Football Modifier

Chapter 623: The glory of dying [urgently seeking monthly tickets]

Maradona felt a little uneasy and regretful at this time.

Although he is only a half-qualified head coach, at this moment he has deeply understood that if he had accepted Li Tongbeom's 'semaphore' prompt and asked the players to slow down and retreat fifteen minutes ago, the German team would have been You can score goals, but you will never score three goals in a row!

"Now how to do?"

Li stopped the 'semaphore signal', then he must be angry... Maradona lowered his head and was silent for a while. Suddenly he felt someone tapping his shoulder gently. He turned around and found Li Bing, Caniggia and Lei Dondo and Kempes didn't know what came to his side.

"Diego, there are still forty-five minutes left, we still have a chance... However, as the interim head coach, you must do what Li has done many times before, first stabilize the morale of the players and ensure that the rest of the first half The team no longer concedes goals during the downtime!”

[Prince of Elegance] Redondo spoke out the thoughts of several other coaches, and Li Bing and Caniggia also encouraged Maradona with a smile.

Marshal Ma nodded.

He looked at the South Stand again, but still didn't find any red patterns. He sighed quietly, walked quickly to the sidelines, shouted loudly and made gestures asking the players to retreat and defend and stabilize their position... …

force! ! !

The referee blew the whistle to restart the game.

The Argentina team restarted the ball in the center circle. This was the third time in a short period of time that they had done this in this humiliating position. The players felt so ashamed that they wanted to cover their faces.

After the restart, the [Blue and White Army] chose to defend.

The German team's morale was greatly boosted after scoring three goals in a row. They immediately pressed hard and launched an indiscriminate bombardment at the goal guarded by Romero. It seemed that they wanted to suppress the feeling of being suppressed by the Argentine team before. Qu completely vented it!

They are now the victors and have the right to do so!

The game was played extremely fiercely, and there were exclamations from the stands, just like the tide in the Cape of Good Hope storm at high tide. The roaring sound was one after another, endless!

There was one minute left in the first half.

But this short minute, to Argentinian fans, is like a century of torture. Under the overwhelming roar of the [German Chariot], the goal of the [Blue and White Legion] seems to be at any time. There is a possibility of a fourth fall!

The air at Green Point Stadium in Cape Town has solidified!

"... Maradona made a gesture of tactical adjustment. At this time, he finally chose to return to defense, but it seems that his decision was a bit late... When leading, defense can bring victory, and when falling behind, At that time, defense can only bring humiliation and failure. What on earth was he thinking?" In the commentary box, [Golden Bomber] Klinsmann, who guest-starred as a temporary commentator, warned himself over and over again not to get carried away, but when he saw himself The team staged a miraculous reversal in just fifteen minutes. When he was explaining, he still couldn't help but proudly mocked Maradona.

Klinsmann's emotions represent those of all German fans.

The Germans in the North Stand of the Green Point Stadium are enjoying the happiness of scoring goals and taking the lead, especially when this lead comes by miracle when the German team was once 2:0 behind, which makes them almost ecstatic. The impassioned tune of "Deutsche Lied" resounded throughout the Cape Town harbor...

In contrast, the Argentinian fan camp is gloomy.

As the broadcast camera panned, countless Pampas fans held up their team's scarves or blue-and-white flags blankly, their eyes blank. On the seat closest to Li Tongfan, there was a shirtless bald man who was crying uncontrollably. Tears were streaming down his face. His eyes were like those of a pure little girl. He looked at Lao Li and begged: "Oh, Li, you must Find a way, you have to find a way, please... please, please!"

Not only was this bald man crying uncontrollably, but the more than 20,000 Argentinian fans in the South Stand had no intention of watching the game at this time. They turned their attention to the man sitting among them, although this guy's current identity was the same as theirs. The audience, however, the fans who have seen too many miracles created by Crazy Li, still hope in their hearts that this young man can create another miracle like he has done many times before...

What can Li Tongfan do?

