After browsing the news on the computer for a while, Li Shiguang turned off the computer with a dull look.

I have to admire the imagination of the British media. In just one day, in their reports, except for Li Shiguang himself, the entire Leeds United team has been sold out.

Even Allen was reported to be invited to be the head coach by a championship club.

Isn't this bullshit!

Li Shiguang curled his lips and made himself a cup of tea.

He is ready to open the treasure chest!

The star template experience card opened in the gold treasure chest before made him make a quick buck through Howard. The talent realization card not only helped Leeds United to successfully advance to the Premier League and win the league championship, but also completely turned Leeds United's finances around in the next summer window. The master coaching skills opened later made Li Shiguang completely control Leeds United and won the support of players and fans.

So the platinum treasure chest after completing this task can be said to be what Li Shiguang has been looking forward to since the day he received the task.

Calling out the system and pulling to the task interface, according to the old rules, Li Shiguang rubbed his hands and clicked on the treasure chest.

With a dazzling flash of light, another card appeared in front of Li Shiguang.

The voice of the system also appeared in his mind at the right time.

[Congratulations to the host for winning the reward: Injury Recovery Card (applicable to any player), duration: 1 year]

Li Shiguang was delighted. Looking at the name of this card, he had a general understanding of its function.

After clicking on the card, the following explanation was not much different from what he imagined.

Injury Recovery Card: After use, if the target player is injured, the injury can be cured for 1 year. (Note: After the duration ends, the player will return to the previous injury state again, please use with caution!)

Looking at the explanation of the card, Li Shiguang found that he only guessed the first half.

At first, he thought that the function of this card was to make the injured player recover instantly and no longer suffer from injuries. But he didn't expect that after this duration, the player would return to the previous injury state.

In fact, no matter what sports, injuries have always been the biggest enemy of athletes, especially in high-intensity confrontation projects such as football. Many geniuses often die prematurely or have a short peak period due to the influence of injuries.

For example, "Golden Boy" Michael Owen and "Alien" Ronaldo, the top strikers who are currently playing for Real Madrid, have been devastated by injuries.

In Li Shiguang's view, these two are extremely great strikers, and they have suffered countless injuries in their careers.

Ronaldo is lucky, he has won the World Footballer of the Year three times and the European Golden Ball twice. In addition to the Champions League, he has won at least all the championships that can be won at the club level. He also won the 2002 World Cup with the Brazilian national team. Although he suffered from injuries, he at least won countless honors.

Owen, on the other hand, was at his peak when he debuted, but later he became a "glass man" due to various injuries and could not return to his peak. Later, he moved to many clubs until 2011, at the end of his career, when he won the only top league trophy in his career with Manchester United.

These two great strikers in world football also made countless fans sigh because of their injuries.

After reading the introduction of the card, Li Shiguang's previous thoughts changed a little.

In fact, Li Shiguang has always known that Leeds United's lineup is relatively weak.

The reason why Leeds United did not suffer large-scale injuries after he took over as head coach in the second half of the season.

The first reason is that he used black technology on several main players to maximize the attributes and status of these players who need to undertake most of the offensive tasks.

There is another reason that cannot be ignored. Blackwell gave up the FA Cup early, so Leeds United basically only has one Championship game a week to play, which makes their physical reserves relatively sufficient and greatly reduces the possibility of players getting injured.

But next season will be different.

First of all, the skill cards are seriously insufficient now. He still has a peak Drogba template experience card and a newly opened injury card in his hand. Moreover, Drogba's experience card only lasts for 3 months, and the system releases tasks randomly. He doesn't know when he can get a new card reward. To be honest, the cards in his hand are a bit stretched.

Then there is the player lineup. Li Shiguang plans to sign Adebayo's transfer contract with Arsenal as soon as the summer transfer window opens. After the money arrives, he will bring the players he has chosen back to Leeds United for training. With his master coaching skills, he should be able to improve the attributes of the new players before the start of the Premier League.

However, the intensity of the Premier League games is far from comparable to the English Championship. Although the current Premier League has not reached the saying of "there are no weak teams in the Premier League" in later generations, its confrontation intensity is also the highest in the world. In addition, Li Shiguang will definitely not give up the FA Cup next season.

The player's injury problem will definitely be a point that Li Shiguang needs to consider at that time.

And this injury card seems to only play a symptomatic treatment role. Although 1 year is a long time, once the use time is up, the player will always return to the injured state, and he doesn't know when the next injury card will be opened.

After thinking for a while, Li Shiguang's frown gradually relaxed.

He found that his thinking seemed to be a little narrow after becoming the head coach.

He is the head coach of Leeds United, but he is also the manager and the largest shareholder of Leeds United.

It is of course his dream to make Leeds United a legendary club and make himself a legendary coach who can leave a name in history, but this is a long process.

But building a black shop in football and making more money for himself is what he wants to do in a short time. To build a legendary club, it should be a necessary condition to have strong financial strength!

Once he figured out this problem, he felt that he had mastered the real use of this card.

The transfer transactions he handled before were either Howard's own poor performance, and after buying the template card, he used it to improve the attributes and make a quick money, or it was young players like Sneijder.

And this injury recovery card, he should probably use it on players who have reached their peak but are seriously injured!

First, buy a player who is in his prime but has a "glass man" attribute due to injury to Leeds United at a low price, let him return to the field in front of the surprised eyes of the football world, and then sell him before the card expires to earn a high difference!

After figuring it out, Li Shiguang began to frantically look for a target in his mind.

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