In the 39th minute, they successfully made a defensive counterattack. Dresden's central defender Holmes Yaheng intercepted Donomie's short pass, and then a long pass went directly to Green Elma on the right. .

This opportunity is very good, because the red and white Erfurt's Frederick has just pressed a little forward, and the red and white Erfurt is a three-back formation, and now Green Elma is wide in front of him.

When will you not run now?

So Green Elma ran forward with the ball in his head. He was a player who was specially loaned by Dresden from Nuremberg. His excellent explosiveness and speed were an important part of Dresden's attack.

In a few breaths, he ran outside the restricted area.

And their striker Adam Fitzgerald has already run to meet up, and when it comes to Adam Fitzgerald, the striker is even more incredible, once Inter Milan's "magic substitute"


There is no irony in this, he has always been able to score important goals on key occasions since joining Inter Milan, including his brace to help Inter Milan beat Juventus 3-1 at the Alp Stadium, which was For the first time since 1993, Inter Milan have captured Juventus 100 away from home.

In the six years of playing with the Nerazzurri, Fitzgerald played a total of 195 games and scored 75 goals, of which 13 goals in European wars made Fitzgerald the No. 1 scorer in Inter Milan's European war history. Sixth, the same 13 goals in the Coppa Italia ranked fourth.

In addition, he also contributed to the Nerazzurri's four consecutive Serie A championships in the past few years, and in world football, such as Fitzgerald, who has long served as a substitute for the giants, has almost disappeared.

And his deeds are also commendable. When he was young, he was just a stadium manager, doing gardening work such as tidying the turf, but in a training game due to the number of problems, he was temporarily recruited into the team Make up the numbers.

This made up but let the head coach discover his talent, and step by step he finally entered the hall.

However, he couldn't help washing his age. At the age of 36, he left Inter Milan long ago. After serving as a substitute for the Serie A Lazio team for two more years, he has completely failed to keep up with the rhythm of the top league.

But he had no choice but to choose to retire in the small team of Dresden.

However, even in retirement, he is the brightest star in Dresden. Seventeen years of experience in the top leagues have given him a top-level awareness. The moment Green Elma received the ball, he was already in the red and white. Run in front of Erfurt's goal.

Not fast, but in place.

Green Elma finally encountered obstacles on the way forward. Egbert, who replaced Meredith, succeeded in chasing back. He squeezed into Green Elma's side to interfere with his attack.

Green Elma guarded the ball hard, he looked up, Adam Fitzgerald appeared in his field of vision, because he was not running, he passed the ball out with great difficulty.

Although the pass was a bit big, Adam Fitzgerald got the pass and avoided Eugenes' tackle with a light push forward when Eugenes came to block.

Eugenes should get rid of his habit of tackling, Sandy frowned and thinking off the field, he could understand the idea of ​​a defender trying to steal the ball, but it is very unwise to tackle a top player like Adam Fitzgerald. , not to mention that there is no one else behind Eugenes at the moment.

Adam Fitzgerald did not rush to shoot after dodging Eugenes, he continued to take the ball to the penalty area.

Is this trying to get over me?

Chang Sheng looked at the veteran in front of him. Although he didn't know Adam Fitzgerald's name, Chang Sheng could feel a kind of confidence from him.

Not like Philip's self-confidence that ignores everything, but a kind of indifferent self-confidence.

Chang Sheng lowered his weight cautiously and took a few steps forward, putting his legs together a second before Adam Fitzgerald's shot, as he saw the trajectory of the future midfoot (bcag) ball in his crotch Down.

He was just about to bend down to take the ball.

It's just that the trajectory of the football in the next moment has become the top of his head.

Adam Fitzgerald changed his mind about shooting in an instant!

Bad luck, Chang Sheng secretly said.

He mispredicted!

For the first time, Sandy's eyes widened as the football flew past Chang Sheng's forehead, slowly but surely over his head.

The entire Erfurt Stadium fell silent for a while.

Is the myth of Chang Sheng about to be busted?

No! Many fans can't bear to watch.

With a "bang", everyone was pulled back to reality, only to see Chang Sheng twisted his waist and made an upside-down golden hook action, and he kicked the football that had just reached the goal line.

Goal is invalid!

The gesture made by the referee made all the fans breathe a sigh of relief.

Adam Fitzgerald stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes. He had clearly deceived the goalkeeper. Why was he able to adjust his body in time? Could it be that this person from the Dragon Kingdom has no reflex arc?

This is simply not possible!

Chang Sheng broke out in a cold sweat. The striker in front of him changed his mind to shoot in such a short time.

At that time, Chang Sheng also thought he was going to score, but he was stubborn and still wanted to stop the goal. , a barb will be seen to fly into the goal to destroy the football.

Sandy rubbed the cold sweat on his head vigorously, he felt his back was soaked wet, he saw Chang Sheng misjudgment for the first time, but then Chang Sheng's barb made a big stone fall in his heart.

"God, what an imaginative goalkeeper!" Bob shouted excitedly. At that moment, he also thought that the myth of Chang Sheng was about to be broken, but he didn't expect Chang Sheng to make such an incredible move. .

Chang Sheng's first prediction was a mistake, but he once again declared his invincibility with his incomparable reflexes.

This can't bear Bob not being excited, the goal is only a few seconds from the goal to the end, but it is these seconds that Chang Sheng's performance is fantastic.

When everyone accepted the goal, Chang Sheng didn't, he made the impossible possible.

"Top Response!"

"Top action!"5

"Top Chang! Let's cheer for the red and white Erfurt Patronus!

"Wowowowowo!" This slow rock has become a must-have for Bob's live hosting. Bob will release it every time Chang Sheng's outstanding performance, but he has reduced the long prelude, leaving only the classic few. sentence.


The atmosphere at the Erfurt Stadium once again reached a climax.

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