"MLGBD!! This must be the result of that damn [luck value] 31. For Argentina, the nearly 100% success rate of the German team in attacking is a sign of bad luck... and Damn that guy Diego, what on earth is this fat guy thinking? The FM2010 system can’t work, damn it!”

Lao Li quickly thought about solutions to the problem in his mind.

The most important thing now is to resolve the pessimism of the fans, because even the 40 young and energetic little guys around him are looking at Lao Li in silence. ...We must let the fans, the 'twelfth man', cheer for the players and boost their morale!

This is a real life and death moment.

The thoughts in his brain were racing. Li Tongfan sent a smile to the bald man who was crying like a child. He suddenly jumped up from his seat like a madman, raised his arms and sang in a roaring tone: "The Earth" Hear the holy cry: Victory!…”

These are the first two lines of the Argentine national anthem "March of the Fatherland"...

I have to say that Lao Li's singing was terrible because he had never listened to this song properly before. He only remembered a little bit when he heard the fans in the stands singing it in the previous game. In fact, he just didn't do it. I could only sing these two lines, and I even sang the second line wrong!

However, Argentina fans don't mind!

This roar, which was completely out of tune and without any musical beauty, coupled with Li Tongfan's ferocious face due to exertion, made the surrounding Argentinian fans feel excited in the electric light. The roar was like bright lightning splitting through the sky. The dark clouds made them jump from their seats one by one to crazy, and 20,000 people roared together crazily, as if the tune that even they themselves could not hear clearly could drive away the fear and fear in their hearts about the strength of the competition. They become brave!

"...the new heroes are full of energy,"

"As majestic as a warrior god."

"Their hearts are full of pride, and their strides make the earth tremble."

"The Incas are rising from their graves,"

"Rekindled enthusiasm,"

“Encourage their sons and daughters to rebuild the great reputation of their past motherland!!”


This is a sacred and tragic moment.

One minute later.

force! ! !

Referee Howard Webber blew the whistle to end the first half.

The German players, with a one-goal lead in hand, were still thinking about lingering on the court for a moment, waving to the fans in the stands to express their gratitude, while the Argentinian players were eager to flee like Ethiopian refugees. Player tunnel...

The air on the court was suffocating. In the past minute, many of them couldn't help but look to the men's stand over and over again, to where the man was... Maradona seemed to have lost it. Gained the trust of the players!

Only when they walked through the South Stand, when the sacred, solemn, generous and tragic "March of the Motherland" was still going on - "...remember how the laurel was obtained and let it exist forever!! We live with brilliance and die with brilliance. "I want to die with glory"... Listening to this familiar tune, the players may slow down their running and escaping pace a little, look up, and all they can see are tragic and resolute faces, regardless of men, women, old or young...

Maradona lowered his head and walked towards the players' tunnel step by step.

"...Remember how you got the laurel crown, let it last forever!! We live with glory, and we must die with glory!!!!"

"March of the Motherland" is still loud and exciting.

But Maradona was about to cry.


Many German fans left their seats. Their team is now in the lead and has great momentum. They don't need to worry about anything, so the Germans in a good mood are happy to buy some snacks or go to the stairs outside. Let it go...

Most of the Argentinian fans still stood high in their seats and sang "March of the Motherland" with loud voices and tragic expressions, like a group of devout believers praying hard to God for a miracle!

What a contrasting scene!

Li Tongfan was also in the crowd. He had stopped singing long ago. Singing this difficult-to-spoken song in Spanish was really a torture for Lao Li. Most of the time, he was confused because he didn't know the lyrics at all. .

At this time, Li Tongfan turned his head and looked.

He found that the two 'gentlemen in suits' sent by FIFA to keep an eye on him were staring at him nervously, fearing that the magical lunatic Li would suddenly disappear into his seat with a puff of smoke and a 'BIU' sound. Their mission was to It is guaranteed that there will be no contact with the Argentine team within ninety minutes. If Crazy Li sneaks into the midfield locker room, they will be in big trouble!

Suddenly, Li Tongfan began to walk into the aisle.

