Soon the first half was spent in the midst of mutual trials.

“The current score is 3:1, I thought that the two sides would compete with each other for endurance in this game, but it seems that both teams are good at fast attacking team systems, and the offensive and defensive switching between each other is also very fast, Dortmund currently occupies the active position, after all, they have three goals, if nothing else, they should focus on changing their defensive formation in the second half, and Bayern’s side will definitely have to carry out a strong attack to catch up!”

When Duan Xuan explained the tactics that the two teams might have arranged at halftime, the live director’s footage also cut to Dortmund’s rest area.

At this time, Ye Feng sat on the chair and gulped water, the continuous high-strength offensive and defensive conversion in the first half made his physical consumption very large, especially the three goals, Ye Feng almost ran most of the court with a 100-meter sprint, and then, without waiting for a few breaths, Bayern quickly organized a new round of attack.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Feng did not intend to participate in the discussion between the players and the coach about the second half, anyway, the main pressure now must fall on the back and three defenders and goalkeepers, holding three goals, but also made Ye Feng a lot easier in the second half.

At this time, assistant coach Coulson walked to Ye Feng’s side, patted him on the shoulder and said: “This ball is good.” ”

“That’s why you have such an idea, let me suddenly intersperse the other three people, you believe that the other party can’t stop me?”

“Don’t worry, I’m very intentional about you, otherwise I wouldn’t have deliberately let Kubaga practice a header to assist you, but this trick can’t be used more, after all, this tactic can only be executed when the opponent doesn’t have time to react, the two of you are almost completely out of the army to the front, Bayern’s defensive system is not vegetarian, if nothing else, the hairy Badstur should be replaced.”

Ye Feng nodded, and at this time he felt that his legs were trembling slightly, which was the sequel of a long and fast run.

Soon fifteen minutes of intermission passed.

As Coulson predicted, Ye Feng saw Bayern replace Badstul and replace the experienced Lyle.

Although Lyle is 30 years old and has a gap in speed with the current world’s top strikers, the opponent is experienced and will not have the same rash kick-breaking behavior as the eight-star Stuhl.

Moreover, the other party also guessed that Ye Feng’s physical exertion was huge at this time, and he would not launch another charge against Bayern’s midfield in a short period of time.

Polite. Bender came to Ye Feng’s side and briefly talked about the tactics arranged by Douglas just now.

After hearing this, Ye Feng also nodded slightly and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I can naturally do such an idle thing.” ”

Zhang Lu said in the studio: “Well, the second half of the game began, served by the Bayern midfielder, and now Alaba passed the ball to Ram, and Ram briefly read the game and began to advance with the ball. ”

Then Tao Wei began to add: “Bayern put Lahm in the right-back position this time, but the effect seems to be insignificant, so he returned to the midfield to master the rhythm of the game, this Bayern god is the needle, it seems that Bayern’s attacking system will play more efficiently. ”

At this time, Tao Wei very much wanted Bayern to score another goal, preferably this attack, because he really couldn’t wait to see the look of chagrin on Ye Feng’s face again.

And Duan Xuan was also sitting down at this time, and said: “Bayern’s side, put up a typical 433 lineup, for Bayern, a team that is good at using the midfield to attack, such a lineup is understandable, and Dortmund’s side uses 442, I originally thought that Dortmund would use 451 to consume a wave of Bayern’s physical strength in order to make their advantages even greater.” ”

However, as soon as Duan Xuan finished speaking, he noticed that Ye Feng and Kuba were placed in the front, and he immediately understood that in the last ten minutes of the first half, the exquisite cooperation between Ye Feng and Kuba let Bayern know that even if only two of the other party entered the 30-meter area, it would pose a huge threat to Bayern’s goal.

As the trio commented, Ram led two midfielders towards the opposing lineup with the ball.

Bayern’s four strikers pressed directly outside the penalty area, when Ram dribbled the ball past the midfield, and Svender stepped forward to try to intercept it.

And Ram did not entangle with him, raised his leg and passed the ball to the feet of Altentop on the right.

After Altentop received the ball, he looked up and saw Goetze rushing towards him, already three meters in front of him.

But Altentop clearly didn’t want to entangle with the other party.

As soon as he picks the ball with his left foot, he runs towards the bottom line on the right side with the ball.

At this time, Ye Feng is standing in the position near the midfield, as a striker who is currently installed in the front ready to counterattack, Ye Feng does not need to defend back, so he also has enough time to observe Bayern’s offensive intentions.

“Take the left side? No, the opponent’s right front standing outside the large restricted area, trying to run to the bottom corner is just a smoke bomb. ”

Ye Feng said to himself.

At this time, Zhang Lu, who was experienced in the studio, looked at the general situation of the whole game and said: “Bayern’s most impactful Alaba trying to run the bottom line is just an illusion, and now Ram and Robben are waiting for Altentop to pass the ball back at the top of the arc.” ”

Sure enough, after running more than ten meters with the ball, Altentop passed the ball to the top of Dortmund’s arc.

Goetze is an attacking midfielder in his own right, and he doesn’t have much to do defensively, so the opponent’s pass can also be accurately passed to the feet of Ram, who is already standing at the top of the arc.

After Ram received the ball, Sven. Bender came up and pressed, but Lahm received the ball without dribbling and passed it to Ribery.

As Ram received the ball, Alaba suddenly threw off Kirsch, who had been watching him, and rushed towards the box.

Goalkeeper Weidenfeller also frowned slightly when he saw this, because at this time, due to the full force of Bayern’s three defenders on the left line, Hummels himself had retreated to the edge of the box, and if at this time, the opponent passed the ball to Alaba, there was no possibility of offside.

Sure enough, after Ribery received the ball, after tangling with Piszczek, he passed the ball to Alaba with a hanging.

However, this pass was not strong enough, which made the flight time of the football much longer.

After Alaba received the ball, Kirsch and Hummels had rushed forward and back, trying to cut off the opponent’s ball, and then give it back to the midfield.

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