The goalkeeper Kerber noticed Lin Jie behind Messi at the first time. His right hand pointed to Kerber's right side, which meant that Messi was hitting the left side of the goal! Kerber subconsciously moved a step towards his right hand. Then Messi's left foot also hit the ball hard! Sure enough! As expected by Lin Jie! This time, Messi really chose to hit the upper left corner of the goal! I don't know if it was because of the previous two free kicks that Messi had such a deep obsession with hitting the upper left corner of the goal. Moreover, these shots were due to the decline in physical fitness. He didn't kick with much force and the ball speed was not fast. For a goalkeeper of Kerber's level, as long as he judges the direction correctly, it is easy to save such a penalty.

Kerber held the flying football firmly and roared.

The fans of Xiaguo on the sidelines also cheered. Kerber kept the last hope of this game!

Paris Saint-Germain did not score with this penalty!

Dortmund still has hope of winning the championship!

After seeing Kerber save his penalty, Messi lost his strength and fell to the ground. He knew that his performance in this game was terrible!

The other players of Dortmund were very excited. They all rushed to Kerber and directly rubbed his originally handsome hairstyle into a bird's nest.

However, Lin Jie did not congratulate Kerber immediately because he clenched his fists tightly in place and made a celebration.

Kerber, who was ravaged, also held the ball with one hand and took the initiative to raise his thumbs up to Lin Jie. The two smiled at each other.

This scene was also recorded by the director!

In his video, Messi knelt on the ground, sandwiched between Lin Jie and Kerber, while Lin Jie and Kerber showed the brightest smile.

In the other corner of the picture, Mbappe also made a frowning expression, expressing his dissatisfaction with Messi's performance.

Another world-famous scene was born!

It's a pity that this game is not a game of the Champions League level, otherwise the value of this scene will be infinitely raised!

However, the ups and downs of this game are far beyond the general warm-up championship, and it is still worth collecting and commemorating.


"Beautiful! Beautiful! Kerber's save of this ball is simply too beautiful! Accurately predicted the direction of Messi's shot and completed a great save!"

Zhan Jun was also very excited, watching Kerber save this key penalty!

"Yes, Kerber saved this ball very well! But I don't know if you noticed that I found that Kerber looked at Lin Jie's gesture before saving this ball, and Lin Jie also made a gesture to the left. Is it possible that Lin Jie predicted it!"

"Besides, before Messi took the penalty kick, Lin Jie also walked to Kerber's side and whispered a few words. I guess he wanted Kerber to look in the direction of his finger!"

Although the ball was saved by Kerber, Coach Zhang was still keenly aware of Lin Jie's small movements.

"Yes, I also noticed Lin Jie's small movements. I think the possibility that Coach Zhang said is really very high!"

"Before, Mbappe also had several cases of fairy guidance, successfully helping the goalkeeper save the opponent's penalty kick."

"This time I think Lin Jie also has this ability. I believe that Lin Jie must have mastered some of Messi's small movements after defending Messi throughout the game, and predicted the direction of Messi's shot in advance!"

Sun Jihai affirmed Coach Zhang's opinion, and at the same time said it again with expectation.

"No matter what, this time Dortmund's crisis has been overcome! As long as Dortmund can get familiar with the referee's penalty standards again, I believe they still have hope of winning the game!"

"If they can win the game against all odds in this purely targeted game, then they can really blow the whistle for their entire career!"

The referee has already done this, and as a former professional player, Sun Jihai couldn't help but directly point out the referee's black whistle.

In Sun Jihai's opinion, the referee's shamelessness ends here at most. After all, there are still many people paying attention to this game, and at least he should take care of his face.

But the next situation obviously slapped Sun Jihai in the face.

As the actual controller of the stick, America's shamelessness

The shame was far beyond Sun Jihai's imagination.

In the 2002 World Cup, the Koreans were able to directly enter the semi-finals. Now, in this pre-season invitational competition, they can do whatever they want.


On the field, the referee on the side was also watching this scene, and he was speechless in his heart. Is this guy really the peerless pride?

Originally, he had given Messi a very sure free kick opportunity, but he didn't score.

It's okay, he found another opportunity and gave Messi a chance to kill the penalty kick.

I have helped to this extent, and you told me that it was a missed penalty!

This gave the referee a headache. He had received an order from his superiors to send Paris Saint-Germain.

As a result, Messi was not up to the mark!

Originally, he also took into account that his refereeing career had reached that level before, and he was already quite scared.

It's just because this is America!

It's his home court, so he doesn't have to worry about being chased and beaten by the fans.

Moreover, he believed that his superiors could help him solve the problem with the current scale of the penalty.

But if he continued to increase the intensity and targeted Dortmund again, it would be difficult to deal with it at that time.

It is very likely that his refereeing career will end early.

However, if he does not complete the tasks assigned by his superiors, his refereeing career will probably end here.

It is really a difficult choice!

While the referee was still struggling, the players on the field were in turmoil again!

Because the referee's scale of penalty against Paris Saint-Germain was relatively wide, the players of Paris Saint-Germain were more daring to act.

Just when Bellingham and Verratti were ready to compete for the second point, Verratti also used the monkey stealing peach that Messi had used on Lin Jie before!

But this time Bellingham was obviously not as smart as Lin Jie, and was directly emptied.

In an instant, Bellingham lost his ability to fight and lay on the grass.

At this time, the referee came over and signaled Bellingham not to dive.

This made Bellingham very angry.

He had played well before, but someone suddenly called a black whistle and gave away a penalty.

Fortunately, his teammates were strong and defended tenaciously, but now his weakness was attacked and no one cared, so Bellingham was furious.

The young and energetic man started to criticize the referee.

The referee, who was worried about how to continue to send Paris Saint-Germain, was also enlightened.

He directly showed a yellow card to Bellingham who was still criticizing!

In this way, Bellingham was sent off with two yellow cards and one red card!

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