The two 'gentlemen in suits' stood up like frightened kittens and followed closely. But the fans will not let them get their wish. When Lao Li passes by, the Argentine fans will quickly get out of the way. They hope that Crazy Li can find a way to sneak into the locker room and help the team turn the tide. For these two World Football Federation players 'Stooges', let alone pushing and shoving, as long as you don't hold them down and beat them into pig heads, it is already considered a gift!

Under the deliberate interference of the fans, when the two 'gentlemen in suits' squeezed out of the crowd and came to the aisle of the stands, they could only see the back of Crazy Li.

The two people were frightened and chased after them...

Fortunately, Crazy Li didn't walk very fast. They followed closely behind him and watched as Crazy Li entered the bathroom in the VIP area of ​​the stadium slowly. The two of them followed behind quietly, and then guarded the door of the bathroom. Every person who comes out will be stared at by 'Mr. Suit' for a long time to make sure it's not crazy Li Zhuang who ran out!

One minute...two minutes...three minutes...

Like Qin Qiong and Jingde, they waited for almost five minutes, but no madman Li came out. One of them, a burly bearded man, panicked: "It's been such a long time... God, did he sneak out?" Another expression said' Mr. Suit's expression also froze: "Oops!! Go in and take a look, but don't..."

The two men were sneaky and quietly 'entered the village' without shooting.

There weren't many people in the bathroom, and most of the bathroom stalls had their doors open, except for the one near the mouth, which had the door tightly closed. The bearded 'Mr. Suit' walked over in a few steps and was about to knock on the door and ask...


The door of the cubicle suddenly opened with lightning speed. Madman Li poked his head out and roared angrily: "SHIT!! What are you going to do? Ah? What are you going to do? What? What else?" Look at my genitals! FUCK! I’m going to file a complaint with you two voyeurs!”

The two people were shocked.

Caught off guard, Madman Li popped his head out and yelled at them angrily. They had no time to defend themselves. Their faces turned pale and they stumbled out of the bathroom as if they were running away. They ran all the way outside, breathing heavily with lingering fear. Madman Li had a "fierce reputation", and the two of them were just minor characters, so they were immediately frightened to death!

After experiencing this scene, the two of them never dared to go in again. They carefully guarded the door until the end of the intermission. Fortunately, no one entered or left the bathroom during this period, but there was another garbage collector pushing a garbage truck. They went in and out twice. Even so, the two of them looked carefully to confirm that the staff member was definitely not Crazy Li!

Argentina dressing room.

The players sat quietly on the bench, with white towels around their necks. Sweat dripped from everyone's hanging hair to the floor, like spring water!

The atmosphere is gloomy and terrifying!

At this time, Maradona had just walked into the locker room. He looked at the players whose morale was obviously low. He wanted to open his mouth to say something impassioned, but those familiar words turned around in his throat several times, and it was difficult to get out of his mouth. Come out!

God, I messed everything up!

Self-blame, guilt, regret, anger... these emotions appeared in Ma Dashuai's heart at the same time, mixing into an emotion that made him feel as if his heart was suffocating. This feeling was only encountered when he was fighting drug addiction in the past. Been there - even forcing a drug addiction was even more unbearable for Maradona!

His eyes swept over the players one by one and found that they had no intention of listening to him or making tactical arrangements. Maradona understood that the players missed that person even more at this moment - in fact, even Maradona I, at this time, why don't I expect that damn guy to suddenly appear here like falling from the sky, and then say with his signature thief smile, "Hey, don't be so fucking dejected, I have a good one." Do you want to listen to my idea?"...

However, everyone understands that this is impossible.

FIFA officials tightly wrapped around the guy who was needed most, and there was no way he could get here... Maradona sighed, he walked to the tactical board, picked up the command whip and gently I knocked on the tactical board and was about to explain the tactics for the second half...

at this time--

"Hey, don't be so damn discouraged. I have another great idea here. Do you want to listen to it..."

A familiar voice sounded at the most unlikely time.


Second update.

4448 words.

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There is a third update.

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