The second half was kicked off by Leeds United.

After a few ground passes, Modric passed the ball to Ribery on the left. After receiving the pass, Ribery also started to advance with the ball normally.

Because it was an offensive round, under the command of Li Shiguang, Leeds United also invested a lot of troops in Manchester United's half. At this time, the back line had already pressed near the center circle, and on the Manchester United side, Ferguson also signaled the players to defend man-to-man.

But perhaps because Ribery's condition in the first half was too bad, when he was advancing, Ronaldo, who was supposed to come back to help O'Shea with defense, did not approach Ribery, but stayed near the center circle, thinking that if his teammates intercepted the ball, he could immediately launch a quick counterattack.

As a winger and winger for many years, Ribery's defense is not his strong point, so he did not perform well in the first half with a heavier defensive task.

I thought he would be replaced during the halftime break, but Li Shiguang not only did not blame him, but let him continue to play in the second half, and even adjusted the lineup, which completely liberated him. This made Ribery walk out of the shadow of the mistake in the first half. At this time, facing O'Shea in front of him, Ribery felt very relaxed: "Hehe, when it comes to breakthroughs, I'm not afraid of anyone!"

In just two or three seconds, Ribery had advanced to a position only 10 meters away from the penalty area. O'Shea, who had been blocking his position on his right side and keeping a safe distance, looked up at the little man in front of him, and he was also calculating the timing of his kick.

This little man had been beaten by his teammates in the first half. Both of Manchester United's goals were caused by his mistakes. I don't know why he was still on the court in the second half, and it even seems that he was directly put on the offensive line. The young head coach on the opposite side should have a broken brain.

Ribery didn't know what O'Shea was thinking now, he was ready to break through.

He had been dribbling at a steady speed, but now he kicked the ball forward without warning, causing the distance between the ball and himself to increase slightly.

However, O'Shea, who had been closely watching Ribery's every move, noticed this subtle change almost at the same moment. He immediately realized that this might be a great opportunity to steal the ball! Without hesitation, O'Shea reacted quickly, adjusted his body's center of gravity, took a big step forward with his right foot, and stretched out his left leg, aiming directly at the rolling football - either to successfully steal it, or at least to destroy the ball out of the sideline.

At the moment of kicking, O'Shea was already thinking about whether he would pass the ball directly to Ronaldo in front or to Keane in the middle after stealing the ball.

But when his left foot was about to touch the ball, a white sneaker suddenly appeared in his sight.

It turned out that Ribery's seemingly careless dribbling was actually a well-designed trap, the purpose of which was to lure O'Shea into the trap.

At this moment, the white football shoe appeared in front of O'Shea like a ghost, as if mocking his carelessness and naivety. Faced with this sudden change, O'Shea was shocked, but his years of game experience allowed him to react quickly and try to change his movements to deal with this unexpected situation. .

But when he saw O'Shea's body center of gravity shift and prepare to pounce forward, Ribery himself also immediately changed his moves. His excellent explosive power was fully demonstrated at this moment. Before O'Shea touched the football, he poked the ball with his toes again, and then saw the football pass through O'Shea's crotch, and he himself immediately surpassed O'Shea.

"The ball and the player have passed! This is a beautiful breakthrough by Ribery. Now there is nothing in front of him, but Ferdinand on the right has come to fill in. Now it depends on whether Ribery chooses to cross the ball from the bottom or continue to break through Ferdinand's defense and cut inside to find an opportunity!" Seeing Ribery's beautiful breakthrough, Ere Gedi's commentary tone immediately rose.

Ferdinand reacted quickly. The moment Ribery broke through O'Shea, he immediately rushed over to fill in. Now there was only Leeds United's No. 9 in the penalty area. The other striker had been replaced. It should be enough for Sylvester to keep an eye on the No. 9.

Ribery carried the ball at high speed while observing Ferdinand's movements. He could see that the tall central defender of Manchester United was preparing to squeeze him to the bottom line and didn't want him to have a chance to cut inside.


In fact, this was exactly what he wanted. When Ferdinand was about 2 meters away from him, Ribery made another explosive run and dribbled the ball directly to the baseline, and he accelerated again and bypassed Ferdinand who was rushing to eat him from the left.

Ribery looked up at the penalty area again when he reached the baseline. At this time, Keane had returned to defend next to Falcao, and Scholes was defending next to Deisler at the top of the penalty area.

On the Manchester United side, Sylvester was rushing towards him, and the footsteps behind him were also reminding him that the two defenders he had just broken through were also running fast.

Just now, he thought of only making an inverted triangle pass at the baseline, but he didn't expect that the speed of Manchester United's defensive players to get into position was also quite fast. If he passed the ball to Deisler now, there is a high probability that this attack will be destroyed.

Just as he was hesitating, he suddenly saw a person in a white jersey waving for the ball from a distance on the other side of Manchester United's penalty area. Without thinking about who it was, Ribery immediately kicked the lower side of the football with the inside of his left foot, and the football flew to the other side of Manchester United's penalty area without a single spin.

And the person waiting there was Leeds United's right back, Maicon!

Because Manchester United adopted a man-to-man tactic in defense, at this time in the right half, Gary Neville was sticking to Milner who had already run into the penalty area, and Giggs was also entangled with Mascherano outside the penalty area, so Maicon was now completely unguarded.

Seeing Ribery pass the ball over, the skilled and bold Brazilian did not intend to stop the ball at all, but used his left foot as a supporting foot, stretched his body to the maximum extent, and in a standard volley shot posture, he fiercely kicked his right foot on the football.

Maicon's shot was not only powerful, but also very low. After flying out for almost 2 meters, the ball had changed from a volley to a ground cut. Therefore, Van der Sar, whose vision was blocked, did not react at all. He only knew that he had just been scored after hearing the sound of the ball hitting the net.

"Beautiful!!! Leeds United scored a goal just at the beginning of the second half!!! Maicon!! Maicon!! He scored a wonderful world wave!!! Of course, Ribery also completed his redemption, a beautiful breakthrough and assist!!! 2:1! Leeds United still has a chance!" At the moment when Maicon scored, Ere Gedi's passionate voice came out from the live broadcast channel again.

"Yeah!" Li Shiguang on the sidelines also waved his fist excitedly, and then he immediately calmed down and shouted to the players: "Don't celebrate, quickly take the ball back to the midfield to kick off, we still have a chance to win this game!"

Milner, who heard Li Shiguang's voice, also hurriedly called Falcao to take the ball still in the net out and run to the center circle.

Ferguson on the other side frowned slightly. In fact, when he saw Li Shiguang's midfield adjustment just now, he thought Li Shiguang had given up the game, but he didn't expect that Li Shiguang's position of the sluggish little man in the first half would stimulate his role. He had to admit that the shot just now was beautiful, but it all came from the breakthrough of the little man.

After thinking for a while, Ferguson called the assistant coach to his side.

He also wanted to make a substitution!

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