Football Modifier

Chapter 242 Michael, will you start?

An hour later, Michael Owen came out of Madman Lee's room!

He looked energetic, as if he suddenly became a dozen years younger!

Then, ten minutes later!

Ito Yun, the physical trainer of the England team, also came out of Madman Lee's room!

He was listless, his face was pale, and his legs were shaking even when he walked. It seemed that he had been ravaged and abused thousands of times. He struggled to get back to his room by holding on to the wall!

At this moment, two beautiful waitresses from the Brown Hotel passed by the corridor and happened to see this scene!

The two beauties smiled and whispered in their hearts: "Could it be that the invincible madman Li is actually a lesbian? He actually had a threesome, what a powerful ability...

At this moment, the fire of gossip was burning!

In the room, Li Tongfan, who had no idea that he had been equated with "comrades" by the two blonde beauties, was lying on the big bed, shaking his stinky feet and laughing secretly!

Michael Owen's spirit and energy were obviously much better after Ito Yun's acupuncture and qigong massage treatment!

This is actually a very important self-hypnosis effect!

Many players will become cautious when they step on the green field again after experiencing frequent injuries. They have a subconscious impulse of self-protection and dare not make any moves!

Such a mentality often causes their performance to become mediocre, and in serious cases, they will be unable to recover!

And what Li Tongfan did just now, The purpose is to use the examples of Ronaldo and Beckham and the vague sense of Qi of Ito Yun to make Owen believe that his injury has improved a lot!

It is a kind of poor psychological treatment!

In this way, Owen can eliminate his worries in the official game and feel free to do some difficult actions!

Of course, this is also to cover up the modification of FM2008!

However, poor "Qigong Master" Ito Yun, after an hour of pretending to massage and acupuncture with half-baked Qigong, he was exhausted and drowsy again. If it takes longer, he will have to call an ambulance to send him to the central London hospital for glucose infusion for emergency rescue!

Poor kid, how can I compensate him?

The sultry man thought shamelessly while lying on the bed!


September 7!

The England team had the last run-in at Wembley Stadium in the morning Training, the whole afternoon was spent by Li Tongfan explaining "tactics" to the players - in fact, it was some data that Lao Li got from FM2008 simulation, which was carefully concealed and conveyed to the Hammers!

The opponent Israeli national team arrived in London three days ago!

Because of Grant, a fellow countryman who played for Chelsea, they borrowed the training base of the Blues Chelsea and conducted pre-match training there!

On the afternoon of the 7th, after the England team finished the running-in training, they had an afternoon to adapt to the field training at Wembley Stadium!

At this time, London has once again entered the rhythm of the national team after the England-Germany war!

The fanatical Three Lions fans from the British Isles filled the hotels of all sizes in London. The game has not started yet, and the atmosphere of football has permeated everywhere in London. This scene seems to be even stronger than the atmosphere during the World Cup!

Due to It is a formal national team match. According to UEFA regulations, the head coaches of both teams must attend a press conference organized by FIFA before the game!

On the morning of September 8, Li Tongfan and Israeli national team head coach Kashtan attended the press conference held in the press conference hall of Wembley Stadium!

More than 200 reporters from major European football media attended the press conference!

However, to the disappointment of the reporters, Crazy Li and Kashtan obviously came to deal with the work, and the speeches of the two people added up to no more than 5 minutes!

Kashtan: "... England is a team, but we bravely shut them out in the first round. We will do the same in today's game, and we will definitely perform better... You know, Israel is a magical country. Maybe we will bring surprises to English fans!

Crazy Li: "... After hearing Mr. Kashtan's speech, I feel that I have nothing to say. I personally agree with him. Tonight's game will be a big surprise for English fans!"

Obviously, the two have different understandings of surprises!

As soon as the tense speech ended, the two did not even shake hands, and just walked away, leaving no time for the enthusiastic reporters to ask questions freely!

There was no other way!

The reporters had to resort to the magic weapon of their industry - fabricating news and exaggerating facts!

French L'Equipe: "Israel national team coach Kashtan believes they will get a well-deserved victory at Wembley Stadium...

German Kicker: "... England is not good! Kashtan said so!"

England Mirror: "Mad Lee promised all fans a big win..."

Sunday Express: "Mad Lee decided to let Israel go home crying..."


September 8th 17:00!

The weather was good, the thick fog that had been shrouding London for a week finally gradually dissipated, and the warm sunlight shone down, making people feel comfortable!

At the entrance of Brown's Hotel, the staff of the England team were nervously helping the players put the large bags of clothes and supplies into the bottom of the bus!

Like many times before, Three Lions fans who had not bought live tickets crowded outside the yellow cordon drawn by hotel security personnel, holding St. George's cross flags and singing "God Save the Queen" with surging voices. !

