The best time to get a new player is coming.

Lin Jie is still looking forward to this wave of top player packages.

As long as he can get a significant improvement in his most scarce attribute, he will be able to help his team to a greater extent in the next two battles.

With a rather uneasy mood, Lin Jie also clicked the button to open the package.

He prayed in his heart, hoping that something good would come out this time!

With the top player package, the exclusive blue light flashed.

The goal symbolizing the player has been pushed open, and he walked forward with Lin Jie's sight.

The first thing that appeared in front of Lin Jie was the nationality!


When Lin Jie saw the nationality that appeared this time, he was also stunned.

After all, as one of the traditional giants, Italy has produced quite a lot of stars.

However, in Lin Jie's impression, most of the names that can be remembered are legendary stars!

Italian stars who are not as famous as legendary stars are obviously rare in Lin Jie's memory.

After all, in Lin Jie's impression, most of Italy's stars are top legendary stars such as Baggio, Piero, Maldini, and Nesta.

But in fact, if we talk about the best candidate who can be selected as a top card player in Lin Jie's impression, there is really one in Italy in these years!

That is "Ba God", who is called world-class below the neck and Husky above the neck, Mario Balotelli!

While Lin Jie was thinking, the opening animation on the system panel continued.

Then appeared in front of Lin Jie the position!

ST! Forward!

After seeing the position, Lin Jie already had a feeling that the most likely person to be drawn this time was this extremely abstract Italian genius star, Mario Balotelli.

As the animation continued, it was exactly what Lin Jie expected.

After the exclusive animation of the peak card flashed, the person who appeared in front of Lin Jie was "Balotelli", Mario Balotelli!

How to describe Balotelli?

Just quote a famous coach Mourinho, that is, he only needs to put in 50% of the effort to become one of the best players in the world!

Of course, there is a premise for this sentence, that is, the part below Mario Balotelli's neck.

Among many fans, Mario Balotelli's deeper impression is actually the abstract life he makes from time to time.

After all, he was able to set off fireworks in his own bath late at night before the Manchester derby in the 11/12 season.

As a result, his mansion worth 3 million caught fire, and the fire was finally extinguished after 10 firefighters arrived.

Then in the Manchester derby on the second day, Balotelli scored twice again, helping Manchester City to slaughter Manchester United 6:1 away!

Then in the 2012 European Cup, this was the beginning of Balotelli's going global.

In the match against Spain, Balotelli contributed the famous scene of "thinking about life" that became popular later.

When facing the goalkeeper with a single shot, his brain suddenly short-circuited and slowed down in the penalty area. Ramos who came behind him broke the ball under his feet and went out of the baseline.

But then in the semi-final against Germany, Balotelli seemed to be possessed by the king of football!

He completed a hat trick in the first half!

After completing the goal, Balotelli's domineering undressing celebration became a classic among the classics of the European Cup. !

It is such an extremely contradictory player. You have to admire him for perfectly confirming the words of the fans' evaluation of him, world-class below the neck, husky above the neck!

For this player, Lin Jie can only say it's a pity. If Balotelli's brain doesn't short-circuit frequently, he will definitely grow into a top star.

However, after all, there are golden boys in Europe, but there are only a handful of players who can grow into superstars. There are also many stars like Balotelli who shine like a meteor and then fall quickly.

This may also be a warning from the system to Lin Jie.

But then Lin Jie thought that after all, Balotelli's body below the neck is world-class!

And now he can get this ability!

Moreover, when Balotelli first debuted, the most outstanding thing was his excellent physical fitness, outstanding footwork, high shooting accuracy, and excellent body flexibility. He was known as a football genius that Italy has not seen in a century!

Any three of these four attributes will be a huge improvement for Lin Jie at present!


In terms of physical fitness, Lin Jie's improvement of strength has become his current obsession.

Of course, Balotelli's dribbling skills and fancy moves are also quite smooth. If he can draw Balotelli's fancy moves, Lin Jie will be quite satisfied.

In terms of flexibility, if he can get Balotelli's peak attributes, Lin Jie will also get a huge improvement.

After all, Lin Jie's attributes in agility and balance have not been improved much.

Originally, these two attributes were dispensable for the straightforward Lin Jie.

But now that Lin Jie has obtained Xiaosha Ge's dribbling, he wants to dribble more flexibly, and the symptoms of these two attributes dragging his feet have begun to appear.

In fact, the reason why Lin Jie's fancy moves were so abstract before was not only because Lin Jie had a low proficiency in fancy moves, but also because of the low two attributes.

After all, if these two attributes are low, then the movements will appear quite stiff.

And now there is an opportunity to directly improve significantly!

As for the rest of the shooting, Lin Jie's long-range shooting ability is still very strong at present, and the improvement that can be obtained is relatively not as strong as the other three attributes.

With an expectant mood, Lin Jie is also waiting for the system to give the final explanation, what attribute of Balotelli he has drawn this time!

[Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for drawing the peak player card: Mario Balotelli! ]

[Ding Dong, the three peak attributes of Mario Balotelli's peak card are: Strength! Agility! Final kick! ]

[Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining Mario Balotelli's peak power ability! ]

[Dribbling: 86-92! ]

[Overall rating: 81-82]

[Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Fighter! ]

[Fighter: When the host has a physical confrontation with other players, the host's strength will be greatly improved! 】

After seeing the peak attributes of Mario Balotelli drawn this time, Lin Jie also secretly waved his arms fiercely in his heart.

This time it was really lucky, and the strength attribute that Lin Jie wanted the most was drawn!

Although the improvement this time was lower than the dribbling attribute of Xiaosha brother drawn before.

Although I had a small advantage of the black and hard power of Buddha before, it was a little wasteful this time.

But for Lin Jie, it was already quite satisfactory!

What's more, there is also an accompanying skill [Fighter]!

Looking at the introduction of this skill, this is completely a skill for confrontation!

These are all greatly improved the strength that Lin Jie hoped to improve the most!

Lin Jie was also quite satisfied with this result!

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