Because in the last game, coach Zidane made a rotation, and Li Chu didn't get a chance to play. Although he was eager to play, he didn't dare to contradict the coach at will.

So Li Chu was holding back in this game, and he wanted to get these precious 5 points, so that he could draw powerful skills. Who cares if it's Chelsea or Mourinho, who cares.

On the day of the Champions League game, Li Chu came to the stadium from the dormitory early. He originally planned to go directly to the locker room to change clothes and go to the stadium to warm up, but he saw a group of black-haired and white-skinned Asians among the waiting fans.

When these people saw Li Chu, they raised the small national flags in their hands and shouted: "Li Chu, the fans of the whole country support you!"

Li Chu was happy when he heard it. He didn't expect that there were fans from Yan Country coming to the Bernabeu to support him, so he walked over to sign autographs for everyone, and of course he took photos with everyone.

Li Chu's handwriting is average. He became famous too quickly and didn't have time to practice, but it is more difficult for others to imitate it if it is written like this.

As Li Chu was writing, he suddenly saw a five-star red flag in front of him and quickly put away his pen.

"You can't do that. You can sign anywhere, but you can't write on the national flag, understand? And the small national flags in your hands, remember to take them away after the game, don't throw them on the court and let others step on them."

The girl holding the national flag stuck out her tongue and quickly corrected her mistake. When Li Chu walked away, she said to her bestie: "Wow, he's so fierce, but so cool! He looks even more handsome up close!"

"Tsk, he's not fierce, he's telling you the truth. The domestic media always say that these players are big words. Why do I think Li Chu is polite and polite? He even understands these things. He's not that old..."

The reporter from Yan country next to him also held a recorder and faithfully recorded what he just saw. It turns out that not all the players in our country are those with big gold chains and small barbecues.

Li Chu changed his clothes in the locker room and went to the stadium to warm up. James Rodriguez, who will start today, said to Li Chu: "Chelsea changed a goalkeeper today. I heard he is very powerful."

Li Chu took a look and saw that the goalkeeper on the Chelsea side was a tall young man who looked a little silly.

Li Chu took a look and felt that he looked familiar, as if he had seen him on the streets of Madrid before. At that time, the goalkeeper seemed to be with a beautiful woman.

"Who cares? Even Buffon would lose the ball. How good can he be? Unless he is not from Earth."

"Ha, you are so optimistic! By the way, Anna wants your autographed photo. When can you arrange it?"

Anna is James Rodriguez's sister. Li Chu certainly won't refuse his teammates, so he said: "That's anytime, anywhere."

"Then come to my house during the rest week. Let's have a barbecue in the backyard together."


Li Chu hesitated when he heard this.

Although it is quite pleasant to get along with James Rodriguez at ordinary times. James Rodriguez has a kind of passion and unrestrainedness that is unique to South Americans, and with his sunny and handsome smile, it is difficult for people to refuse him.

But Li Chu didn't want to eat at all, what barbecue.

If he wanted to eat, he would wait until he retired to eat enough. Now Li Chu just wanted to challenge one crown after another and challenge one record after another.

Those who have cheats will be blamed if they don't cherish them.

"Come on, Marcelo and Hernandez are here too."

"Let's talk about it later, I'm not used to eating barbecue..."

As he was talking, a ball suddenly flew over. Li Chu was talking to James Rodriguez, and he didn't have eyes behind his head.

The ball hit Li Chu's head hard.

You know, on the football field, some people with hard feet will feel uncomfortable if a ball hits them, let alone hitting them on the head? Li Chu fell to the ground in an instant.

James Rodriguez looked and saw Diego Costa not far away. There was no need to ask, this ball was kicked by the beautiful face.

"What do you mean?"

Diego Costa spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"My footwork is not good enough."

He walked over casually and patted Li Chu who was lying on the ground.

"Sorry, brother. Don't lie down. The game hasn't started yet!"

Seeing that there seemed to be a conflict here, Coentrao, Ronaldo and others rushed over at the first time.

Although Diego Costa has always been innocent, he has played football in Spain for a long time. Especially for Real Madrid's city rival Atletico Madrid.

His style of play is dirty.

Even if Diego Costa didn't do it on purpose, everyone present thought he did it on purpose.

Coentrao just pushed Diego Costa and he lay on the ground as if he had been shot.

"What? You want to bully me?Really?"

At this time, Li Chu touched the back of his head and slowly stood up from the grass.

C Ronaldo and others surrounded Li Chu and asked with concern.

"How is it? If there is any problem, we will never let that guy go."

Although Li Chu was a little dizzy, he quickly analyzed the current situation. Even if Diego Costa kicked the ball deliberately, if he insisted that he kicked it wrong, you couldn't hold him accountable.

But now if there is a conflict, if someone on the Real Madrid side takes action, then it is estimated that someone will be punished and can't play.

"I'm fine now. If there is anything, we will see the truth on the court. Don't have a conflict and don't give people with ulterior motives a chance to make trouble."

"It's good that you're fine. "

C Ronaldo and others said a few harsh words to Diego Costa, and the storm was temporarily calmed down.

Mourinho, who had been watching from the sidelines, saw that there was no conflict as he expected, and he couldn't help but think about it, and the focus of his eyes was on Li Chu.

"This kid really doesn't look like a young man. ”

After the warm-up, Li Chu and his teammates returned to the locker room, changed into their uniforms and returned to the court.

Compared with the last game, both sides had considerable personnel adjustments.

Casillas did not serve as the goalkeeper in this game, but was replaced by Navas on the bench.

Zidane knew that Mourinho was best at fast defensive counterattacks, and only needed a few accurate passes to hit the ball directly from the backcourt to his own penalty area.

And the eye of this Chelsea team is Fabregas, who just joined Chelsea from Barcelona. This is a very creative player.

At the same time, Oscar, the Brazilian international on the left, is also very creative. They all have the ability to pass the ball directly through the Real Madrid defense.

So Zidane had to replace Navas, who has better goal line skills, more decisive attacks, and faster reactions.

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