Thirty minutes later, the Three Lions stars, led by Crazy Li, walked out of the hotel lobby, signed autographs for the fans, entered the bus, and drove slowly to Wembley Stadium!

Behind the bus, after the last enthusiastic cheers of the fans, they merged into the large and small bars in London in twos and threes. They will cheer for their heroes in front of the electronic screens in the bars!

Wembley Stadium!

More fans gathered in the square outside the stadium. Some lucky guys even held up small cards asking for tickets, hoping that God would bring luck to them at the last moment.

The England team bus slowly separated the crowd and drove to the player tunnel of the stadium. The superstars of the Three Lions stepped out of the bus door one by one and took out their bags from the luggage compartment of the bus, ignoring the reporters who were swarming over. asked, turned around and disappeared into the player tunnel!

"Hey, I saw Michael. He seems to be in good condition. Do you think Mr. Dumpster will let him start?" A Liverpool Post reporter in his 40s or 50s asked his colleagues casually!

The young intern reporter in his early twenties wearing a Manchester News vest immediately curled his lips in disdain: "The only one who can bring us victory is Wayne Rooney. He is the striker ace worthy of Mr. Basketball's reliance. The old Michael can enter." The national team is just a loser who pities him..."


Before the young reporter finished speaking, the bald cameraman from the Newcastle Post next to him gave the little guy a hard push with his thick shoulder...

The bald head's big eyes like bells glowed with a fierce light: "Shit, what do you, a little brat who hasn't even grown hair yet, know? Michael has scored 38 goals for the national team... He is the fastest in England. Killer..."

The young intern reporter from the Manchester Post looked at the other person's size. He dared not express his anger and sneered silently in his heart: "An old guy who can no longer run lies in the hospital all day long... and is the fastest in England? Humph? !”

The Newcastle Post's bald cameraman could certainly see the disdain in the little guy's heart, but he didn't say much!

Young fans have gradually forgotten Michael Owen, the former England golden boy, but in the hearts of the older generation of fans, the trend-chasing boy who was once omnipotent on the green field is irreplaceable...

19-year-old Irving…

98 France World Cup…

The shocking blow that played with the Argentine defense like the wind is still in front of me...

Looking up at the majestic Wembley Stadium, the bright sunshine shines on it, like a magnificent palace!

The bald man's eyes were a little moist like a girl: Break out, Michael! !

Under the leadership of Mr. Rice Tong, break out and regain your former style... You must know that you are only 28 years old, which is the golden peak age of a shooter!

# # #

England dressing room!

Li Tongfan didn't say much more. The previous poor record in the European budget competition clearly told everyone that England would not be able to afford to lose even one game in the next game!

Swish, swish, swish~~~~~

The sound of the ink pen crossing the tactical board was clearly audible in the silent locker room!

Every player looked at the name written by the boss with wide eyes!

The eleven lucky guys who appear on the tactical board will get the opportunity to start the first official game under Crazy Li.

And this basically explains who is more important in the mind of the world-famous new coach of the Three Lions, and who will go longer in the future of the national team...

The best proof is that Michael Owen is sitting on the tactical board. Watching Li Tongfan write out the names of the players one by one, his heart is like fifteen buckets of water - up and down!

Will you have yourself?

Carson, John Terry...Beckham...

Until Rooney's name is written, there is still the last forward spot left!

Li Tongfan turned around and looked at Irving, then at the other forwards, then turned back and continued writing with an expressionless face——


Owen's heart froze. The letter Z did not start with his name!


But no matter what, even if he can play as a substitute, Golden Boy will be very grateful to Crazy Li. At least the boss gave him a chance to enter the national team...

The Israeli national team locker room on one side!

"...The stars of the England team take good care of their bodies because they still have to compete for the main position in the club. When fighting, they should be bigger and more ruthless..."

Coach Kashtan stood among the players with a ferocious look on his face: "We once tied with them at home. If it weren't for the referee's misjudgment in that game, we would have scored three points... The so-called superstars are all arrogant. The English media boasted it themselves, which is why they slumped as soon as they arrived at the competition, they are just a bunch of showboats..."

"And now they have a more arrogant head coach. All the English people are immersed in ridiculous dreams. What we have to do is to destroy their dreams like a basin of cold water..."

The Israeli players were so excited by coach Kashtan that their blood boiled——

"Destroy their dreams..."

"Beat the pretty boy idols of England back to their original form..."


I won't write much about this game, as the plot will reach its climax in the afternoon!

Thanks to Xiaoqi for the reward! And many brothers before!

After reading the comments in the book review area, I have to say that the brothers are a bunch of lewd people...

How dare you give birth when you haven't even got the marriage certificate?

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