Football Modifier

Chapter 72 The Castilian Eagle that Can't Find the Sky

But unfortunately, Boyang brought disappointment to Lao Li instead of surprise!

Because the potential of the long-renowned "Little Prince of Catalonia" was only 166, even less famous than De-la-Red of Real Madrid's second team, Boyang became the only long-renowned little demon boy that Lao Li excluded from the black notebook!


What a pity for the handsome and attractive appearance of the little guy! Li Tongfan shamelessly sighed like this!

After recording all the noteworthy high-potential little demons, Lao Li patted the black notebook with satisfaction, and then carefully checked the ability values ​​of all the players of Real Madrid's first team, and he actually found a noteworthy player!

In the Real Madrid first team, there is one person whose ability value is beyond Li Tongfan's expectation - right back Cicinho.

Before this, because Cicinho is not handsome, not tall, and has a low-key personality, Lao Li did not pay much attention to this Brazilian right back. Cicinho's performance in training can only be regarded as mediocre, not very colorful, so he has never been able to catch Lao Li's "eye". Who knows that the value of the Brazilian in the scout tool really shocked Lao Li:

Current ability 170, potential 185!

This value is too gorgeous for a 26-year-old defender! It is better than the 170 and 180 of Ramos, the hammer that Li Tongfan has always relied on!

This is strange. It is said that having talent is like being pregnant. It will show up after a long time. Why did Lao Li not find Cicinho's talent after more than three months?

For the first time, Lao Li felt that he had not been a good head coach!

It seems that in addition to learning tactical knowledge from assistant coach Grede, Lao Li has still far to go in terms of communicating with players and identifying and employing people!

The road to becoming a head coach is long and arduous, and Lao Li still has to seek up and down!

The next day, after discussing with Grede to arrange the team's training, Li Tongfan came to the training ground of Real Madrid's second-tier team Castilla alone!

Castilla's head coach is a 39-year-old middle-aged man named Carlos Mentilla, who once played for La Liga teams Espanyol and Celta as a player, but Mentilla's playing experience is not brilliant. Instead, he has achieved success as a coach after retiring. He is quite famous in Spain. He just joined Real Madrid in June this year and became the head of Castilla!

As they are both newcomers in the "big family" of Real Madrid, and Carlos Mentilla is also the fourth assistant coach of the first team, he has known Li Tongfan for a long time, and the relationship between the two is pretty good!

Therefore, as soon as Li entered the training base, Mentia came up to him: "Li, do you remember the boys here? This is your first time to the youth training base!"

Li Tongfan was a little embarrassed. Although he, the head coach who has been called a "phenomenon" by major football media, has not lost a game so far, and has won the reputation of "daring to boldly use young players" because of his insistence on using young players such as Joel Luca and Modric, he actually invested almost no energy in the team's youth training!

Now that Carlos Mentia said this, the old face couldn't help but blush: "Ah, this, Carlos, you know, I'm very busy!"

Mentia didn't expose him, and gently patted Li Tongfan on the shoulder: "Li, the boys here are great, you should give them more opportunities!"

When saying this, Mentia was also a little helpless. Because the tradition of Real Madrid has always been just two words-superstar!

It's not that Castilla has not cultivated excellent players in recent years, but except for Casillas and Raul, none of them have been able to gain a foothold in the first team! The increasingly impetuous atmosphere of the club made Castilla's young eagles lost in the starlight. Soldado, Portillo and others in the second team were all famous for a while, but they were rarely called up by the first team, and finally had to leave Real Madrid to find their own sky!

On the contrary, the La Masia training camp of the mortal rival Barcelona has successively cultivated world-famous superstars such as Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, etc., which makes Castilla even more dwarfed!

But as a colleague, Mentia clearly knows how much pressure Li Tongfan has on him. Although he has been praised by the outside world for his excellent combat skills recently, in a team like Real Madrid, no matter how many wins you have, as long as the team's performance fluctuates slightly, the overwhelming criticism and accusations are enough to suffocate anyone!

What's more, Li Tongfan's situation is even more special. He entered the football giants at the age of less than 25. This was impossible in the past. I don't know how many people are eagerly waiting for Li Tongfan to make a mistake! Therefore, Mentia can understand Lao Li's approach. The superstar tradition formed since the Florentino era is not so easy to change!

Mentia thought Lao Li was just in a momentary mood and came to see the excitement. Unexpectedly, Li Tongfan looked carefully at the Castilla young eagles on the training ground and sighed seriously: "These little guys are the future of the team. Carlos, don't worry, I will give them enough opportunities as long as they can seize them!"

On the training ground, more than 30 players under the age of 18 are training under the leadership of the youth training coach! In order to facilitate Lao Li's observation, Mentia thoughtfully divided the little guys into two teams and prepared for an internal group confrontation!

"Hey, look, who is that?" A young player wearing the No. 14 uniform pointed at Li Tongfan standing on the sidelines and whispered to his companions! The little guy's name was printed on the back of his uniform: "De-la-Red".

"It's Mr. Glutton!" His companions began to exclaim: "It's Mr. Glutton, the head of the first team!"


All the little guys began to boil. They heard about Robinho and Raul's injuries yesterday. The purpose of the first team coach coming to Castilla today can be known with their toes!

The opportunity has come!

As long as he can be favored by the man standing on the sidelines and successfully promoted to the first team, then the lifelong dream of being a professional player can be realized!

Juan Mata is the most excited of all the little players!

He is 18 years old this year, only 1.7 meters tall, and not strong. If it weren't for his speed and skills that are much better than those of players of the same age, he would have been eliminated by Castilla long ago!

In 30 days, Mata will celebrate his 19th birthday. If he doesn't get the call of Real Madrid's first team before he turns 19, then the little guy will have to leave here! If he is lucky, he can get the recognition of other Spanish professional clubs and continue his career. If he is unlucky, he can only say goodbye to football and find a job as a bus driver or a postman to make a living!

Mata's family is not rich. The family urgently needs someone to stand up and share the pressure of life. His parents no longer have the financial ability to support him to continue his football dream!

Today may be the last chance to change his destiny!

Because so far, no other team has come to him to discuss transfer matters. For him, only by working hard to get the coach's appreciation and successfully promoted to Real Madrid's first team can he continue his football dream! Looking at the man standing on the sidelines, 18-year-old Juan Mata's eyes flashed with a hint of heat!


Thank you guys! Starting from the 22nd, at least 6,000 words per day!

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