Normally, after a game, the coaching staff will take a good rest like the players and resume work the next day.

But Zidane called a meeting today, and the coaches thought there was a change in the lineup.

After hearing Zidane's explanation, they all pondered. This is indeed a big problem.

Li Chu was called back at the beginning to solve the problem of Real Madrid's weak midfield advancement ability.

But a team's offense cannot be completely handed over to one person, otherwise the weakness will be too obvious.

The assistant coach spoke.

"We specifically called Li Chu back from Villarreal before the winter break, wasn't it to strengthen Real Madrid's midfield advancement ability?"

"If we need to discuss Real Madrid's offense without Li Chu, wouldn't it be no different from before Li Chu came?"

"In short, isn't Li Chu here to do this?"

Zidane shook his head and explained.

"It's completely different. If we don't set up special defenses against Li Chu, or if we don't strangle Li Chu, then it doesn't matter. Real Madrid played very well when Li Chu organized the attack."

"But in today's game, Naples sent three people to entangle Li Chu and didn't give him any chance to organize the attack."

"If it weren't for Li Chu's personal ability, Real Madrid might still be behind in the first half! So we need to consider this!"

The assistant coach still didn't understand. In his eyes, Li Chu's strength should not be underestimated.

"As a world-class midfielder, I don't think he should be killed so easily. Any world-class midfielder should be the core of the team's offense to organize the offense. This is also our positioning of Li Chu!"

"No, no, no, Li Chu is fully capable of getting rid of defense in a one-on-one situation. It's a bit difficult when there are two people, but with Li Chu's strength, it's still not a big problem."

"But what about three people? In the entire history of football, which midfielder can pat his chest and say that he can still organize an attack in the face of three people's defense?"

Zidane stood up and looked at all the coaches seriously.

"We must consider this situation. If Simeone does this when facing Atletico, can we win a victory like we did today against Naples?"

"I'm afraid not?"

"So, we must consider this situation!"

"Of course, Li Chu's strangulation must mean that other places will form a short-term situation of more against fewer. This is what we need to discuss now!"

"When forming a local situation of more against fewer, other teams must also be able to form the ability to advance! In this way, Real Madrid's offense is truly impeccable!"

With Li Chu, just pass it to Li Chu without thinking.

But without Li Chu, Real Madrid must also make a decision.

All the coaches nodded and started to discuss.

Until late at night, the office of Real Madrid's coaching staff was still lit, and they were racing against time to formulate tactics for this.

This is probably one of the reasons why Real Madrid can become a giant.

In the next few days, Zidane has been leading the team to train in this regard.

Li Chu is not blindly not participating in the offense, but downplaying his position in the offense, as a participant, not a leader.

Plus, he can definitely give Modric some suggestions on how to move forward, which is enough for Modric to digest for a while.

Seeing that it was the eve of the next round of La Liga, Zidane decided to arrange a training match to test the waters.

"Team A! Normal Real Madrid starting lineup! 433 lineup!"

"Forward: Cristiano, Benzema, Bale."

"Defensive midfielder: Alonso, left midfielder: Di Maria, right midfielder: Modric."

"Defenders: Marcelo, Ramos, Pepe, Carvajal!"

"Goalkeeper: Casillas!"

"Play well! Don't tell me that we can't win because there is Li Chu on the other side!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and looked at Bale.

Bale used this sentence to excuse Team A from losing to Team B.

Bale scratched his head embarrassedly and prepared to play well later.

"Show me the tactics you've used these days!"

Zidane's stern eyes swept over all the members of Team A, signaling them to start playing.

Although it was just a training match, Zidane deliberately extended the time to 45 minutes to conduct a half-time drill.

However, this is also because the next opponent in La Liga is not strong. If it is strong, Zidane would not dare to play like this.

The refereeing of the game was handed over to the assistant coach, and Zidane had to observe and record on the sidelines.

Soon, the game started.

Ten minutes into the game, the ball was always in the hands of the assistant coach.Controlling Team A's foot, but rarely able to cross the half court, Li Chu's interception ability was once again fully demonstrated.

Zidane was furious watching from the sidelines, it turned out that all the training these days was in vain!

Team A still didn't know how to attack!

Although the field was not a situation of more than fewer, the strength of Team B was visible to the naked eye compared to Team A, which was enough to reflect some problems.

However, in the eleventh minute, Team A created a very good opportunity.

Marcelo broke through Team B's right midfielder with his personal ability and moved forward.

However, Team B's right back immediately came up to press and prevent Marcelo from moving further.

At the same time, the midfielder who had just been passed was also struggling to chase back, and the two formed a pinching trend.

If Marcelo chose to continue to break through at this time, the risk would be very high.

And Ronaldo ran to the right front of Marcelo and successfully received the football.

Marcelo, who was overworked, continued to run forward without the ball, looking for a good receiving position.

Ronaldo took two steps to the right, and suddenly pushed his right foot to Marcelo in front of him on the left!

Marcelo was just in front of the penalty area, which was an excellent position for passing.

The defender of Team B who was responsible for marking had no time to block the passing route, so naturally he gave Marcelo a lot of space.

Marcelo was not polite, and immediately swung his right leg and passed it into the penalty area.

After passing it to Marcelo, Ronaldo also ran into the penalty area, ready to fight for a header at any time!

The football drew a beautiful arc in the air and landed accurately on Benzema's head in front.

Benzema shook his head lightly and ferryed the football to Ronaldo's position.

Ronaldo adjusted himself, faced the half-high ball flying over, and shot directly!

The power of this ball was perfect, and the angle was even tricky.


The football made a sharp sound of breaking through the air and flew directly into the goal!

A very beautiful shot!

Although it was just a training match, Benzema, Ronaldo and Marcelo still high-fived to celebrate. The tactics they had practiced for so long finally worked out!

On the sidelines, Zidane showed a long-lost smile.

These guys are pretty good!

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