Football Modifier

Chapter 7: Mountains roaring and seas rising

(Legend has it that there is a group of readers who are between A and C. One day, they found an online article called "Football Modifier". After reading it in one breath, they recommended and collected it. The next day, a miracle happened: the lottery ticket they bought won 5 million, the girlfriend they had been in love with for many years finally agreed to marry, and the stingy boss actually gave them a raise and promotion...

Hey, what are you waiting for?)

Dividing line


The phone rang, and Ruben picked it up nonchalantly. After listening to a few words, he jumped up excitedly: "Okay, I got it. Don't worry, boss, there will be no problem this time!"

After hanging up the phone, Ruben hurriedly picked up his briefcase and camera as if he had taken Viagra, and went out to drive wildly in the surprised eyes of his colleagues...

On the other side, Ruben's alcoholic boss and "underground godfather" Nunez was sitting in his office, pouring a glass of rich 1982 Lafite, sniffing it gently, and showing an intoxicated smile: "Go, little guy, for your mother's sake, I hope you won't mess things up this time..."

In the corner of the desk, there was an invitation with the Real Madrid Club's team logo printed on it!


Ruben drove all the way, and finally arrived at the Real Madrid Club's press conference hall on time before three o'clock after running through three red lights!

There were already crowds of people here!

In the space of more than 100 square meters, all the well-known and unknown media workers gathered together and discussed loudly...

"Hey, man, is there any new news?"

"I heard that the club has confirmed the new head coach, it should be a press conference..."

"Wow, is it Capello? Or Schuster?..."

"I think it should be Hiddink. You know, only a tough head coach like Hiddink is worthy of leading a team like Real Madrid to victory" (It is estimated that the speaker is a Dutch Real Madrid fan!)

"Damn it, I think it should be Mourinho! The madman reigns in the Bernabeu..."

"You are mentally retarded, our handsome Jose will not leave the great Chelsea..." (Khan, the national curse came out, and the speaker seemed to be a fanatical Chinese Chelsea fan)


Reuben turned a blind eye to the crazy quarrels of his predecessors. Although he was a newcomer in this industry, he had seen this scene countless times. He quietly squeezed to the front, set up the camera, and waited for the press conference to start!

For some reason, Reuben had a strange feeling in his heart, always feeling that something amazing was about to happen.

At 15:00 on June 30, local time in Spain, the press conference officially began.

The noisy reporters saw the press officer of Real Madrid Club come in and knew that they were going to get to the point, so they immediately quieted down!

Sure enough, after the press officer said a few polite words on the stage, the club chairman Calderon, general manager Mijatovic and honorary chairman Di Stefano came out from the backstage first, and the last one was an Asian youth wearing sunglasses.

Ruben recognized at a glance that this Asian youth was the one he saw at the airport. An absurd thought suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart. Could it be...

Other reporters saw the few people who appeared, and after a little surprise, they also began to whisper...


"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for showing up here on time, although this is not the first time you have done this," Mijatovic spoke first. The former Real Madrid striker is now the general manager of the club. His shiny slicked-back hair sets off his high-spirited face: "Today I am honored to introduce the club's new head coach, Li the Chinese glutton. The glutton is the candidate unanimously agreed by the club's board of directors. He will lead the club to victory after victory in the next year..."

Before Mijatovic finished speaking, the reporters below were like rats in a nest, in a mess, and all the cameras were aimed at the young man in sunglasses sitting next to Calderon. Obviously, the glutton in Mijatovic's mouth was this guy...

"God..." The reporter from AS began to groan in pain, unable to believe what he heard.

"Is it April Fool's Day today? Have I drunk too much..." The bearded reporter of Daily Sports breathed out in disbelief, his mouth full of alcohol. Well, he was indeed a little drunk...

"Chinese? Not Capello, nor Hiddink? Who knows where this guy with sunglasses came from?"

"Allah, who can tell me who this guy called rice bucket is?" The speaker was an Arab bearded reporter.

The press conference hall was like a handful of salt sprinkled into a slightly heated oil pan, and it immediately boiled...

Of course, there were also people among the reporters who kept calm, such as Chinese reporter Fan Zuang and Marca intern Ruben, who held the camera and took pictures crazily, like soldiers holding submachine guns and shooting desperately...


Li Tongfan didn't understand what these reporters were saying. Seeing Calderon and Mijatovic's embarrassed faces, it was estimated that these guys didn't say anything good. So Lao Li put on an international dead face, neither sad nor happy, and didn't look sideways.

After the five-minute photo time was over, it was the turn of Real Madrid Honorary President Di Stefano and Lee Tong-Bum to show off the Real Madrid No. 1 jersey with the word "FANTONGLI" printed on it.

The old man pulled a long face, as if the people of the world collectively owed him 2.5 million bills, and handed the jersey in his hand to Li Tongfan. He didn't even say a polite word like "Come on, congratulations" or "young and promising", and turned around and left the press conference hall from the backstage.

The sharp-eyed reporter noticed this scene and quietly wrote it down. Obviously, there will be news about the disagreement among the top management of Real Madrid in the newspaper tomorrow...

Li Tongfan took the jersey very naturally, and was not surprised at the behavior of the old man Di Stefano.

Speaking of which, this legendary superstar of Real Madrid is the hardcore fan who really hopes that the club can reproduce the glory of the last century. Obviously, the old man can't understand why the club board hired a shitty guy to coach the team!

Li Tongfan respects this upright old man very much!

So, he is going to return Di Stefano with a record that will make other teams in the world collapse, in order to win the respect of the old man!

After showing the jersey, it finally entered the heavyweight part of the press conference: reporters' questions!

"Excuse me, who are you?"

The first person to ask the question was a reporter from World Sports. As a pro-Barcelona media, this middle-aged uncle had a mocking expression, gloating!

The ecstatic female translator Alex hesitated for a moment, but still translated the reporter's words to Li Tongfan.

I am your uncle!

Li Tongfan cursed in his heart, mocking me, be careful that I will imitate the awesome Chinese Football Association and ban you in the future!

But Lao Li is not stupid, so he naturally can't curse seriously. Because he was wearing large sunglasses, outsiders couldn't see his expression. Li Tongfan completely ignored the middle-aged uncle with bad intentions and directly signaled the next reporter to ask questions.

A beautiful blonde girl stood up and asked: "Can you introduce yourself?"

Fuck, what's the difference between this and the previous question?

Li Tongfan continued to ignore it with a frown. The little beauty's big watery eyes threw a white sanitary ball all over the floor, and sat back awkwardly.

The next few questions were not much different from this, and Li Tongfan ignored them all very toughly. The atmosphere on the scene was a bit awkward!

Fan Zuang, a famous reporter from Sohu and an old classmate, squeezed in the crowd and sweated for Lao Li. The "non-violent non-cooperation" attitude is most likely to anger the media. Fan Zuang is very clear about the consequences: if your coaching results are smooth, it's fine, but as long as there is a fluctuation, the media will definitely spare no effort to blacken you and belittle you until you fall into the eighteenth level of hell...

Ps: I am not very good at writing about the press conference. There are many procedures I don't understand. I hope that the knowledgeable people will not ridicule me!

Thank you for your enthusiastic support. I will spend some money on one chapter tonight and update one chapter for 3,000!

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