near the penalty area line at that time..." Ruud, the best fan, said more this time: "But then Arsenal, who were fighting with one less person, scored with Campbell's header. Barcelona took the lead until more than 70 minutes into the second half before relying on Eto'o's suspected offside goal to regain the score. Before the end of the game, Brazilian Belletti scored to take the lead... If Real Madrid can win in the next If you take the lead with a header in the game, then I believe that there is God in this world..."

Rude hasn't finished speaking yet...

On the field!


Referee Medin Tokat's whistle sounded again!

When the alien fat man Ronaldo pulled the Gunners' breakthrough on the left wing, he was dropped by French full-back Clichy. Real Madrid won a free kick near the corner...

In the commentary box, Sester and Rude looked at each other in shock!

Damn it. Ruud, the best supporter, hit the mark. The game was becoming more and more like last year's Champions League final. You must know that Arsenal, who had one less player in that game, got a free kick at this position. Then the main defender Campbell scored with a header...

If Real Madrid takes the lead with this free kick, it is estimated that more than 55,000 fans in the audience will have to look up to see if there is really another birdman with a halo on his head and wings on his back performing magic... …

On the field!

Real Madrid was preparing to take a free kick. David Beckham stood in front of the football. Due to the angle, it was impossible to score directly. Therefore, Roberto Carlos, the king of heavy artillery, who had been cooperating closely with David, could only run to lead Arsenal. Go grab some in the restricted area!

In the penalty area of ​​the arsenal, Ramos, Giorgio Luca, Cannavaro and other aerial bullies of all sizes were rushing back and forth, trying not to let the gunners see death. In the unfavorable situation of having one less person to fight, they wanted to make a breakthrough. We can only find the opponent's flaws from set pieces and counterattacks...

This free kick opportunity is crucial!


Medin Tokat blows the whistle!

Beckham immediately sent the football into Arsenal's penalty area!

There, white and red are intertwined. Joel Luca, the tallest among Real Madrid defenders, is marked by the little monster Adebayor and has no room to take off. Cannavaro, who is famous for his excellent jumping, is in Kolo Toure. Under the pressure, there is nothing to be done...

The football passed through the penalty area. Lehmann jumped up and wanted to take off the white elf. However, due to the interference of his own defender, he made a small error in judgment. In a hurry, the German national goalkeeper could only use his fingertips to gently lift... …

As a result, the football rose slightly in an instant, passed over the head of the stunned Gunners defender Gallas, and fell to the back post!

There, there was a short bald man who almost jumped from the spot and easily put the football that had worked so hard to escape to the back post into the net...


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